High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 361 Shoes are torn and hat is torn

Chapter 361 Shoes are torn and hat is torn

The spiritual energy in the forest is floating.

It seems to be because it is close to the Buddhist temple.

There is a thin layer of golden mist echoing in the forest.

At this time, a woman was walking on the forest path.

She was wearing a white dress, her hair was pulled up high, and although her face wasn't stunning, it was still pretty good.

At this time, the woman was holding a light paper umbrella and was heading straight to the temple along the forest path.

His temperament is calm and elegant, and he obviously comes from a wealthy family.

But for some reason, the woman was not accompanied by any servants.

The Buddhist temple stands next to the forest path and does not go deep into the forest.

The woman took a few quick steps and arrived directly in front of the Buddhist temple.

She raised her head and glanced around the Buddha, frowning slightly, as if she couldn't bear it in her eyes.

"Why did such a change happen in the important place of Buddhism?"

In her memory, this Buddhist temple was originally magnificent, and there was an endless stream of people coming to worship the Buddha from the surrounding villages and towns thousands of miles away.

This is because the incense is strong.

But now, the Buddhist temple is in dilapidated condition. Except for the big Buddha in the center of the hall, it has no dignity at all.

The woman is obviously a believer in Buddhism, even though the Buddhist temple is now dilapidated.

She still stepped on the scorched earth and walked up the steps that were now covered with moss.

He nimbly walked around the broken beams and walls that had fallen from the roof, blocking his way, and came to the Buddha statue.

The woman looked down for a while, then squatted down, ignoring the dust and ashes, and started sweeping with her hands in front of the Buddha statue.

After a while, a burned and blackened futon appeared.

Regardless of wiping her hands, the woman smiled happily, and then she knelt on the futon.

He looked up at the statue of Sakyamuni Buddha.

The Buddhist temple seemed to have experienced a fire, even the Buddha statues were a little charred, which was obviously caused by the thick smoke at that time.

But this does not affect the piety in the woman's eyes at this time.

She began to kowtow.

"Your Majesty, Lord Buddha, there has been a severe drought in the world recently and the people are in dire straits. I hope that Lord Buddha will be merciful and bless the people in peace."

One kowtow, two kowtows, three kowtows.

The woman became more pious and did not get up even after kowtowing three times.

She clasped her hands together again and muttered softly: "In the name of the Buddha, if the people can survive this drought safely, this little girl will definitely do everything she can to repair this temple and recast the golden body of the Buddha."

After saying that, he kowtowed three times again.

As expected, he is a person who believes in Buddhism and has compassion for the world.

And she was born into a wealthy family, but she did not build a Buddhist temple at this time, which shows her bodhisattva heart.

It seems that all her money is now used to relieve the victims.

And just as the woman said, this world is suffering from a severe drought, and its name is in vain.

This is obviously an ordinary person who cannot exist in the ordinary world, and no cultivators appear.

Everyone is mortal, but the difference is only between poverty and wealth. Of course, there is also a struggle for power.

However, the current dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles and is unable to calm the people at all.

After the severe drought, God knows how many people have died.

There was even a scene of Yi Zi eating each other. The woman couldn't bear to lose her reputation and invested in disaster relief.

But how could she save the world by herself?

It's just that she usually believes in Buddhism, but now she takes a break from her busy schedule to come to visit and pray for blessings.

Speaking of this, I have to say that the methods used by Buddhism to promote Buddhism are very clever.

Generally speaking, in this situation, someone from the Buddhas in the wilderness will definitely come forward.

I sent a Taiyi Golden Immortal to cast some small spells, and it was easy to cast clouds and rain.

When the Buddha's golden light appears in this world, Buddhists will not be happy about it.

Of course, after all, Buddhism is in charge of these things in the heavens and the world.

The true meaning of Buddhism is nothing more than compassion. In all natural and man-made disasters, the Buddha will basically come forward.Naturally, the woman did not know this, but she dedicated herself to the Buddha. After kowtowing three more times, she raised her head and looked at the Buddha statue expectantly.

It seems that some changes should be seen from it.

But after a long time, she was disappointed.

The Buddha statue is still the same Buddha statue. Not to mention any strange phenomena, the dust on it still has not dispersed at all.

She sighed and stood up.

"Is this severe drought a punishment from the Buddha? To punish the common people who have no compassion and only know how to fight for power..."

Although she does not believe in Buddhism, in this world, the promotion of Buddhism seems to have just begun.

Otherwise, regardless of the severe drought, Buddhist believers would not let a place like a Buddhist temple end up in such a situation.

The woman can only think that this is the Buddha's punishment for this world, and it is a disaster that belongs to the creatures of this world.

Buddhism pays more attention to this.

To sum up, it is the theory of dependent origination, Dharma seal, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Twelve Causes and Conditions, Cause and Effect, Three Realms and Six Paths, 37 Paths, and Nirvana.

Let’s not mention anything else, let’s talk about the cause and effect.

That is, doing good will be rewarded with good, and doing evil will be rewarded with evil.

If you do the right thing, you will be rewarded.

If you do something wrong, you will naturally be punished.

It is a very realistic teaching, with one hand holding sweet dates and the other hand hammering.

The balance between good and evil is very stable.

"If this is a disaster caused by the Buddha, this little girl can only do her meager part."

The woman sighed, then turned and left.

When his figure disappeared at the end of the forest path, he saw a figure flashing out from behind the Buddha statue.

How can I put it, this figure is quite individual.

This is a Buddhist monk, but there is no gradient. Instead, he wears a broken hat.

The word "Buddha" is scrawled in the middle of the brim of the hat.

The monk's hat was not only torn, but his cassock was also torn.

There is a large string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck. Compared with his clothes, these beads are very bright.

But no matter how you look at it, there's something wrong with the light on the beads, it's oily.

It feels like someone ate roast chicken and then rubbed a few beads on it.

Shiny and shiny.

This appearance alone is actually far different from a regular Buddhist monk.

Because there is no guarantee that the oily shine on the beads was put on by the monk himself.

Not only that, this monk also had a very strong smell of alcohol all over his body.

Looking at his waist, he saw a wine gourd hanging on it.

This is actually a fair-weather monk.

If he were seen by the Buddhist woman from before, he would probably jump up and fight her.

The monk picked up a broken fan from somewhere and pretended to shake it.

Then he took out a roast chicken from somewhere and started to eat it.

Of course, he also picked up the wine bottle and poured it into his mouth several times.

That's called a chic.

After eating and drinking enough, the meat-and-wine monk looked at the direction the woman was leaving and sang softly.

Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but the Buddha's heart remains;
If the world learns from me, it is like entering the way of demons.

Once upon a time, kudzu vines were born, and fishing for the moon made the water cold.

Now grab a trap and fly into the gate of Penglai Mountain.

The Buddha's voice was sung, but it was slightly solemn.

The fair-weather monk laughs again.

"It's rare, it's rare, it's rare that you believe in Buddhism."

(End of this chapter)

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