Chapter 54 Are You Looking For Me?

The door was broken, and Di Jun rushed in directly.

Because of the barrier, even if there is a loud noise, the outside world cannot hear the slightest sound, let alone see the slightest difference.

Stepping into the palace, he immediately looked around. The palace was extravagantly built, exhausting his imagination. It was divided into three parts: left, middle and right.

They are all magnificent, gorgeous and luxurious.

Di Jun was immediately disgusted and even more angry. This palace should have been his.

With his eyes focused, he turned around and headed towards the inner bedroom. There was no sound inside, as if he was still asleep.

Di Jun sneered. He didn't believe that the other party was still awake. The loud noise just now could not be heard outside but could be heard inside.

Even a dead pig should wake up. The only explanation for the lack of movement is that the other party is ambushing him.

But he doesn't care.

Facing oneself, all resistance is a meaningless struggle, which will only make one's revenge more painful.

He waved one hand, and a sudden burst of power turned not only the door, but the entire wall into powder.

This is made of special materials selected by Tiangong. It is stronger than Taiyi fine gold. Even if it was placed in the ancient times, it is also a first-class weapon refining material.

Looking at all the worlds, it is difficult for anyone to have the power to do any damage.

The moment the wall turned into powder, Di Jun's eyes were like a torch and he had scanned the entire sleeping place.

The layout of the room is not complicated and can be seen at a glance, but no one is there.

In his perception, no one existed either.

"Huh?" Di Jun frowned.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly a voice sounded behind him, so sudden that he turned around instantly and took a step back.

In front of him, Chen Feng was looking at him with a smile on his face, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Di Jun was slightly shocked. He didn't sense Chen Feng's existence at all.

How did the other party hide his quasi-sage consciousness?

Does he have some kind of innate spiritual treasure that masks his aura?

He secretly made a guess, with murderous intent still in his eyes, and sneered: "How dare you appear in front of me?"

Chen Feng smiled and shrugged: "There is nothing to be afraid of, but you are more tolerant than I thought. If it were me, I would have killed you half a month earlier."

He seemed to give a thumbs up in sincere praise: "He is a qualified old turtle."

Di Jun's anger flared up. The next moment, he suppressed his anger and coldly snorted: "You are indeed a master at irritating me, but it's a pity that it will only make you suffer more pain before death."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "I advise you to go back now, so that you can suffer less when you get up tomorrow."

Di Jun snorted coldly: "Did you start talking nonsense before you died? But it's useless. Pretending to be crazy and acting stupid can't save you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly took action, raised one hand lightly, and a ball of golden flame suddenly rose. In an instant, he took action, was stretched in the air, turned into a golden chain, and tied towards Chen Feng.

The golden flame is so hot that it burns everything, penetrates space, and can burn even the entire universe.Di Jun sneered again and again, already imagining Chen Feng's pain under the burning flames, but he had already controlled the power of the flames, which would only make him feel the burning pain, but would not spread and burn him to death.

He wants to torture the other person slowly.

Chen Feng did not resist, but muttered to himself in a low voice with a look of helplessness: "It's true, none of them can understand the good words."

The chains turned into flames instantly bound him. The true sun fire continued to burn his body and slowly tightened, causing the bound person the greatest pain.

Di Jun laughed loudly when he saw this: "You too have today, slowly regret it, continue to pretend to be powerful, continue to dominate others, show me your token, why doesn't Donghuang Taiyi come to save you now?" ,Hahaha."

He laughed wildly, but two seconds later he realized something was wrong. Chen Feng did not let out a scream, nor showed a painful expression. Instead, he looked at him as if he were a fool.

"Did you make a mistake? When did I say that I relied on Donghuang Taiyi's power?"

"Besides, you'd better open your eyes and see yourself clearly."

Di Jun noticed something and lowered his head subconsciously. He was shocked to see that the chains made of the true sun fire were tightly binding him and they were constantly tightening.

But the flame rope on Chen Feng's body disappeared at some point.

The burning sensation and pain hit him instantly, and Di Jun immediately screamed, extremely miserable.

It hurt so much, it was a pain that directly burned the soul, surpassing any torture.

Moreover, this feeling of pain, as well as the extent of the shrinkage of the flame, had clearly been burning for a while.

While screaming, he used his strength to break away from the flames transformed by the true fire of the sun.

Then he gasped for breath, and his injuries were recovering quickly, but his eyes were always fixed on Chen Feng.

This time, his eyes were much more solemn.

Maybe I underestimated this pretty boy.

Chen Feng grinned at him: "How is the power of my true sun fire? Do you want to try it again?"

Di Jun was silent, quickly reassessing Chen Feng's strength in his mind. With one hand behind his back, two green rays of light appeared in his hand.

At the same time, tadpole-like words continue to appear, affecting changes in the most basic rules nearby.

He has regarded Chen Feng as a quasi-sage of the same level as him.

He is also a quasi-sage with strange abilities and innate spiritual treasures.

In this case, he no longer wants to torture the other party, but only wants to kill him quickly.

"Go to hell! Hetu Luoshu!"

He suddenly let out a soft drink, stretched out his arms suddenly, and two green rays of light flew out instantly, turning the entire palace into their territory.

The basic rules were reversed and reshaped, and Di Jun became the sole ruler of this world.

"The heavens are shattered!"

He held Chen Feng with one hand again. Under the influence of the basic rules, everything became disordered. The space around Chen Feng was broken inch by inch, like broken glass, and Chen Feng himself was broken along with the space. .

Di Jun showed a smile, but suddenly he saw Chen Feng in the broken space smiling at him, and then took out a black top hat and put it on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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