High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 55 The great fear carved into the soul

Chapter 55 The great fear carved into the soul
This scene was too weird. Among the broken space fragments, Chen Feng's figure was cut and stretched, just like the body reflected when a mirror is broken.

Then, Chen Feng took out a black top hat and put it on his head, and smiled at him.

In an instant, the vision changed.

Di Jun suddenly found that his vision was blurry, space was splitting, time was chaotic, and everything he observed was distorted, becoming disordered and without rules.

In front of him, Chen Feng looked like he was wearing a black top hat. He was distorted and unseemly. His body was cut into pieces, but they were still put together, barely forming a human-shaped outline.

Everything was too weird and terrifying.

He felt a sudden shock in his heart and subconsciously looked at his arm. He saw that his arm had been completely torn off and turned into twists. The blood turned into blood mist. It seemed to be in front of him, but it was also far away on the other side.

In an instant, pain surged in like a tide, and his body suddenly fell into pieces, even his soul was about to be torn apart.

Only then did he realize that it was not Chen Feng who was strangled by the broken space, but that he himself was trapped in it.

In the broken space of infinite distance and infinite distance, there should be no sound.

But he clearly heard a finger snap.

Then, the broken space suddenly condensed, and then the space shrank, quickly shrinking into an infinitesimal singularity, just like the state when a large universe was first born, and then, even this singularity disappeared.

The broken body kept falling, eyes, limbs, internal organs, everything fell to the ground.

Even at this time, Di Jun is still alive.

His only remaining eye fell to the ground and turned to look at Chen Feng, his eyes shocked and horrified.

There was no aftermath in a series of fights, but it was this non-pyrotechnic method that contained the real terror.

Controlling the power is the hardest.

After all, the power is there, in all the heavens and worlds, in endless time and space. If you really think about it, the power is endless. As long as you find the right method, it is not difficult to penetrate a sea of ​​​​worlds and annihilate endless time and space.

Just like the world before he traveled, humans have already mastered nuclear energy and can even develop nuclear bombs that will destroy the world and destroy the entire planet's ecosystem.

But this is nothing to brag about, because this is just the simplest use of nuclear energy.

The hardest part is control.

On the planet before he traveled, countless people were working hard to develop the ultimate technology for controlling nuclear energy, controllable nuclear fusion.

It's a long way off, even if they already have the ability to continuously create higher yields and increase the power of terrifying nuclear bombs, they still can't touch the threshold of controlling this terrible energy.

This is also the source of Di Jun's fear at the moment.

Destruction is not terrible.

In this world, destruction is always the easiest.

It is true that Di Jun was an ordinary person before he traveled through time, but after all he traveled through time and became an "Emperor Jun", and he learned many things without a teacher.

Only a fool would think that the number of areas destroyed and the number of worlds destroyed with one move represents strength.

That just means that he has extremely strong power.

And power has its limit at any time.

It is also for this reason that although Di Jun was beaten by Donghuang Taiyi, he still firmly believed in his quasi-sage peak strength because he possessed the two innate spiritual treasures of Hetu Luoshu.

Under the influence of Hetu Luoshu, he can become the absolute controller of an area in an instant, transcending the limits of power.He is confident that he is absolutely invincible in the quasi-sage realm.

But at this moment, his confidence was completely shattered.

He didn't understand what was wrong. Donghuang Taiyi was like this, and Chen Feng, whom he had never heard of before, was like this.

I am as powerless in their hands as a newborn baby.

No, it is no longer possible to describe it as a baby. At least babies are also human beings. The difference between them is that they are completely two species.

It is the difference between humans who have mastered ultimate nuclear energy and Paramecium.

even bigger.

He rolled his eyes, his mouth on the other side moved slightly, and a voice came out: "Who...are you?"

He used the word you.

He has discovered that the Chen Feng in front of him is the same as Donghuang Taiyi. They both possess something unknown that he does not possess.

It is these unknowns that create this huge gap.

Chen Feng smiled, squatted in front of his eyeball, and raised the corner of his mouth with a smile: "I'm just an ordinary Da Luo."

He smiled, took off the top hat on his head, and covered his eyeballs.

The light disappeared little by little, and when the hat was completely covered, only eternal darkness remained.


"Ah!" With a scream, Di Jun suddenly woke up on the cloud bed.

He was panting and covered in cold sweat. He subconsciously looked at his body and patted it twice. He breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that nothing was wrong.

His screams were so loud that they alerted the immortal officials outside the palace. The door opened and Ji Ying trotted in. He came to him and saluted and asked, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Di Jun was stunned, yes, what happened to me?
He frowned, thinking.

He always felt as if he had gone out and done something last night, and then encountered something extremely terrifying.

But what exactly was done?He was unimpressed.

The memory was not lost. In his memory, Chen Feng suddenly came back yesterday and dismissed the dancing girl he had originally called to sleep with him. Although he was furious, he still chose to be patient under Ji Ying's persuasion.

Afterwards, in order to calm down his anger, he simply fell asleep.

Everything is natural, nothing special or missing.

But what about this overwhelming fear?

He felt uneasy, raised his head and asked Ji Ying, "Did I fall asleep here last night?"

Ji Ying smiled and said, "That's natural, Your Majesty. If you don't sleep here, where else can you go? I came here three times last night and saw that Your Majesty slept soundly."

He stepped forward in a small step and lowered his voice: "I know that your Majesty's life is not going well, and I have accumulated anger, but my impatience will mess up my big plan. Sir Ji Meng has sent news, and I have a preliminary plan to help your Majesty get out of the current situation." It’s a difficult situation, just be patient for a few more days.”

(End of this chapter)

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