Chapter 11

Since the Wang family made a fuss last time, everyone in the village knew that Song Yunxi wanted to dry beans.

Yes, at that time, the Song family dominated all the headlines in the village because of the Wang family.Later, the Wang family called their married daughter-in-law back to harvest wheat, so everyone could tolerate it.But the Wang family also asked their married daughters to provide their own food.

Now the village was in a state of chaos, especially those families who married the Wang family's daughter, who all came to make trouble.

The conditions proposed by the Wang family at the beginning were to sell their daughter to her husband's family, so the person they were willing to marry was naturally not a kind person.

Among them, the mother-in-law of the eldest daughter of the Wang family is notoriously difficult to deal with. She always takes advantage of others and no one can take advantage of her.

Mrs. Wang was beaten back as soon as she came to the door, so forget it.The mother-in-law directly led people to smash up the Wang family, but it made the other families very angry.

Therefore, the Wang family was once more popular than the Song family, which indirectly helped Song Yunxi a small favor.

It is worth mentioning that since Song Yunxi had done it in his previous life, this was not difficult, so he succeeded immediately.

It has to be dried for a week, so these days Song Yunxi has been living a life of harvesting wheat in the morning, drying the beans after harvesting the wheat, and then harvesting the wheat after drying the beans.

It only took a few days for everyone in the Song family to become accustomed to it from being surprised at the beginning. Although Mrs. Tao didn't understand why her daughter was drying so many long beans.

But I didn't ask. Now everywhere the Song family could see were beans.

Song Yunxi also fully understood the meaning of the poem "Compassion for the Farmers" over the past few days.

But she has always been a happy-go-lucky person, so since she can't change, she might as well accept it.

Today is a special day, because Mrs. Tao is going to take her to see Song Laosan and her eldest brother in town.

Because of their grandfather, they are now studying in Qingyuan Academy.Early this morning, Mrs. Tao took her daughter on the bullock cart to the town.

I don't know how their father and son are doing after being busy for so many days.Soon they arrived in the town, paid the entrance fee of 2 copper coins and entered.

Song Yunxi, who has all the memories of her original self, is not surprised by the town. After all, her grandfather comes here countless times every year.

The two knew each other well and walked to Qingyuan Academy. Mrs. Tao said to the gatekeeper beside her.Please look for Song Minghao and Song Yunzhang.

"Okay, please wait a moment," Menzi said politely and turned around to enter.

After waiting for a while, "Mom, little sister." Song Yunxi looked for a voice and saw a man dressed in moon-white plain clothes, with a smile on his lips and handsome features.

She has a slim figure, a picturesque face, gentle eyes, and an indescribable grace and elegance.It can be said that it really grew up in Song Yunxi's aesthetics.

The man walked slowly over and said hello with a smile, "Auntie, Miss Song." Song Yunxi was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly her head was hit hard by a folding fan. Song Yunxi came back to her senses in pain and glared at the person who hit her.

The instigator smiled and waved his hand, "Hey, you haven't seen me for a few days and you are brave enough to glare at me. Mother, look at your daughter. She is so big and she is so big next to her that she can stare at others." Song Yunzhang smiled and shook the fan.

"Who is this young master?" Not to mention Song Yunxi, Mrs. Tao was stunned when she looked at the man in moon-white plain clothes in front of her.

She asked herself that her husband-in-law's son was not bad in appearance, but compared with this little young master, he was as good as heaven and earth.

"Back to Auntie, I am a friend of Brother Song. Just now I was discussing an article with Brother Song. I heard that Auntie is here and came here to see me. I would like Auntie not to offend Zizhan." Wei Changyun said respectfully.

"No offense to me, you are such a polite young man. It is really his luck for my son to have such a good friend." Mrs. Tao looked at Wei Changyun with a smile, even though she always felt that her son was not bad.But compared to the boy in front of her, she couldn't unconscionably say that her son was better than him.

"Hey, you little nymphomaniac is still watching." While Wei Changyun was greeting his mother, Song Yunzhang ran aside to tease his sister, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"You can like beauties, why don't you let me appreciate beauties!" Song Yunxi couldn't help but blurted out, and as soon as she said it, Song Yunzhang covered her mouth.

"My little ancestor, you dare to say that I don't want to lose my reputation." Song Yunzhang was also speechless to this sister.

After all this time, I haven't made any progress at all, and I'm still as arrogant as before.

Mrs. Tao, who was talking to Wei Changyun, obviously heard Song Yunxi's words and could only smile awkwardly at Wei Changyun.

Wei Changyun also chuckled softly when he heard this. What an interesting little girl, so lively.

As soon as the words came out, Song Yunxi felt something was wrong and her face turned red unconsciously.But this little brother is really good-looking, as described in a poem.The people in Mo Shang are like jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world.

Song Yunxi was just as greedy and lustful as any other ordinary person.Suddenly it felt like traveling through time was worth it, and I could see this beautiful scenery.

"By the way, where is your father?" Mrs. Tao finally figured out why she didn't see her husband.

"Hey, mother, you came directly to the academy without going to my grandfather's house first." Song Yunzhang asked curiously.

"Well, wasn't it that I was thinking about not seeing you for a long time?" Song Yunzhang asked Tao, and he knew that he probably asked his father to leave again.

"It's not that the provincial examination will be held next year. This year, the college has a quota for exchange with the county. But it requires the recommendation of two wives. The dean is ready to recommend father, but there is still one missing." Grandfather called father over to discuss.Before he finished speaking, he looked at Tao and swallowed back his words.

Song Yunzhang was talking to himself, and I didn't notice that the eyes of his friend beside him flickered.

"Your grandfather must have friends, so ask your father to accompany them."

Mrs. Tao was also convinced. She didn't know how she gave birth to these two idiots, who couldn't even speak a word.

He dared to talk nonsense about undecided matters. Besides, he was afraid that others would not know that his father had used the back door.

I had no choice but to add a supplementary sentence after it.

"Pfft" Song Yunxi was simply convinced. What kind of fool was this brother who was a professional cheater?

She suddenly felt a little sympathy for the father she had never met.

"It's also embarrassing for the young master to be friends with my useless son." Tao said with emotion.

"Young Master is so frank and cute. I feel that I get along very well with him." Wei Changyun said hurriedly.

"Okay, since your father is not here, we will go back later. If this young master has time next time, let Da Lang take you home to play." Mrs. Tao smiled at Wei Changyun and invited him.

"As long as Auntie doesn't notice Zizhan disturbing her, I'll definitely pay her a visit next time I have time." Wei Changyun smiled and cupped her hands.

"Why are you interrupting me? I'm a distinguished guest. I'm very pleased to see you." Mrs. Tao then said, grabbing my daughter who had been having an infatuation, and hurriedly turned around and left.

She has lost face today, Tao thought secretly in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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