Chapter 5 A System of the Universe
"Hey, the tea isn't ready yet." Daozu kindly reminded him when he saw Chen Feng picking up the tea cup.

"Um..." Chen Feng's hand holding the tea cup froze in mid-air. He said that the tea didn't taste good when he drank it. The tea leaves were still hard.

He calmly put down the tea cup and smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, I like drinking raw tea."

They are a group of giants who are transcendent of everything and tower over the multiverse.

If you want, you can do almost anything.

Things like accelerating time to brew tea leaves instantly are even easier.

Just because they are omnipotent and can do anything with a single thought, many Da Luo don't like to use magical powers.

They prefer to do things themselves, like human beings.

Among them, Daozu is a typical representative. From any aspect, Daozu looks more like a mortal than a Daluo.

Seeing Chen Feng put down the tea cup, Daozu nodded and took over what he just said: "I met a time traveler, and then what?"

Chen Feng showed a helpless expression and said: "What else can I do? That time traveler is obsessed with dominating the ancient world. He wants to trouble you right after he was born. When I saw it, hey, how can I bear it? I will deal with him for you."

Chen Feng smiled and shamelessly took credit for himself. At the same time, he thought of something and took out a black chess piece that exuded the aura of chaos from his sleeve. He stepped forward and handed it over with a dog-legged smile.

"You see, I brought all his systems."

Logically speaking, Taozu is omniscient and omnipotent, and nothing that happens in the multiverse is a secret to him.

Chen Feng knew what happened without opening his mouth.

But as mentioned before, most of the time Daozu likes to think of himself as a mortal.

Therefore, his perspective of omniscience and omnipotence is closed.

Taking the chess piece handed over by Chen Feng, Daozu looked at him with some suspicion: "Why do I feel that with your personality, you would want to lure him to me?"

Chen Feng coughed dryly, then patted his chest and said with an upright face: "Taozu, how can you look at me like this? I am very loyal."

Daozu chuckled, amused by Chen Feng.

At the beginning, Chen Feng confessed his identity as a time traveler and handed over the system, saying that he wanted to live a good life in the wilderness. Although he agreed, he didn't care too much.

He is the Taoist ancestor, aloof from things, and will not target Chen Feng because he is a time traveler.

The reason why those time-travelers are suppressed is simply because they have no self-awareness and want to cause trouble one by one, insisting on endangering the prehistoric world.

If you really keep your head hidden, who has time to target you?

Just like the time-traveler Chen Feng met just now, wouldn't he be fine after living in the prehistoric world for 3000 million years?

Originally, this matter just passed away. Daozu gave Chen Feng a prehistoric background, and he lived peacefully in the prehistoric times.

But he never expected that Chen Feng would step by step from an ordinary person to a Daluo through practice.

This time, it caused a sensation among all the great Luo people in the prehistoric era, and Chen Feng became the favorite of the group.

This is not the kind of pseudo-strong man from other worlds who claims to be Daluo after mastering one or two rules.

But the Daluo Jinxian who truly transcends everything is the end of the road, detachment and sublimation.

In all the epochs and infinite universes, there are only a few people who can realize the Great Law.

They are so lonely.

For all Da Luo, no matter how strong the life forms under Da Luo are, they are not the same as them.

Just like humans and monkeys, no matter how smart the monkeys behave and how similar they are to humans, they will still not be recognized as the same kind.

Daluo is like human beings, and other life forms in the multiverse are like monkeys, naturally at different levels.

All the prehistoric Da Luo today were enlightened countless epochs ago.

Even the most recent ones are ten eras apart.And an era in the prehistoric era is an immeasurable calamity.

In this era, Chen Feng is the first and only one to attain Daluo.

This was a big hit among the powerful Da Luo people.

It's like you, a big family, haven't had a newborn for a long time, and suddenly a new member is added to the family.

Chen Feng is in this situation now.

Under normal circumstances, the youngest in a family is always the most favored.

Because of this, Chen Feng's life in the ancient world was extremely happy, and many powerful people in Daluo were extremely friendly to him.

Especially those long-famous women, Da Luo Jinxian, looked at Chen Feng as if they were looking at a new born baby in the family, and they loved him very much.

Because they were so enthusiastic, Chen Feng had a psychological shadow, and he has been walking around them intentionally or unintentionally for tens of thousands of years.

I can't bear it.

Daozu took the system handed over by Chen Feng and glanced at it without paying attention. Then he tapped his right hand on the table, and a chessboard suddenly appeared.

There are densely packed black and white pieces, forming an extremely complex chess game.

Then Daozu gently dropped the black seed in his hand.

As his hand approached the chessboard, an energy reverberated around the chessboard. Immediately, the entire chessboard spread out, and upon closer inspection, it turned into a large universe.

The black and white particles among them are shining like stars. If you look carefully, you can clearly see that these stars emit various different energies.


There is destruction, there is rebirth, there is the great road, there is chaos, everything is included.

This is actually a system carried by time travellers.

A system filled with a large universe.

Chen Feng looked at the chessboard with emotion. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he was still shocked every time he saw it.

In this infinite era, how many time-travelers are causing trouble?

At the same time, he was extremely lucky. If he hadn't been so conscientious back then, he might be one of them now.

Oh, no, only his system will become one of them, and he himself will have died long ago.

Just when Daozu was about to put this new system into the chessboard, he seemed to suddenly remember something and stopped what he was doing.

Chen Feng asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Daozu glanced at him, as if he was thinking about something, and suddenly smiled and threw the system in his hand to Chen Feng.

"Since this is your trophy, just take it. It's not a rare item anyway."

Chen Feng subconsciously took it, but looked at him warily.

He asked cautiously: "Daozu, what are your orders?"

Daozu immediately held his stomach, pointed at him and laughed: "You are such a clever little kid."

Chen Feng put away the system and asked carefully: "Then you tell me first, and I will listen."

He didn't say he would definitely accept it.

Daozu smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's not difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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