Chapter 37 Can I Not Go?
"No, no, something bad must happen."

In the wilderness, Chen Feng, who was riding the clouds to his cave, felt flustered for no reason.

At the same time, his right eyelid twitched.

Before he traveled through time, there was a saying that wealth would jump from the left and disaster would jump from the right.

However, that statement at the time had no basis and was purely based on human psychology.

But now...he is Da Luo.

Da Luo's way is mysterious and mysterious, detached from the outside world, and is basically self-centered idealism.

Because Chen Feng has the concept in his mind that the twitching of his right eyelid represents disaster, he will definitely react when something happens.

This belongs to Da Luo's aura, which basically means the same thing as someone's whim.

He put his hand on his right eyelid gently, and the eyelids that immediately beat stabilized. He paused and pondered for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and started counting.

For a moment, he gained some insights.

"Another time traveler has come to the prehistoric world? Demon clan?"

Frowning slightly, he sensed something was wrong.

He failed to figure out the identity of this time traveler in the demon clan, where he is now, what the system is, and his purpose and actions.

Except for knowing that the other party is now a demon clan, the rest is like seeing flowers in the fog, hazy.

Chen Feng became more thoughtful.

There is only one explanation for this situation. This time traveler involves other Da Luo behind him. He did not travel naturally.

And once other Daluo are involved, things immediately become complicated.

Coupled with the foreshadowing that my right eyelid was twitching just now, this matter is not going to get better.

"It has nothing to do with me, just slipped away."

Chen Feng decisively chose to follow his heart and continued to ride the clouds to his cave.

It is true that he is responsible for the time traveler in the prehistoric times, but those time travelers are all ownerless, and no other Da Luo is involved behind them.

He went right up and killed him without any problem.

But this kind of time traveler who involves Da Luo is different. He might cause some trouble. Moreover, there is Da Luo behind him, which means that someone is watching. If he dares to jump a little, the consequences will not be better afterwards. There is no need to take action himself.

All things considered, it is the best choice to wait until nothing happens.

It's a pity that he wanted to pretend not to see it, but someone didn't allow him.

Not long after the clouds had flown, there was a cry in the sky, and in an instant auspicious light fell from the sky, and colorful clouds surged.

Chen Feng stopped immediately and looked helplessly at the sky.

Yes, it seems there is no way to escape.

I saw the clouds in the sky naturally dispersed, and the colorful auspicious light fell. A green luan as pure as emerald flew down from the clouds, spread its wings, and covered the sky. In an instant, the sky was dyed green for thousands of miles.

Chen Feng stood there and waited, when he saw the Qingluan retract its wings and transform into a woman wearing a green rosy dress. She also stepped on a cloud and stopped in front of him.

The woman in green clothes looks to be twenty or eight years old. Her appearance is pure and spotless. Just one look at her makes her soul seem to be purified.

She looked at Chen Feng with a smile: "Brother Feng, where are you going?"

Chen Feng felt a stomachache, but a sweet smile naturally appeared on his face: "Sister Qingluan, you are more beautiful than the last time we met."

He knew the identity of the other party. The head of the female immortals in Nuwa's palace was also a Daluo.

But Qingluan is not her size.Her tuba had not yet been born in this era, and it would not shine until the rise of the Human Emperor and Chi You's struggle for hegemony.

Yes, her nickname is Jiutian Xuannv.

Qingluan came to Chen Feng in the clouds and smiled very happily: "Brother Feng's mouth is still so sweet."

She stretched out her hand and pinched Chen Feng's face naturally.

Chen Feng subconsciously wanted to retreat, but he hesitated for a ten thousandth of a second and decisively held back.

Qingluan pinched his face and he said vaguely: "Sister Qingluan, what I said is true."

Qingluan smiled even happier, and even put his other hand on the other half of his face and began to pinch it, sighing: "Brother Feng, you said it would be great if you followed my sister."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes lightly and immediately said vaguely: "Ward's heart will always be with Qingluan Jiejie."

Qingluan's eyes narrowed into a line, the corners of his mouth raised, and he suddenly leaned over and whispered softly: "Brother Feng, in the next era, I will help you unite with other Daluo, how about letting the old guy Xuanyuan give way, and you will become the human emperor. .”

Chen Feng's eyes widened and he was shocked.

This is because I want to kill myself.

He felt guilty and said: "This is not good."

The main reason is that Qingluan's thighs are not thick enough. If Nuwa or someone else said this, he might really consider it seriously.

Qingluan pouted and said, "If you don't want to, forget it."

She let go of her hands, stood on Chen Feng's cloud and said, "Let's go, Empress Nuwa is looking for you."

Chen Feng was shocked when he heard this, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Can I not go?"

Qingluan smiled back at him: "What do you think?"

Soon after, Chen Feng sighed and floated into the sky on clouds.

He had a sad look on his face, and his speed in driving the clouds was slow.

My current mood has a sense of sadness, just like a famous saying I heard in my previous life, life is like that, since you can't resist, just enjoy it.

Floating upward, 33 days passed and entered an unknown space.

Colorful clouds fill the sky, and spiritual birds and cranes spread their wings. It is truly a magnificent sight in heaven and on earth.

But Chen Feng had no intention of admiring it, and was led by Qingluan all the way into the Wa Palace, passed the main hall, and went straight to the palace of Nuwa Empress.

Chen Feng stopped when he passed the main hall and hesitated: "Why don't I go into the inner hall? Why don't I just wait here?"

Qingluan rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Do you think it can be done?"

Chen Feng was so sad that he had no choice but to follow him honestly.

After a while, I arrived at the palace of Empress Nuwa. There were clouds and colorful clouds on the bed, and all kinds of rare treasures emitted an eternal soft light in the palace.

The entire palace is filled with dense air, floating in wisps, adding a bit of immortality.

Qingluan saluted the person lying on his side on Yun's bed and said with a smile: "Mother, Chen Feng was brought here by me."

Nuwa opened her eyes and saw Chen Feng's mouth slightly raised. She patted the cloud bed in front of her and said, "I haven't seen you for a while. Come here and let me take a good look."

Chen Feng could only bite the bullet and move forward.

Qingluan shrugged, gave him a wish-for-you-for-you look, and retreated calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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