High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 360 The Buddhist Temple in All Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 360 The Buddhist Temple in All Heavens and Worlds
Chen Feng's figure flashed out from another direction in the world.

He couldn't care less about what Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao were thinking at this time.

Anyway, this isn't the first time I've done this.

Originally, he planned to risk his life to send Master Lingbao back to Taiyi Ji.

But his current situation doesn't allow it.

He frowned and looked into the distance, only to see the void shaking.

Two other figures appeared.

But he is not the one who is chasing him.

But his past and future bodies.

"The price is finally within the acceptable range."

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. At this time, his past and future bodies looked a bit miserable in comparison.

In order to be able to escape, he indeed paid a high price.

But in the end, it was a small profit in exchange for the head of Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

Anyway, he definitely deserves it.

Integrating his past body and future body into himself, even though his chest hurt terribly at this moment, he still couldn't help laughing.

Originally, his plan was to fight Guangchengzi's future body at all costs, so that he could behead Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

But now, everything is saved.

And after this thing is successful, his gains will be huge.

Because Lord Qingxu Daode was sent back to Taiyiji, Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao were greatly shocked, and they stopped pursuing for a while.

So more time is created.

This was real, and Chen Feng suddenly felt much less stressed.

Moreover, he lowered his head and glanced at the light in his hand, and couldn't help but deepen the upward curve of the corners of his mouth.

While on the run, he finally came close to his destination.

At this time, he stared at the world in the distance, raised his hand, and the ray of light in his hand echoed one of the worlds.

Then, everything in his sight seemed to turn golden.

Vaguely, there seemed to be Sanskrit sounds rising, and a golden statue stood in the void.

Then Chen Feng no longer hesitated, clenched the ray of light in his hand, and instantly moved towards the world that manifested the vision of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the two figures that had been chasing him in the direction stopped immediately.

Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao finally recovered from the news of the "death" of True Monarch Qingxu Daode, but now they looked gloomy again.

The former even used a venting kick that shattered the stars that were countless billions of miles away around him.

The reason is that in his thoughts of Daluo, he suddenly lost the target of Chen Feng.

If he is like this, Master Lingbao will have nothing to do.

The two Chanjiao Daluo looked at each other and both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

It really happened that there was a leak in the house and it rained all night. They had just lost a big Luo, and now they had lost track of their target.

If they go back and Yuanshi Tianzun blames them, how will they bear it?

In the end, Guangchengzi was cruel.

"Junior Brother Lingbao, there is no room for change in this matter. Before we kill Chen Feng, we can't even think about returning to the wilderness!",

The latter nodded blankly.

Anyway, now they can only make up for their mistakes. If they complete the task, they can take care of Chen Feng.

Yuanshi Tianzun, they at least have an excuse to return to the prehistoric times.

But if you go back empty-handed.

Then the result can be imagined, he must face the thunderous wrath of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The whole prehistoric period knew that Yuqing was the one who loved face the most in Sanqing.


In a certain big world.

This is when the sun is shining brightly and the scenery is picturesque.


This is the cry of birds. "rustle."

This is the wind-blown forest.

The sound of gurgling water came from the forest, and a small stream flowed into the distance.

At this time, I saw a ruined temple standing outside the forest path.

The temple was in dilapidated condition, as if it had been struck by lightning. There was scorched earth everywhere, with broken beams and broken walls all over it.

To be precise, this is a Buddhist temple.

The reason why he could still recognize it was that although the temple was in ruins, the stone statue enshrined in it could still be seen as the shadow of Buddha.

A Buddha is enshrined in the temple.

The Buddha statue holds the Buddha seal, with one finger pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the earth.

It is none other than the Buddha of Buddhism, Sakyamuni.

Of course, this place is not the prehistoric one, but the person worshiped in this temple is the one from the real prehistoric era.

Buddhism has always been very good at promoting Buddhism.

Throughout the universe, there are countless Buddhist disciples.

It surpasses any force in the prehistoric times.

And this is also the reason why there is no Pangu-level Daluo in Buddhism, but his overall status in the ancient world is still respected.

Of course, in fact, this kind of thing is still a matter of interest.

Although the big Luo people only focus on the benefits in the prehistoric times.

But it is impossible to ignore the countless creatures in the entire universe.

After all, if the inheritance does not flow out, the entire world may be filled with educated people without distinction.

It is difficult to be famous, and then the entire world will be relatively lifeless.

That is definitely not what anyone wants to see.

But the great Luo people in the ancient times put their interests first and would not care about these things, even if it didn't take much effort for them.

But Da Luo is Da Luo, and naturally they won't do anything they don't want to do.

The thoughts of those Da Luo traveling in all the heavens and worlds are actually the same as those of Da Luo in the prehistoric times.

The difference between them is nothing more than the difference between playing online games and stand-alone games.

Unless someone in the big world has something to do with them, even if it is just a little bit related, they will occasionally take action to change something.

But this probability is very low.

Therefore, for the Daluo people, all living beings in the universe have a problem of enlightenment.

Of course, this is mainly a job arranged by Daozu.

Others and other forces were unwilling to do it, but at this time Buddhism took the initiative to take over this "hard job".

As a result, the Buddhas of Buddhism preached Buddhism in all the heavens and worlds and taught and transformed living beings.

This can be regarded as working for the Taoist ancestors. The status of Buddhism in the prehistoric era has naturally increased.

So in the end, many Daluo regretted why they didn't take the job, but it was already too late.

Although some people later couldn't help but try to get in, but Buddhism was the first, and the Buddhas still took the lead.

The only thing that can compete with Buddhism in this preaching of doctrines is Taoism represented by the Three Purities.

After all, he is a member of the Sanqing family. If he really interferes, Buddhism will naturally give him some face.

Of course, this is not all the status of Buddhism.

This has to mention Sakyamuni Tathagata, whose strength cannot be underestimated.

It is the strongest among Panjue-level Daluo, and it is also the only one.

To put it bluntly, this Tathagata Buddha already has the strength to achieve Pangu, and now he only needs to plan.

At this time, there is obviously a shadow of Buddhism in this big world.

It just doesn't seem that grand yet.

Da da da.

Footsteps were heard on the forest path, and a figure walked slowly toward the dilapidated Buddhist temple.

(End of this chapter)

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