Chapter 12

"My sister-in-law has no status, it's a joke to Brother Wei." Song Yunzhang smiled at Wei Changyun a little embarrassed.

"Your sister is very cute." Wei Changyun couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth when he thought of Song Yunxi's performance just now.

the other side

Tao pointed at Song Yunxi angrily and yelled, "You're a good-for-nothing. I admit that the young master is good-looking. But you should also restrain yourself. Is there anything else you should say?"

Song Yunxi felt a little embarrassed following Tao. She admitted that her performance was a bit embarrassing.

This wasn't the first time I saw such a handsome little brother, so I couldn't hold myself back. "Mom, I didn't think much about it at the time. The main thing is that this young master is really good-looking."

"Fortunately, you are not old, but that's not surprising. This young master is good-looking." Tao nodded in agreement.

"Mom, are we going to my grandfather's house?" Song Yunxi hurriedly changed the subject.

"I'm not going. Since your grandfather asked your father to go, there must be something wrong. We'd better not disturb him."

Mrs. Tao pointed helplessly at her daughter's head. "I finally have time to come here today, let's go shopping!"

"Okay" Song Yunxi nodded happily at the store. She had to take a closer look to see if there were any ways to make money. The Song family's conditions were not good in order to provide for the education of the Song family's third son and his father.Not to mention the big fish and meat, it is difficult to eat enough.

At this time, Tao passed by a Chaos stall and grabbed Song Yunxi who was about to leave, "I got up early today and didn't eat much, so why not eat some Chaos."

Song Yunxi looked at Tao with some curiosity, wondering why the Song family didn't seem to be in good condition but her mother still had money to eat Chaos?
Thinking this way, I asked, "Mom, do you have any copper coins??"

"Of course there is. Mom has a dowry." Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter strangely, but she only thought that her daughter might not remember things before. "Didn't Mom tell you?"

"Why is the family so poor?" Song Yunxi was really curious and couldn't help asking.

"What does my family's poverty have to do with my mother? My mother's dowry will be left to you in the future, and it has nothing to do with the Song family." Mrs. Tao said confidently.

"It's also strange that my mother thought you were young before and never told you. The dowry is prepared by our natal families, even those with slightly better conditions must prepare it.

It is necessary to prepare all the things that a woman will use in her parents' home, usually starting from childhood.

When your mother got married, your grandfather was given a large dowry worth thirty-six dollars, and there were only two courtyards in the town.

There are almost 20 acres of land, and a lot of land is provided.How could he not even be able to afford Chaos? "Ms. Tao said with a proud face. After all, she was the first to receive a dowry back then.

Song Yunxi looked at Mr. Tao in confusion, thinking that she had heard wrongly. "If you are so rich, why do you eat so poorly?"

"That's my dowry. It's just my Guan Song family. What's the matter? Erya, you have to remember that a woman's dowry belongs to her.

If you use a woman's dowry without her consent, you will be arrested.And anyone who wants to save face will not touch a woman's dowry.

If a woman does not give birth to a child of her own, her family can get back the dowry after the woman dies.

If a woman only has a daughter, she can marry her daughter and half of the remainder will be taken back to her parents' family after the woman's death.If there is a son, then the daughter's dowry will be removed, and the remainder will be divided equally among the women after a hundred years.

This was a rule set by Emperor Taizu back then, so the daughters of families who loved their daughters would prepare enough dowries when they got married.

When you get married, your father-in-law will prepare a share for you, and your mother will also prepare one for you. " Mrs. Tao thought that her daughter should know something now that she was old, so she told her daughter bit by bit.

Song Yunxi looked at Mr. Tao with bright eyes. Unexpectedly, Emperor Taizu was quite good.

This law is no more friendly to women than those in the previous life. Thinking about the laws enacted by the country in the previous life, it makes me afraid of marriage.

It's not like this, as long as the mother's family can provide enough money to prepare a dowry, life is not going to be so good.

After all, I don’t eat or drink from your house, so why should I bow down to you? "Your grandparents only paid for your father's education expenses, and I basically paid for Da Lang's expenses. Because it is your grandparents who benefit more from your father's exams, and similarly, your father and I will benefit from your brother's exams. .

It's just that all the embroidery I got when I got married, your father's copying of books, the income from your uncle, your aunt, and your second uncle when they weren't busy working in the fields, and the harvest from the fields all belong to the public. "

Song Yunxi felt that the world was suddenly very beautiful.He is much friendlier to women than in his previous life.

When she saves more dowry for herself in the future, if her husband-in-law treats her badly in the future, she can still live on her own.

Song Yunxi thought silently in her heart and soon walked to the chaos stall and sat down.

"Boss, please give me two bowls of Chaos." Tao greeted the boss.

"Here comes Mrs. Tao, please eat slowly!" The boss looked at Mrs. Tao and greeted with a smile.

Mrs. Tao picked up the Chaos in front of her and placed it in front of Song Yunxi, rubbed her head and said with a smile. "You must be exhausted these days! Come on, don't you like his little Chaos the most?"

Song Yunxi picked it up and was about to eat it when she suddenly remembered and asked curiously. "Mom, don't you need to harvest your land?"

"My mother's land has been rented out with the help of your grandfather. All I have to do is wait until I finish collecting the rent." Mrs. Tao patiently explained to her daughter with a smile.

Good guy Song Yunxi called him "good guy". He thought he was getting a peasant girl's counterattack script, but he didn't expect it to be a rich second generation.

Tao was also low-key enough that Song Yunxi didn't notice it from the memory of the original owner.She thought her family was very poor!

Wait, if my mother had land, could she persuade her not to sell the grain?

"Mom, what will happen to the grain harvested from the fields?" Song Yunxi asked pretending to be curious.

"Of course I sold it. What happened to you? You forgot that you always ask your second uncle to help you sell it directly? Then give me the money directly. After all, why do you keep so much food? You don't have to be remembered."

It turns out that Mrs. Tao was not like this when she first got married. At that time, she would keep some of the food produced in the fields and bring it back to the Song family.

But as the old saying goes, good friends and good friends fight against bad friends, which inadvertently fed the appetite of the Song family.Later, she made a fuss and returned to her parents' house angrily.

She happened to be pregnant with the older man, and Mr. Song personally said that no one would be allowed to use his daughter-in-law's dowry to support the family, and this matter was over.

"Can we not sell this year's grain?" Song Yunxi asked tentatively.

"How could Erya have such an idea??" Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter curiously.

Song Yunxi's mind was spinning rapidly. "Mom, actually I have something to tell you." Song Yunxi glanced around and found nothing, and lowered her voice.

"What's wrong? It's weird." Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter who was looking around in a funny way and didn't care.

"Actually, I have been having a dream during this period. I dreamed that there will be a drought in the next two years and many people will die." There is no other choice but to be a prophet.She fought hard not to starve.

"What?" Tao asked in surprise. "Tell me carefully, what else did you dream about?" Tao asked hurriedly.

"Actually, I didn't believe it at first. I had a dream for many days in a row. It was very hot, the ground was cracked, and the big trees were all bare.

The grass has withered.The villagers finally got some water to save the wheat, but locusts came and killed many people.

All the elderly people in the village died. I seemed to hear the village chief crying for the elders of the five ethnic groups. "Song Yunxi tried her best to recall the beginning of the novel, which was half true and half false.

Mrs. Tao, who was still a little dissatisfied, froze when he heard this, hurriedly finished the Chaos and then urged Song Yunxi, "Eat quickly, let's go find your grandfather."

(End of this chapter)

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