Chapter 13

After Song Yunxi had just finished eating, Mrs. Tao put the copper plate on the table.He hurriedly took Song Yunxi to the Tao Mansion in the north.

"Miss." The concierge was puzzled when he saw Mr. Tao coming in a hurry, but he still saluted respectfully.

"Excuse me, is my father going out?" Mrs. Tao asked hurriedly.

"Back to you, Miss. The master and uncle have just come back." The concierge replied respectfully.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tao took Song Yunxi into Tao's residence and went straight to the study in the front yard.As soon as he arrived at the study, he stood outside the door and asked, "Is my father in there?"

"Go back to the eldest lady, the master and uncle are discussing matters inside." The concierge replied respectfully.

"Go and pass the message." Mr. Tao didn't have the guts to rush in directly.They knew from a young age that their father's study was not to be entered casually.

After a while, the order "Come in" came from inside. The boy who came out bowed respectfully to Mrs. Tao and then stood guard at the gate.

"Why are Yuan Niang here? Are you here to see Minghao?" Father Tao looked at his daughter curiously.

"Madam, do you want to see your husband?" Song Minghao also looked at Mrs. Tao doubtfully.

"Dad, I'm here to see you." Tao replied respectfully.

"Oh, why are you looking for your father?" Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter curiously, wondering if she was angry at the Song family?
It shouldn't be. Song Minghao's exam next year depends on whether he is willing to introduce him to a good wife.The Song family should not dare.

Song Minghao also looked at his wife in surprise. After all, he couldn't figure out why his wife came to see his father-in-law.

"Erya, tell your father and your grandfather about your dream." Tao said, pushing Song Yunxi.

Song Yunxi felt two eyes staring at her and moved a little uncomfortably, then repeated what she said to Mrs. Tao.Although she didn't understand why Mrs. Tao brought her to her maternal grandfather's house, she still followed the instructions.

"It's just a dream of a little kid, why is Yuan Niang like this?" Tao's father didn't show anything when he heard this, but only he knew what he was thinking.

However, Boss Song looked a little strange and asked uncertainly, "No one seems to have told Erya that the fifth uncle is still alive."

"Yes, if it was just a simple dream, I wouldn't come looking for my father. Several of the village chief's uncles have passed away long ago. The younger generation basically don't know that there is still a fifth uncle alive.

He is also equivalent to an ancestor, but because he offended that person, the village was basically locked up in the ancestral hall.It was also made for that person to see, but he was just hiding behind the scenes. "Tao paused for a moment when talking about him.

Song Yunxi was a little curious about who he was among them, and felt that he was very powerful.

"Yuan Niang, what you said is true. That person gave a hush-hush order to prevent anyone from knowing his existence." Song Minghao also arrived.

Upon hearing this, Tao's father said, "Whether this happens or not, it's just a matter of saving food for two years. Even if it doesn't happen, it won't be a loss of some money."

But if it happens, it can save lives. Besides, usually these things happen with warning.

At that time, please pay attention and be prepared if there is an emergency. "Father Tao still had an idea in his mind that he was not prepared to say out loud. If this really happened, there would be too much room for him to operate.

If it happens, his position with his master will be irreplaceable.

Father Tao looked at Song Yunxi and said with a smile, "Erya is too old now. You don't want to give her a name. You still call her "Erya, Erya" every day. How can you be a parent?"

Song Yunxi was a little surprised when he heard this, because in the memory of the original owner, this grandfather did not pay much attention to the original owner.He obviously cares more about his older brother and younger brother than the original owner.

"It's my daughter Shu Hu, please give her a name." She had always respected and feared this father.After all, his father doesn't pamper him like his mother does.

She is her mother's only daughter but not her father's only daughter.It's just a matter of taking advantage of the direct descendant to attract his father's attention.If my daughter can get her father to take notice of her through this matter, my plan will be worth it.

After all, Song Minghao, who had been married for many years, quickly understood what his wife thought. If this didn't work out, it could be said that the child was too young.

But if they become married, Erya will definitely fall in the eyes of his father-in-law. With his respect for Erya, whether it is marriage or anything else, it will naturally be even better.

Apart from anything else, the people who want to marry are naturally different. Others don't know, but he has still noticed it after all these years.

My father may have some connections with Fucheng, but I don't know which company he works for.

Everyone present had different thoughts as they spoke. Song Yunxi was relatively innocent and was still feeling silly in her heart and didn't notice anything.I was still happy that I seemed to have fooled myself, and I thought that I was really a genius.

"Oh, I'm afraid the Song family will have objections if I want to give him a name!" Tao's father glanced at Song Minghao and said calmly.

"No, it's my daughter's honor to be named by her father-in-law." Song Minghao arrived in a hurry.

"Haha, my heart is buried in Xishe, and Qing Kuang is gone, which makes me describe myself as alone. Why not just call me Yun Xi!" Tao's father said with a smile.

"Father-in-law is a very good name." Song Minghao smiled and nodded.

"Why don't you thank your grandpa soon?" Mrs. Tao said hurriedly.

"Thank you, grandpa." Song Yunxi was also a little excited. If she didn't know that Father Tao would not know, she would have thought that Mr. Tao knew her previous name.Wow, it's nice not to have to change my name.

Song Yunxi had no idea what Tao's father meant by naming her. After all, she was also a young girl.

She left Song Yunxi with nothing useful, such as the dowry, which everyone knew.It was only because of her young age that she did not arouse suspicion.

It was also Song Yunxi's good luck that she reached the age where the original owner said she was too old and too young.Otherwise it would have been discovered long ago.

"Yuan Niang and Er Ya will stay for dinner today. You can go to the backyard to see your mother and grandmother first. Minghao and I have something to discuss."

Father Tao calmly ordered his daughter.

"Yes, my daughter is resigning." Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tao hurriedly pulled her daughter and turned around to leave.After leaving the door, I took a detour to the backyard.

"My son! Why did you go to the study directly but you were wronged in the Song family?" He heard that she was coming before he entered the backyard and went straight to the study, intending to bump into Mrs. Tao who was coming over.

"Mom, I just have something to talk to dad about without me." Mrs. Tao looked at the maid behind her mother and said nothing.Anyway, his father will tell her mother tonight.

"It's okay if you're not angry. If you are angry, come back and tell Mom. Mom asked your brother to support you." Tao's mother breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.Just when someone came to report that the eldest lady was here, she went directly to the master's study. She was startled.

"Mom, it's the critical moment for my eldest brother to take the imperial examination, so don't bother him." Mrs. Tao said to Tao's mother with disapproval.

"Of course I won't bother your eldest brother. That bitch in Yimeiyuan wants your brother to fail the exam, so I can't let her see the joke. Have you forgotten that you still have two brothers?" Tao's mother led her daughter into the house. He sat down and said.

"Mom, why are you angry with her? Her son has never even passed the examination as a scholar, so he is not valued by his father. Besides, no matter how favored she is, she can't get past you. My uncle is also an official in the court. What are you afraid of?" Tao said disdainfully. Said to Tao Mu.

"That's right. Your mother and I, our children, are doing their best to live up to our parents' family. We should not treat her like a toy." Tao's mother thought for a moment about what was going on.

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(End of this chapter)

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