High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 36 After today, I will be Emperor Jun!

Chapter 36 After today, I will be Emperor Jun!
Di Jun opened his eyes.

He touched his heart in disbelief and asked doubtfully: "Am I not dead?"

He clearly remembered the scene when that hateful little man stabbed his heart with a dagger.

He could still feel the pain even now.

The cause of the whole thing is actually very simple. He is an ignorant gangster who relied on his family connections and some money to get a place as an art student in a third-rate art academy.

About a month ago, he lost his wallet while riding the bus.

He was so angry that he grabbed a little man wearing glasses next to him to vent his anger, insisting that he had stolen it.

The young man wearing glasses was a freshman. He had obviously never seen such a situation before. He panicked and would deny it.

But he identified the other person and insisted that only the student with glasses was closest to him at the time, and it couldn't be anyone else. He also forced the other person's ID card, student ID card and other items to prove his identity.

Apart from denying the incident, the student with glasses had no way to effectively defend himself. In addition, there were no surveillance cameras on the bus, making it even more difficult for him to defend himself.

So Di Jun called the police and insisted that the other party was a thief.

But there was no substantial evidence, and there was no result after all the fuss, and no case was even filed.

But he was not reconciled. Before, he forced the other party to hand over his ID card and student ID card, and learned the other party's name and school information.

After returning home, he mobilized his connections and bribed the trolls to slander the other party as a thief.

This incident made a big fuss, and the student with glasses was accused by many parties, but he was unable to prove his innocence. The incident even caused such a big fuss that it affected his studies.

In order to save face, the school expelled him. When he returned home, the incident was not over yet. The neighbors knew about it and secretly criticized him. Even his parents were affected.

They were offended by what they said, saying that they had taught a thief.

The spectacled student suffered this kind of life for a month and finally collapsed.

But a month later, things suddenly took a turn for the better.

The police found him and said they had caught a pickpocket nearby who often committed crimes on the bus, and found Di Jun's wallet at the other party's house.

The truth came out and he was proven innocent.

But it was too late. His life had been ruined. The school had expelled him and prohibited him from returning.

But the group of people on the Internet who had violently raped him had long forgotten the incident, and only a few people noticed the innocence certificate he sent himself.

As for the initiator, Di Jun, he was not even willing to apologize after learning the truth.

In his mind, this was just a trivial matter.

Just like that, I met the glasses student again on the way home one day.

The other party said nothing, quickly approached him, then took out a dagger and stabbed him in the heart.


His memory was so clear that it couldn't have been a dream.

He looked towards his heart again, but was stunned.

In his eyes, he was actually wearing a golden and luxurious robe, a style he had never seen before, full of solemnity and holiness.

He touched it and found it warm. He didn't know what the material was, but it was extremely delicate.

At the same time, he thought of something and quickly looked around.Only then did he realize that he was sitting cross-legged on a futon at an altar, surrounded by dense air. He took a breath and felt that the air was sweet and his body felt a little lighter.

In addition, this should be a quiet room, but it is not dark. It is full of splendor and splendor. All kinds of rare treasures that he has never thought of are dotted in the quiet room, and each one exudes powerful power.

"Time traveled?" Di Jun was shocked, but he had already accepted the answer in his heart.

This is the only reasonable explanation.

At the same time, he felt a little secretly happy in his heart. He was indeed the son of destiny and could travel through time even if he was stabbed to death.

He accomplished nothing in his previous life, just to pave the way for him to show off his talents after time travel.

This is a standard waste material flow, so classic.

He was suddenly filled with high spirits and couldn't stop the smile on his face.

He stood up and took a few steps forward. His current appearance was reflected on the extremely smooth wall.

It was a face that was extremely majestic, like a king who ruled over the heavens, looking over all directions and lording over all realms.

Di Jun stumbled and was almost paralyzed on the ground by the reflected person. The aura was too strong.

It took a full ten seconds for him to confirm that the person reflected was himself, and he stood up again with a sigh of relief.

He gradually became bolder and made various movements towards the wall. At the same time, he looked at his face and found that there was not even a single flaw on his face.

"It looks like I've passed away. This man's aura is so terrifying. He must be a very important person."

Di Jun whispered to himself, not daring to be too loud for fear of attracting the attention of people outside the quiet room.

He hasn't determined what world he has traveled to.

At this moment, a voice appeared in his mind.

"Ding, the peerless demon emperor system is successfully bound."

"Ding, it's detected that the host has traveled through time and turned into a demon, Emperor Jun, and the first reward will be issued."

"Ding, the first reward is 3 yuan in mana, which will automatically help the host integrate the strength of Emperor Jun. The current strength is: quasi-sage peak."

"Ding, release the main mission and lead the demon clan to destroy the witch clan. Every time you kill an ancestral witch, you will be given a Chaos Arcana level reward."

"Destroy all the ancestral witches, reward the great saints, lead the ancient world, and dominate the heavens."

A series of sounds shocked Di Jun.

After a long time, he digested the information from the system, his eyes widened, and he said to himself in disbelief: "The peerless demon emperor system? Emperor Jun? I actually traveled through time and became the demon emperor Jun from the prehistoric times?"

His initial shock was followed by ecstasy.

"Hahaha, Di Jun, I am Di Jun! The Peerless Demon Emperor System, indeed, I am the true son of destiny!"

"No, how can the son of destiny be worthy of me? I am destiny!"

"Hahahaha, with the system, who can stop me in the whole ancient world? Nuwa, Xihe, Chang Xi, Houtu, they are all mine, I want them all."

He laughed for a while, his mentality completely changed, and his eyes became deeper: "From today on, I am Emperor Jun!"

(End of this chapter)

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