Chapter 100

In an instant, the happy mood disappeared and I felt a little aggrieved.

But Song's father did not relent and reprimanded him directly, "You are so old and you don't understand anything, yet you are messing around with your brother. If something happens to your brother, can you take the responsibility?"

As soon as Song's father said these words, Song Yunxi, who had been smooth sailing since then, had never been wronged.Tears flowed down immediately.

"You still have the nerve to cry. Why are you buying all this when you still have food at home? How much money will it cost! Your mother also said that there is no money at home. She doesn't have any money for you to waste like this." Song's father reprimanded Song Yunxi to express his anger. Send it all out.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, come directly to me. Why are you being mean to your children? Your children are ready to find ways to make money when they see that the family has no money. What about you?
How can it be done by relying on Juren?Did you get money back from these ladies?
While my son was studying, he also thought of copying books for me to share the household income. What about you? "

Mrs. Tao was guarding her son in the house when she suddenly heard Father Song scolding her daughter in the yard.

He couldn't hold back his suppressed emotions and ran out immediately, roaring at Song's father.

"No matter what, I will let you be the wife of Juren. No one will look down upon you when you go out." Song's father's face turned red with embarrassment when he heard Tao's words, and he said angrily.

"Yes! Madam Juren, what else do I have for you besides the title of Madam Juren? What did you say when you married me, and what have you done these years?

I am a rich girl who married into your family. I know nothing but how to boil water and cook.

Cutting firewood and cultivating the land, her life is worse than that of a maid.The maid who followed me back then was matched with a manager who was better than me.

What am I doing for!Just because I want my daughter to buy something, I have to be scolded by you, or because it is obviously your second brother and second sister-in-law who failed to educate the child well.

But I couldn’t even say a few words to vent my emotions. "Mr. Tao roared at Father Song in an excited tone.

"You are simply unreasonable." Father Song pointed at her and said angrily.

"I'm unreasonable, but who is unreasonable? You guys named Song are a family, aren't we?

Go check on your son in the house. Do you know that your son may not be able to stop taking the medicine in the future?

Do you know that it will cost a lot of money to take care of your son's health in the future?

And the daughter you are scolding is doing it for the sake of the family and wants to do something to earn money to treat her brother.

The whole family is working hard.No matter how old your little son is, he still feels sorry for his brother, knowing that I have to take care of him and be good every day.

You are not afraid of getting me into trouble when you go out to play, but what about you?What are you doing
You think I am always causing trouble with my second wife, and you think your daughter is acting recklessly.You think there is nothing serious about your son, but they don’t know about it.

You think I'm careless, why shouldn't I hold grudges when their second wife's daughter almost killed my daughter?

Why can't I give them a look?Co-author Dalang is my only son! Tao burst into tears as he spoke.

But her tears did not make Father Song feel distressed, but instead made her a little irritated.

"It would be nice for her to just be a little girl and watch movies all the time. Why does she have to mess around?
Earning money, whatever money you make, is what low-class people do.Don't go back and bring trouble to Dalang and me. You will be happy if you become a merchant. "Song's father pointed the finger at Song Yunxi unhappily.

This was the first time Song Yunxi was so disappointed in her father. She had always thought her father was quite good.

It wasn't until this time that she finally saw her true face, but she knew that Tao was probably more sad than she was. She had heard Tao and Song's father argue many times.

So she quickly stepped forward to support Tao and hugged her comfortingly. Tao easily pulled her daughter to her chest.She had already despaired of Father Song, and as the disappointment accumulated little by little, she had lost her initial expectations.

Looking back on how sweet they were when they first got married, what a pity!Time will eventually prove that people will change.

After that incident, didn't she clearly know that he had changed?That’s all, she’s tired too, so be it!
While thinking about Mrs. Tao, she wiped away her tears without looking at Father Song. She hugged Song Yunxi and turned around to leave.

Song's father was left standing alone in the yard, motionless and silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

He may never understand why Dow got so worked up over what seemed to him to be a trivial matter.

I don't understand why Niandi is not the second child, and why Tao, the second child's clothes, is targeting them.

As a result, his mother and father could only take the eldest and second child back. Dalang was wronged, but his father also punished Niandi, didn't he exterminate her from the clan?What else does she want?

Mrs. Tao, who entered the house, hugged her daughter with some distress and comforted her, "Ignore your dad, mom, look at what my son bought. What is my son going to eat? Why did he buy so many red beans!"

Tao opened the bag and said a little surprised to find a bag of red beans.

Song Yunxi sniffed and replied with a bit of sobs that she wanted to make pastries.

I think my family has no background in cooking and doesn’t have that much money, so it’s unrealistic. I see that there is only one pastry shop in our town and the variety is limited, so I want to make pastries.

Mrs. Tao was a little surprised when she heard this and asked, "Where did my son learn how to make pastries? This is an heirloom in other families!"

Song Yunxi was already prepared for this. She took out a miscellaneous book that she came across when she accompanied her brother to buy books.

There are delicacies from various places in the miscellaneous books, but the recipes are not so detailed.

Mom, I read it in this book, Song Yunxi said as she handed the book to Mrs. Tao.

After Tao took a few glances, he found that only the materials were written and no other descriptions were given.

However, she didn’t want to hurt her daughter’s self-confidence, so she smiled and praised, “My son is great, if you are interested, just give it a try.

If you really do it, your mother will take you to the slave market to buy people. "

"Why did you go to the slave market to buy something?" Song Yunxi asked curiously, lying on Mrs. Tao's body.

"Because slaves who have signed a death contract are safer." Mrs. Tao took this opportunity to teach her daughter.

"But didn't you say you wanted to let him out?" Song Yunxi looked at Tao in confusion.

"That's right! Put them in the shop and let them out. It's a very lucky thing for a wealthy family," Mrs. Tao taught while touching her daughter's head.

"But if they are released, wouldn't they cease to be their own slaves?" Song Yunxi looked at Tao in confusion.

"No! It's just in the name of a slave. In the Jin Dynasty, there was a law that slaves could not own private property. Private property belonged to the master. But there is no law that stipulates that slaves cannot purchase private property. Do you understand?" Mrs. Tao's daughter asked, looking a little confused. road.

"Oh, I understand." Isn't it just taking advantage of loopholes and loopholes in the law?She understood, so those civilians who were doing business basically couldn't survive.

(End of this chapter)

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