High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 95 The Unable to Return to the Main Temple

Chapter 95 The main temple that cannot be returned to
With a loud shout, the purple light knife in his hand opened and closed.

With the power of dominating the world, he came across.

The light of his sword was very terrifying. With one strike, it froze the years and imprisoned the long river of time.

Everything was frozen there, forming a time and space realm.

Adam's figure froze, trapped by the sword light.

His gaze condensed, and the Holy Light bloomed on the Longinus Spear. The power of the Supreme God completely exploded, tearing apart the imprisonment and shaking time and space.

He swung his gun and broke the sword light.

On the other side, Fenrir was already fighting fiercely with the god in green.

He suddenly gained the power of the Supreme God and swelled into a giant werewolf over five meters tall. Every move he made triggered the power of the rules, causing the world to collapse.

The Hall of Creation shook continuously during the battle between the two, and cracks appeared on the golden ground. This meant that there was a formation to isolate the inside and outside.

If they were in the outside world, the strength of the two of them would be enough to collapse the void and freeze the years.

Even a tributary of a long river of time and space has to be abruptly interrupted.

The Gangnis in Fenrir's hand thrust out one shot after another, the characteristic of perfect accuracy being brought into full play. Every time it was thrust out, it was bound to come into close contact with the green light sword of the god in green.

The Qingyi God was extremely depressed after being beaten.

He has a lot of fighting skills and has reached the state of transformation. He can use yin and yang to transform the Eight Diagrams and reverse the five elements to return to the two rites.

But under the influence of Gangnis, all his efforts were in vain, and he could only use brute force to confront him head-on.

"How on earth did he break through to Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

The god in green was furious, and he realized that he had underestimated these people.

But he still didn't lose, and his power was still stronger than the two of them.

"Demon God Transformation!"

With a roar, the green-robed god also used his magical power.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his body instantly expanded, transforming into a half-human, half-animal monster with a dragon head, human body, tiger stripes, and wings growing on its back.

This is the symbol of the Yingzhao clan.

Yingzhao is one of the top demon gods in Zhou Dynasty. He is a close minister of the Emperor of Heaven. Together with Ji Meng, he is a real Da Luo.

He has the blood of the Yingzhao family, but not much, only a collateral line.

Yingzhao may not even know of his existence.

His aura increased dramatically at this moment, more than tripling in volume in an instant.

He also showed his ability to keep the bottom of the box.

However, he was already injured, and now he has activated his source to explode. It cannot last long and must be dealt with quickly.

His eyes were as bright as a torch, and he just locked onto Adam.

Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. Adam is slightly stronger than Fenrir. If you deal with him first, you can take the initiative.

The huge wings behind him spread out, and they were terrifying. Every feather shone with cold light, and the aura of destruction could be vaguely seen flowing.

With a slight flutter of wings, the power of law surged and enveloped Adam.

Adam groaned, and felt his whole body freeze instantly. A breath of destruction rushed towards his face, overwhelming him, binding him, and crushing him together with the origin of his supreme god.

"What a powerful law of destruction!"

Adam's expression changed. He did not dare to be careless. His body shrunk slightly, and the six pairs of wings on his back rolled up, covering his entire body. From a distance, he looked like a white giant egg.

Three thousand big worlds surged in his body, and rays of holy light emerged, lingering around him. The Holy Spirit sang in unison, constantly increasing his power.

The world in his body formed a closed loop, and together with himself, formed a heavenly boundary sea.

Creation is created and circulates endlessly.

He uses the world inside his body as the foundation to create creation, in order to resist the destructive power of the Green-robed God.

But...it's still hard.

"Adam!" Seeing that he was trapped, Fenrir yelled.

The god in green sneered, and turned around again, heading towards him.

"If you are still in the mood to care about others, worry about yourself first."

He sneered and swung the green light sword in his hand fiercely. This sword also contained destruction, enough to cut through the heavens and reverse the flow of time.

Fenrir quickly raised Gungnir in his hand.

There was a loud noise, and the knife was blocked by him.

But this does not mean that he himself is fine. The sword of the Green-robed God is too heavy, containing the power of more than three thousand big worlds, and it has exceeded the limit that Fenrir can bear.

The gold bricks under his feet collapsed at the same time, his calves sank into the ground, and the jaws of his hands shattered, bleeding profusely.

The whole body felt like being hit hard by someone with a piece of boundary sea, and the pain was excruciating.

If it were the Supreme God next to him, with just this one move, thousands of the big worlds in his body would be destroyed.

But Fenrir's power is borrowed, and he himself has not opened up enough big worlds in his body.

His power is not inferior to Taiyi Golden Immortal, but his realm has not been reached.

Simply described, his state is similar to the power that a time traveler gets from the system.

The power given by the system is real, but it is not a serious cultivation path.

It is usually simple and crude, with a certain amount of mana or some great way to be rewarded.

In essence, it means that the power of the time traveler is infinitely increased, but there is no corresponding realm.

In this state, it is easy to lose yourself.

It's just that most time travelers are trapped in the five obstacles themselves and cannot extricate themselves, but they complement each other.

But because of this, Fenrir suffered even more serious injuries.

The power in his body was disordered, and his godhead became unstable again.

He knew in his heart that he would definitely die if he continued like this, so he became ruthless.

With a roar, his body suddenly changed. He jumped back and transformed into a giant wolf that could reach the sky.

"Have you revealed your true form?" The green-robed god sneered, showing no fear.

The true form of the demon wolf appeared, with blood-red eyes, supporting the top of the Hall of Creation. It was restricted in size by the Hall of Creation and could not continue to expand.

Even so, he is also terrifyingly big, and his aura is as deep as a bottomless abyss that swallows everything.

If there is no Creation Hall, he can expand his true body to the size of a universe. In one bite, he can swallow a whole world alive.

Demonic wolf Fenrir!
In Norse mythology, Ragnarok was triggered, swallowing Odin and ultimately leading to the destruction of the gods.

Fenrir in Adam's team was not originally the one in Norse mythology.

But during a mission to the world of Nordic mythology, through Adam's planning, Fenrir replaced the mythical wolf and successfully triggered Ragnarok.

In that mission, they turned the entire Asgard Protoss upside down and made a lot of money.

Now, Fenrir revealed his true form and opened his bloody mouth, and a terrifying suction force appeared. Even if it was less than a hundred feet, his mouth could still swallow the heavens.

This suction force was too strong and contained the rules of devouring it. Even the god in green groaned and threw it into his mouth.

He immediately closed his mouth, mobilized his devouring power and began to suppress it, trying to digest the opponent in his body.

Eve watched all this nervously.

Adam on the other side also broke free from the shackles of the rules of destruction the moment Fenrir swallowed the green-robed god.

But his condition is very bad, the holy light all over his body is dim, and he is constantly decaying.

At this time, a green light suddenly appeared on Fenrir's belly.

Adam's expression changed and he exclaimed: "Fenrir, be careful!"

Too late.

This green light shot straight out, and the huge demon wolf let out a howl and fell down with a loud bang.

His abdomen was cut open by the green sword light, and the blood mixed with the internal organs was exposed, bloody and terrifying.

The green-robed god gasped and jumped out in one step.He is not unscathed. Fenrir's strongest ability is swallowing. His body itself contains endless time and space, and can swallow all things, and can even digest gods.

The Tsing Yi God was also corrupted a lot.

Fortunately, this demonic wolf lost its threat.

He turned to Adam with a cold face.

As long as this birdman with white light all over his body is dealt with, everything will be over.

He raised the Qingmang Dao.

Suddenly... a sword light burst out, appearing from the shadow in the distance. This sword light was shadowless and traceless, condensed to the extreme, like a startling glimpse, like a graceful dragon swimming.

With the aura of death that cut off all the heavens and worlds, it fell towards the neck of the green-robed god.

In an instant, the green-robed god's whole body was filled with chills, and an unprecedented crisis surged into his heart.

His eyes were solemn, his wings flapped slightly and he turned around in an unbelievable way, with a glimpse of the sword light appearing in his eyes.

"One sword breaks all methods!"

His pupils narrowed slightly and he slashed out the long knife in his hand.

A sword light is also extremely slender and condensed to the extreme. It seems to be a sword light that appears directly above the space.

He used his sword to defeat all kinds of magic.

The sword light burst out, facing the sword light.

This was the Qingyi God's sword to save himself. He was confident that he could stop the opponent's sword.

He has also reached the level of being able to defeat all magic with one sword, so he naturally knows how to deal with it.

If... this sword is really a sword that can break all laws...

The sword light collided with the sword light. In the instant of the confrontation, under the incredible eyes of the green-robed god, the sword light suddenly changed.

In a ten thousandth of an instant, the sword light suddenly spread, and slender sword lights swirled out, combining with each other to form an extremely slender sword array.

The evolution of the sword formation seemed to be the ultimate avenue of all heavens. It was extremely complicated and completely opposite to the original sword.

The transition from simplicity to simplicity only takes a moment.

The sword light passed by, and the extremely complicated sword formation suddenly enveloped him, and then it was violently closed, and thousands of sword lights penetrated his body.

The green-robed god's eyes flickered, and his aura quickly weakened.

He opened his mouth, his voice thin and hoarse.

"One sword produces ten thousand magic."

"Good sword..."

His body fell heavily and his vitality was broken.

His immortal aura has been cut off, his immortal source has also been cut off, and he is completely dead.

In the distance, Zhao Wuxia raised his hand, and the sword light returned to her hand, turning into a thin long sword.

Bearing Shadow Sword!
Top grade Houtian Lingbao.

It is different from the supreme artifact that Adam and others exchanged directly.

Her Shadow Bearing Sword was sacrificed from the original sword fetus. It was her natal flying sword that was cultivated through life and death, and it grew as she grew.

In other words, this high-grade acquired spiritual treasure was sacrificed and refined by herself, and her mind was connected.

She sheathed her sword, walked toward the crowd, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Adam breathed a sigh of relief, fell to the ground, and said with a sluggish smile: "Do you think we are fine?"

Zhao Wuxia looked at him, then at Fenrir, and said apologetically: "His defense is so perfect, I never found a chance before."

Adam waved his hand and smiled easily: "No need to explain, we believe you."

Eve also stepped forward and looked at Fenrir with a smile: "Are you still alive?"

Fenrir had turned into a human again and was lying on the ground dying. A big hole opened in his abdomen, and all the blood and internal organs were exposed.

He grinned weakly and said: "It's okay, my godhead is not completely broken, so I can't die."

Eve smiled and walked to his side to treat him.

The Hall of Creation fell into silence for a moment.

After Fenrir's abdomen healed, Adam stood up and said: "Let's find the mission target quickly. This world is too scary. If another supreme god comes, we will be dead."

The three of them nodded in unison, feeling lingering fears about the battle they had just fought.

Eve walked to the side of the green-robed god, bent down and picked up his green sword, and disappeared with a touch of her hand.

This is a supreme artifact that cannot be wasted.

The four of them then dispersed to search, one altar after another.

Finally, the mission target was found at the end of the Hall of Creation.

This is the largest altar in the Hall of Creation. It has a bright boundary and a Hunyuan bead placed in the center.

The beads are filled with the mysterious energy of creation, which seems to have played out all the great ways of the heavens, and seems to be beyond all rules, mysterious and mysterious.

Even if a supreme god like Adam takes a look at it, he feels like he is trapped in it and almost lost.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Is this an innate spiritual treasure? It is rated as a treasure that surpasses the supreme artifact in the main temple."

Eve said: "Don't sigh for now, let's quickly take the Xuantian Fortune Bead and leave."

Fenrir looked at the barrier on the altar and frowned: "How to open this barrier?"

This sentence made everyone fall into deep thought.

Eve was unwilling to accept it and said: "It would be great if Aladdin's lamp was still there. You could try making a wish to the lamp god."

"Let me give it a try." Zhao Wuxia said softly.

She took a step forward, and the Shadow Sword was suddenly unsheathed.

"My Shadow Bearing Sword is intangible and has a special effect on the barrier. Maybe it can work."

As she spoke, a sword light was shot.

It is also slender and concise, like an antelope hanging its horns without a trace.

The sword light fell on the barrier of the altar, and silently, the barrier was divided.

When she sheathed her sword, the Xuantian Fortune Bead was completely exposed in front of them.

Even she herself didn't believe it, how could she break the barrier so easily?

Others were also amazed, and Adam said happily: "Well done, flawless."

He directly stretched out his hand to grab the Xuantian Creation Pearl. The moment he held it, the familiar voice of the main temple appeared in the minds of the four of them.

"After obtaining the Xuantian Fortune Bead, do you choose to return directly?"

The sound appeared, and the four people felt relaxed.

It's over, it's finally over.

They said at the same time in their hearts: "Return."

"Choose to return and you will return to the main temple in five seconds."

"five four three two one……"

As the countdown continued, the four of them closed their eyes silently.

After a while, they opened their eyes, and what appeared in front of them was still full of precious light.

They are still in the Hall of Creation.

Unprecedented fear filled their hearts, they had never encountered anything like this.

"I said, after all, we are teammates. Wouldn't it be bad to leave without saying goodbye?"

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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