Chapter 14

"If I was still a little afraid before, after all, that boy was quite clever at a young age. Your father kept a close eye on me so that I wouldn't be able to take action, but no one thought that the boy would look like this when he grows up. He's really old God’s eyes are open.”

Song Yunxi was listening with a confused look on her face. Did she mean that it was difficult to start?

"Hey, I haven't seen my Erya for a while, why is she so ugly?" Tao's mother rubbed Song Yunxi's little face and teased.

"It's not that the family is busy harvesting wheat these days. It's going to be dark all over the world." Mrs. Tao heard the words and answered.

Upon hearing this, Tao's mother's face darkened, "It's your father who doesn't know what he thinks, but he wants to marry you to a ghost like that because he has a lot of potential.

After so many years, I still don’t know where I’m going. My poor daughter is enjoying a happy life at home. "

"Mom," Mrs. Tao glanced at Erya, signaling in her eyes not to say this in front of the child.

Tao Mu could only swallow her words in frustration.

"I heard that my father told Fifth Sister about a merchant?" Tao changed the subject.

"No, I don't know what your father is thinking. It's like he's out of his mind. Everyone thinks merchants are cheap, but he just follows the devil and insists on finding merchants." Mother Tao complained.

"Although the merchants are humble, they are rich." Song Yunxi couldn't help but interject after listening for a long time.

Hearing this, Mrs. Tao and Mr. Tao looked at each other. Mrs. Tao smiled and said, "What's the use of having money but no status."

"But money can solve a lot of things." Song Yunxi, who was not used to living here yet, blurted out based on her feelings in her previous life.

"That's good. Look, you've lived for so long and you can't understand it as much as a child." Father Tao and Song Minghao, who had been listening for who knows how long, came in from the door.

Tao's mother looked very ugly. After all, there were so many servants guarding outside, but no one communicated or reminded her.

It's true that she has gotten older in recent years and is no longer cruel enough.No more, let them forget who their master is.Still forcing a smile, "My husband is here, why didn't anyone tell me?"

In fact, they didn't come long, and they only arrived when Tao was asking questions.

"Girl Xi is better than you all, but it's a pity that she's not a boy. Otherwise, your Song family will definitely be prosperous." Mrs. Tao was stunned when she heard this, and didn't understand why her father would give Er Ya such a high evaluation.

Don't talk about her, even Tao's mother paused. She had known that even her eldest son, although favored by Tao's father, would not receive such a high evaluation.

Song Minghao seemed to have never known his daughter.

"The world knows that businessmen are humble, but they don't know that no matter what they do, money is the way to go.

Don't say anything else. If it weren't for these good relationships between you, you would be able to live in the house you have now.Think about what life was like at home without these marriages.

"Father Tao was also a little speechless about his wife. If it weren't for her family background, she wouldn't have been able to be stable for so many years.

Fortunately, her children did not follow her.But the good thing is that I am obedient and know that I am stupid, so I am willing to listen to others.It’s not hopeless either.

"Look at what the master said, I didn't understand it for a moment." Mother Tao smiled flatteringly. Fortunately, it seemed that she didn't hear what they said before.

Song Yunxi was a little embarrassed by the praise. Isn't this something everyone knows?Look how glorious Papa Ma was in his previous life.

In fact, there were some things that Father Tao didn't say, such as food, grass, and ammunition. He didn't dare to say that he could only bury them in his heart. It was just to marry a few daughters. In fact, he didn't understand why the master wanted so much money. He also OK."

Song Yunxi looked at the silent atmosphere in front of her and didn't know what to say to liven it up. After all, she came to Tao's house to solve the problem.She was still very happy.

But she’s not good at finding topics either, so what should I do?

"It's almost noon. Mom might as well inform some brothers to have a meal together." Finally, Tao plucked up the courage to arrive.

"Yes, yes, look at my brain. Chun Ju is here to inform the young masters and young ladies that they are back. Let's have lunch together today." Mother Tao said hurriedly.After all, Tao's father has been ignoring her and she is embarrassed.

I still have an impression of several uncles Song Yunxi. In the impression, the original owner liked his second uncle the most because he was very lively.

"Sister, you're here! You're done, do you want me to help?" As expected, the scene became much livelier when the second uncle in Song Yunxi's memory appeared.

"It's just you, how can you help me?" Tao smiled and pointed at his brother.

"Sister, don't look down on me, you can fuck me, why can't you." Tao Erlang said unconvinced.

"Your sister, I have been married to you for many years and I have learned a lot, but you have never done it." Think about how it is possible not to be aggrieved, but what if you are just aggrieved.

Song Minghao heard this and shook his wife's hand.He was indeed wronged by marrying into the Song family.He also failed to live up to his father-in-law's expectations.

Tao came back from his thoughts and felt that he was in over his head.How can you compare being married to being unmarried? At least her husband-in-law is not like other brothers-in-law who share a lot of concubines.There is no need to raise a bastard.

"Hey, this is my niece, she's grown so big. Sister, you don't want to take her around much. I almost forgot what my niece looks like," Tao Erlang said, changing the subject.

"No, we met at the end of last year. Erya still remembers his second uncle, right?" Tao answered with a smile.

"Remember. How are you, second uncle?" Song Yunxi greeted with a busy smile.

"You're so good, let's play with it. It just so happened that my uncle just got it." Tao Erlang hurriedly took the small animal that his friend gave him and gave it to Song Yunxi.

Song Yunxi smiled even sweeter when she saw the silver tiger in her hand. "Thank you, uncle." For such an uncle, can you please bring me a dozen?No wonder the original owner liked Song Yunxi as well.

Tao glanced at it and didn't take it seriously, it was just a gadget.Song Minghao, on the other hand, hesitated to speak, and dared not speak when he saw Mrs. Tao didn't say anything.

But Song Yunxi didn't pay attention because Tao didn't say that Song Minghao was not familiar with him at all.Who cares about him.

"Where are the eldest and the third?" Mother Tao curiously asked her second son, seeing that only one son was called.

"The third brother is not in the house. As for the eldest brother, I heard that my sister-in-law said that she was busy with an article. He said to come after finishing the article," Tao Erlang replied with a smile.

"Since brother is writing an article, don't bother him. Anyway, I'm close enough to come back often." Tao said hurriedly, fearing that her brother would delay his studies because of himself.

After all, the master finally said that my brother can be dismissed this year, and this little thing saves my brother's labor.

"Then let's eat. You have to rush back after the meal. It's the busy time of farming." Tao's father said.The meal ended in silence.

After dinner, Mrs. Tao said goodbye to her father and hurried home with her daughter.They had been out long enough to help harvest the wheat in the afternoon.Otherwise, the other two rooms will definitely be unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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