Chapter 94 Aladdin's Lamp

Thousands of holy lights fell from the sky.

Every ray of holy light contains the power to judge all living beings.

God's power is like prison, and God's grace is like the sea.

This move of God's Judgment is a basic skill that every angel in the Nine Heavens world can master.

But when used by Adam, the supreme god, the power is equally terrifying.

The green-robed god was still seriously injured, and the power of Eve's mercury snake was not used on him.

He just snorted coldly, showing no fear at all.

The green sword in his hand slashed towards the sky, only to see a green blade hanging upside down, like the dawn cutting through the darkness.

Tens of thousands of holy lights were swept away with one sword.

Adam grabbed it with one hand, and Longinus turned into a silver light and flew into his hand.

The six pairs of wings on his back spread out again and flapped slightly, and his figure appeared next to the green-robed god as if crossing space.

The holy spear fell, and countless gun shadows appeared in front, back, left, and right. Each gun shadow was real and contained the power of the bloody holy light.

The green-robed god's long sword moved slightly, and a green sword glow appeared all over his body.

In an instant, a series of sounds of gold and iron echoed.

The Creation Hall under your feet is constantly cracking, and you can vaguely see the birth and death of the world between the shadow of the gun and the light of the sword.

The fight between the Supreme God and the Taiyi Golden Immortal is enough to bring about the birth and destruction of the whole world.

Adam kept swimming, feeling secretly happy.

He could clearly feel that the Qingyi God's strength had declined.

However, he still dare not be careless. Even if the opponent's strength has declined, he is still stronger than him. It is not easy to win.

While he was holding the green-robed god back, the mercury snake fell from mid-air and transformed into Eve again.

Her face was pale and she was panting constantly, obviously exhausted.

Fenrir quickly supported her and asked with concern: "Eve, are you okay?"

Eve nodded, but her eyes looked in Adam's direction. The two sides were fighting so quickly that she couldn't see the situation clearly.

She said in a deep voice: "Fenrir, go help Adam."

Fenrir also turned his attention to the battle between Adam and the Tsing Yi God.

He observed for two seconds, shook his head and said, "No, I cannot interfere in the battle of the Supreme God."

However, at this moment, the green sword light ceased, and the shadow of Longinus's gun also disappeared.

A soft sound seemed to shake the eternity and stir up time.

Adam groaned, was slashed by the green-robed god, and quickly retreated.

However, he learned to be smart, hiding the three thousand worlds in his body, hiding his own origin, and constantly using the power of the world to kill the opponent's sword light.

The green-robed god stepped forward, and endless mighty power erupted from his body. His arrogance was overwhelming, and his invincible momentum spread.

In his pupils, there seemed to be waves of a long river of time passing by, and then he slashed at Adam with a knife.

A glimpse of light floated in the light of the sword, and in an instant it seemed that an extremely vast world was born. The world was first opened, opened up by a light of sword.

This is a vast world with a square sky and a round square.

At the beginning of the birth of the world, innate gods came to the world.

They evolve, transform, and fight in this world.

Gradually, more and more creatures came to this world, and they gathered together to form civilization.

This is a civilization of cultivation. They continue to practice, continue to become stronger, fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and are omnipotent.

Until one day, their civilization reached its peak, with countless masters, and they had occupied all corners of the world.

There are billions of immortals.

Then, a blazing white light appeared, and their world crashed into it, heading for destruction.

Adam took out a holy beetle, which was lifelike and emitted a soft holy light.

The moment the beetle was taken out, a shield formed by a circle of holy light enveloped him.The cyan sword light slashed instantly.

The sword light was blocked, and Adam took advantage of this moment to retreat.

This is a scarab.

According to legend, a lucky beetle blessed by the Creator himself possesses the purest holy power.

Carrying it on the body, it is invulnerable to all means and is with the Holy Light. In theory, no existence can break the scarab's defense. theory!

This is a top-grade artifact.

When Adam pulled away, cracks appeared on the scarab's body, and then the cracks spread, and holy light overflowed from them.

The scarab was shattered under the light of the sword.

However, Adam's injuries also recovered, and he once again held Longinus and fought with the green-robed god.

Everything happened so fast that Fenrir couldn't keep up.

The peak of the Lord God and the Supreme God are already two completely different realms.

But he saw the scarab's shattering clearly, and Adam was still at a disadvantage.

He immediately said: "Eve, make a wish and let me gain the strength of the Supreme God."

Eve also noticed the unfavorable situation of the battle. The green-robed god was too terrifying. Even if he was severely injured, he was still stronger than Adam.

She didn't say much, turned over her hand and took out a golden oil lamp that looked like a teapot.

She wiped it gently with her sleeve, and a burst of white smoke rose, and a blue djinn appeared.

The genie smiled and said, "Beautiful goddess, we meet again. Please tell me your third wish."

The supreme artifact, Aladdin's wishing lamp.

It can satisfy any three wishes of the holder, as long as it does not exceed the upper limit of the djinn's ability.

After all three wishes are made, the magic lamp will disappear.

Don't make a greedy wish like giving three more wishes, otherwise the wish will not come true, and it will be treated as one wish has been made.

Eve understood the rules, so she pointed at Fenrir without hesitation and said: "God of the Djinn, please let Fenrir gain the power of the Supreme God."

The Djinn glanced at Fenrir, smiled and said, "As you wish, my goddess."

Dots of starlight appeared in the hand of the genie, and then he threw it towards Fenrir. All these starlights were absorbed by Fenrir. In an instant, his power began to surge.

The Djinn showed an exaggerated smile and bowed to Eve: "Beautiful goddess, your wish has been fulfilled. The power of the Supreme God will last for one day. We will meet again."

He returned to the lamp in a puff of smoke.

At the same time, the magic lamp became hazy, and even Eve and Fenrir could not see clearly how it disappeared.

They had no intention of exploring.

At this time, Fenrir, who had obtained the power of the supreme god, roared, exposed his ferocious fangs, and rushed towards the green-robed god.

As he joined the battle group, the pressure on the Tsing Yi God doubled.

Longinus and Gangnir stabbed alternately, and even the green-robed god felt a little pressure.

He was secretly shocked: "This wolf demon not only came to life, but also broke through to the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

He couldn't understand.

As for being resurrected, he can still accept it. After all, he also saw Eve's incarnation as a mercury snake before resetting time.

But breaking through on the spot would be ridiculous.

This is Taiyi Golden Immortal, not the realm of other bad streets.

It is the limit of the power of all heavens and realms.

The highest realm second only to Da Luo.

But he had no way out. The door to the Hall of Creation had been closed, and it was destined that only one party could get out alive.

Bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, and the power of six thousand worlds in his body exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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