Chapter 101

Also, the status of merchants in the Jin Dynasty was so low, how could they become merchants unless there were special circumstances.

Ordinary people grow their own food, make their own clothes, spin threads and make cloths for clothes.Basically, it is a necessary skill for every female family member. Even if there are a few who don't know it, most of them can.

Therefore, the main role of businessmen should be to serve the upper class. They cannot make much money from ordinary people.

On the contrary, these ordinary people have to earn copper coins by doing work for them, so there is no problem with my own thinking.

The pastry must be placed on the upper layer, so the pattern must be more delicate.

"Mom, I remember there should be a carpenter near our house!" Song Yunxi asked tentatively.

"Carpenter, let me think about it. If you are looking for a carpenter, we don't have one here. Is there a carpenter shop in the outer street?

But it shouldn't be open yet. Although it rained again recently, it has been so delayed that nothing is planted in the ground.

The number of refugees has continued to increase, so there are really not many open shops. "Mr. Tao said with some sadness.

But I heard that Carpenter Li’s home is on Wenchang Road, and I heard that his son is also studying in your eldest brother’s college.

If you really want to hit something, go find him over there. Mrs. Tao couldn't bear to see her daughter's disappointed expression and said quickly.

Song Yunxi's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Okay, mother, just wait while I go study the pastries."

When I make the first one, I will give it to my mother to eat, Song Yunxi said quickly.

"You, go ahead!" Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter who had regained her vitality and smiled happily.

Hearing this, Song Yunxi responded and hugged her baby and went to the kitchen.

What to do first?Or just be a donkey and wallow!
First make the bean noodles.Grind the dried soybeans into powder on a small millstone at home.

However, with Song Yunxi's strength, it was not difficult for her at all. She was very fast and finished grinding the soybeans very quickly.

He took out another sieve and sifted it carefully, then threw the rest back and ground it again.Repeat several times to ensure that the powder is ground very fine before giving up.

Then start preparing for the second step. Put the ground soybean noodles into the pot, add some dry firewood and light the fire first.Then take out the larger firewood and start stir-frying slowly over low heat.

Stir-fry continuously until the soybean noodles are cooked and fragrant.Then it turns yellow and is ready to be served and allowed to cool.

Then boil water to prepare the red beans to be steamed, turn the heat to medium and wait quietly for them to become cooked before serving them out.Then take her mother's garlic pounding equipment, wash it carefully and put the red beans in it.

Make it into a puree, add some boiling water and some sugar and stir vigorously until it becomes a paste.

Then find a clean sieve and sift it again.

Then steam the glutinous rice noodles.Mix glutinous rice flour and water and mix thoroughly with a knife to form a very soft dough.

Take a flat plate, grease it with some oil, and spread the glutinous rice dough on the plate.

The oil at home has long been used up, and the house is full of lard. Where can I use it?

She bought some clear oil on her way back.

Steam over high heat for about 15 minutes until the dough is completely cooked.Cover the steamed dough and wait for it to cool.

Once the glutinous rice dough is cooled to about the same temperature as the palm of your hand, you can wrap it.

Take half of the glutinous rice dough and roll it out between two pieces of oil paper into a thin rectangle.

Peel off the oil paper on the surface and apply a layer of bean paste filling, leaving some blank space on the edges.

At the end of the roll, roll the dough in the bean flour a few times so that the surface is covered with a large amount of bean flour, and the donkey rolling is ready.

Song Yunxi looked at the finished product on the table and felt very satisfied. Isn't this so difficult?It was quite easy and succeeded in one go.She felt a little proud as she thought about taking the food to Mrs. Tao to eat.

Song Yunxi paused as she passed by the study. Normally, she would have given his father a share, so forget it now.

While thinking about it, she ran to her eldest brother's room with her things and excitedly said, "Mom, mom, please see what I've done."

Song Dalang happened to wake up, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he heard the sound of his sister's whirring.

I can't help but wonder, "What have you done?"

"Dangdangdang, what do you think I did?" Song Yunxi showed off the donkey rolling in her hand.

Mrs. Tao was quite surprised when she saw it. She didn't expect that her daughter could actually do it with just a few words.

It seems that she has some talent in making things, which is quite rare.

"Mom, I think the cost of opening a store is too high. What do you think if I sell it behind my back like this!" Song Yunxi looked at Tao sadly while holding the pastries.

When Tao heard this, he didn't say anything but asked seriously, how do you want to sell it.

Song Yunxi roughly calculated the cost in her mind. Because she was successful once, she didn't use much of the things. The things she bought were almost as good as this. If she wanted to earn money, she couldn't do less.

So he said, "Mom, how about I divide these into two parts and sell them for a hundred cents each!"

Mr. Tao was a little shocked when he heard this. He only had a small six yuan in front of him.It actually sold for 100 Wen.

Is your price a bit too high?
Tao asked tentatively.

"Mom, don't underestimate this. It contains fine grains and sugar. I've been busy for so long. 100 yuan is really not expensive." Song Yunxi said a little unconvinced.

"Then you have to be able to sell it. I'll see who sells it if you set such a high price." After resting for a while, Song Dalang finally regained his energy. He leaned on the bed and looked at his confident sister in a funny way.

"Okay, you go ahead and do it boldly. At worst, we will end up eating it. You! My sister finally wants to do something and you hit her." Tao looked at Song Dalang who had been teasing his sister since he woke up angrily. .

But I felt a lot more relieved, which was much better than him lying there lifeless.

It’s really God’s blessing!God bless.

"I didn't say anything!" Song Dalang spread his hands to show that he didn't say anything.

Mrs. Tao glared at her son angrily and said, "I haven't settled the score with you yet, and you have the nerve to find fault with your sister."

Song Dalang was frightened when he heard this and silently pulled up the quilt.

Song Yunxi glared at her brother angrily and said to her mother

"Mom, why don't you try it? It's delicious. I'll make it tomorrow and sell it. When I make a lot of money, let's buy a servant and then open a shop."

"Okay, okay, my daughter is the best. I will wait to enjoy the blessings of my daughter from now on." Mrs. Tao smiled and patted Song Yunxi's hand.

"Well, mother, just wait. When I make a lot of money, I can buy you a lot of slaves to serve you. You will be the most blessed old lady by then." Song Yunxi patted her chest and assured Mrs. Tao.

It made Mrs. Tao laugh very happily and kept saying, "My daughter is awesome."

Song Dalang silently lowered his sense of existence. He was now very afraid that his mother would look at him and think of the exam again.

At the same time, I really admire my sister for being coaxed by her mother.

 Thanks to Baby Yang Ying, Baby Qi Shuang Aoxue, and Baby Ordinary Life for their recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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