High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 6 The ancient time traveler is left to you

Chapter 6 The ancient time traveler is left to you

Hearing what Daozu said, Chen Feng felt relieved.

His reaction before was not that he was worried about himself or something.

He has cultivated into Daluo, transcending things, immortal, and has no possibility of death.

Even the Tao Ancestor in front of him cannot kill him, there is no doubt about this.

He was just subconsciously wary of Daozu's so-called mission. After all, most of the things ordered by Daozu involved other Daluo.

And this group of giants from the ancient times...

Chen Feng felt a headache just thinking about it. It was really hard to describe.

All of them are either possessed by drama queens or are scheming deceivers. They have endless time, and their greatest pleasure is to have fun.

Although he is now the favorite of the Great Luo, everyone is very friendly to him.

But... there are always a few abnormal Da Luo.

As if he could see Chen Feng's worry, Daozu chuckled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with other Da Luo."

After hearing this, Chen Feng immediately relaxed.

The only people Da Luo cares about are other Da Luo. Since it doesn't matter, then he has nothing to fear in the entire multiverse.

Seeing this, Daozu chuckled and told the story: "This matter is quite simple. The four holy beasts came to look for me some time ago. They have guarded the wilderness for hundreds of epochs, but there has never been any of them in the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. They were very dissatisfied with their roles, so they came to me to complain and asked me to find someone to take over their job.”

"Four Holy Beasts?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, he understood this.

The four commonly known as Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu are also known as the Four Spirits and are responsible for guarding the four corners of the ancient world.

Of course, what they were doing to protect the wilderness was not to resist invasion by foreign enemies.

In fact, in the prehistoric situation, there could not be any real threat.

The four holy beasts' daily tasks are to check for leaks and fill them in, specializing in dealing with those loopholes that do not belong to the prehistoric world.

To put it bluntly, those thorn-headed time travelers are under the control of the Four Sacred Beasts.

Judging from Daozu's words, they are obviously in a work mood.

He thought for a moment and asked, "What do you mean, Daozu?"

Daozu looked at him with a kind face and said with a smile: "They are very resolute this time, and I don't have any good ideas. Moreover, in recent eras, they have shown signs of being passive and sabotaging their work. The number of travelers who have come to the ancient times has obviously increased. Letting them carry on won't help.

So I agreed to them and promised them to temporarily play a role in the great destruction of this era. "

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Daozu, I'm not asking this, I'm asking...do you want me to come..."

Before he could finish speaking, Daozu nodded directly: "Yes, after much thought, no one is more suitable than you to deal with time travellers. After all, you were once one of them."

Chen Feng immediately grimaced, picked up the tea cup in front of him, drank it all in one gulp, and whispered, "Can I refuse?"

It's not for any other special reason, it's just because he's used to it. If he really takes this job, he'll probably have to be busy with errands in the future.

He is well aware of the ability of those time-travelers to cause trouble.

Daozu smiled kindly, and when he saw that his tea cup was empty, he personally picked up the kettle next to him and stood up to help him refill it.

It really shocked Chen Feng.While pouring the tea, Daozu smiled kindly and said, "You have to think clearly. Do you really want to refuse?"

Chen Feng shrank his neck and said: "Let me ask first, if I refuse, you won't be angry and give me little shoes to wear, right?"

Dao Zu was overjoyed. After filling up the tea, he put the teapot aside, returned to his seat and said with a smile, "No."

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed.

Taozu never lies.

But what Daozu said next made him instantly confused.

"However, Nuwa came to me several times before and said that she wanted you to play a role in the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. It happened that she was short of an envoy in the palace. Considering your situation, I blocked it for you.

If you refuse, I won’t object next time she comes. You can talk to her yourself. "

Daozu smiled, picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip.

"Empress Nuwa wants me to go to Wa Palace?" Chen Feng was shocked.

It's not that Nuwa had any grudge against him. On the contrary, Nuwa had a great affection for him and helped him a lot after he attained enlightenment.

But it was because of this that he had to hide even more.

Empress Nuwa looked at him so eagerly, just like looking at her own pet cat.

Chen Feng couldn't bear it at all. He could already imagine what he would experience every day if he went to Wa Palace.

Empress Nuwa might even be able to take out the cat teasing stick.

How could I, a great man, be subjected to such humiliation!
Chen Feng's face became solemn, and he said solemnly: "Don't worry, Dao Ancestor, all the travelers from the future will be handed over to me."

The corners of Daozu's mouth curled up slightly, and he picked up the teacup and took a sip: "You must think clearly, I am not forcing you."

Chen Feng looked upright: "There is no need to say more, Dao Ancestor, I can't wait to contribute to the great wilderness."

Daozu nodded with satisfaction, then put down the tea cup in his hand, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be emotional, after all, other Daluo who live in this era are not willing to do it. You can take the lead in this era, and I will find it in the next era." other people.

In addition, Haotian came to me recently and said that he was a little tired of being the Emperor of Heaven for hundreds of epochs and wanted to change his role. In this way, if you work hard in this era, I will let you be the Jade Emperor in the next era. "

Looking at Dao Ancestor who kept drawing big cakes for him in front of him, Chen Feng sighed softly. The situation is stronger than the person, so there is no way.

How could he be just a small Daluo, while he is the Taoist ancestor?

After Chen Feng agreed to take over the job of the Four Saints, Daozu was obviously in a good mood and his attitude towards Chen Feng became more kind.

After drinking two more cups of tea and chatting for a while, Chen Feng suddenly said: "Tao Ancestor, since there have been time travelers coming to cause trouble in the ancient times, why not seal the entire world and block the way for time travelers to enter? This shouldn't be difficult, right? ?”

This is Chen Feng's doubt. Although the dimensions of Honghuang are extremely high, with Da Luo's methods, it is not difficult to cut off the passage for those who have traveled through.

Let alone Dao Zu, if you ask him to take action, he can do it.

Daozu smiled, gave him a cup of tea and said: "After all, you are a new Daluo. Although you are smart, you are still young. If you really seal the prehistoric plane, other Daluo will give their opinions."

"Without those time-travelers, there would be a lot less fun in the wilderness."

"Also, where do you think some time travelers came from?"

(End of this chapter)

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