Chapter 24

"Young daughters-in-law are always fearless, and they didn't really see the rivers of blood flowing back then.

When that happened, some of them were not even born. "Li said with some emotion. After all, Li had already married back then, but she saw them being captured and beheaded with her own eyes.

I still remember the nightmare she had for a long time.

When Wang heard this, his face turned pale and he nodded, clearly thinking of something.

Although she had heard of the Tao family, she was still young at the time and had not yet married, so she had not seen it.

"By the way, mother, do you want to go to town and tell dad that he and his brother should stop messing around? My sister-in-law also said that there are many scholars who want to force the emperor to issue an edict to punish themselves." Song Yunxi asked innocently.

"What, those scholars are crazy. Aren't they looking for death?" Tao was shocked when she heard this, but she was not worried about her husband.Because his father was there, he would naturally tell him the seriousness of the matter.

On the contrary, if you step forward yourself, it may be counterproductive.On the contrary, he didn't take it to heart and thought I was alarmist.

"Hey, they are all young people! They are so fooled that they feel like they can do anything. It seems like things are about to get serious.

Someone from Lao San's family sent a message to Lao San to ask him and Dalang to come back. "Old Mrs. Song sighed deeply and said helplessly.

Song Yunxi nodded in agreement when she heard it. What she said was absolutely right. Young people can easily be deceived when they are passionate.

It is also the most useful knife. As long as you find someone among them, all of them will be incited.

Then he was thrown out as cannon fodder by the people behind the scenes. Even if he died, he would only get a sentence of justice and his family would be implicated.

Therefore, they have really dirty intentions in engaging in politics, and they use the blood of those young people to achieve their own goals.

If the man above really kills all the scholars, it goes without saying that it will trigger a crusade from the scholars.

Maybe the people behind the scenes will use it as an excuse to rebel, but if you really are forced to do it!Not to mention that this thing will be recorded in history books for a lifetime.

Just say that he issued the edict because of the persecution of some students.Who will take the emperor seriously in the future and incite the crowd if they are dissatisfied?

So obviously the edict cannot be issued. It's so miserable to be the emperor.I don’t understand why so many people are trying their best to become one, and they are tired and their lives are in danger.Picture what.

"Mom, we're back." Just when Song Yunxi was muttering silently in her heart, Song Laosan and Song Dalang walked in with a package on their backs.

Mrs. Song saw Mr. Song hurriedly stood up and came forward and said, "My son, your mother was telling Yuan Niang to bring a letter to the town to call you back. Why did you come back on your own?"

"The town was in chaos, and schools were closed. Many students gathered there for demonstrations, and my father-in-law did not dare to arrest anyone without orders from above.

They just called me to say that the county was afraid of chaos.If you ask me to take Dalang home, something might be going on. "Song Laosan replied honestly.

"Just come back. Erya was talking about this just now. I was frightened when I heard this, for fear that you would get involved." Old Mrs. Song held Song Laosan's hand and said worriedly.

"Mom, don't worry, it's not like I haven't seen the consequences of those who spread rumors back then.

They were just spreading rumors, and my son knew it. "Song Lao held Mrs. Song's hand three times and said comfortingly.

"Mom knows you know something, but you're also afraid that Dalang will be deceived because of his young age. How can I feel relieved when you look at his naive appearance." Mrs. Song glanced at Dalang Song who was grinning at her and said angrily.

Song Dalang, who originally wanted to reassure Mrs. Song with his smile, his face froze when he heard this.

Song Yunxi laughed suddenly.

Mrs. Tao also turned her head away with a speechless expression. She didn't know what was going on. Her son was obviously very smart in studies.But when she's not studying, she's just like a fool. She's also very embarrassed as a mother.

"Song Erya, why are you laughing?" Song Dalang became so angry that he immediately pounced on her and beat her.Mrs. Tao angrily went to stop him and poked Song Dalang with his finger.How old are you? You can still bully your sister when you wait to get married.

Song Dalang touched the painful head and glared angrily at his sister who was hiding behind Mrs. Tao and making faces at her.He said angrily, "Mom, you are facing my sister. Besides, you see how irritating she is."

Mrs. Song stood aside and looked at the lively scene in front of her with a smile.

Since Song Laosan came back, the weather has been getting hotter day by day and the earth on the ground has cracked.All the leaves on the trees turned yellow and withered and fell, and all the crops in the fields died of drought.

It was at this time that Song Yunxi felt the horror of the disaster, and he was covered in sweat just standing there.

Because the weather is too hot, everyone is very thirsty.But the water level drops basically every day, and there isn't much water in the river.

It was at this time that Song Yunxi realized that the most important thing about drought might not be food but water.

Fortunately, Mrs. Song had the foresight to buy several large water tanks, fill them all up, and use things to hold them down.

Then they put it in the cellar, and the women in the village followed suit.Therefore, they are not short of water for the time being, and even so, they do not dare to use it much now.

I only put one bowl in when cooking every day, so what I eat every day is watery.

After eating, I just rub the pot with clean leaves and don't even dare to wash it with water.The clothes are hung out to dry every night to remove the smell.

After a few days, Song Yunxi felt like she was rotten, but she was not a child and knew that it was true that she could survive at such a time.

In order to reduce consumption, everyone stayed in bed and only went out for activities at night or when the sun didn't rise.

But despite this, bad news came from the village, an old lady from one of the poorest families in the village.

He was so thirsty that his family had no money to buy an extra water tank, so they only had the water in that tank.

In order to save money for her children and grandchildren, she drank no water at all.

I was so thirsty that I felt very complicated when everyone found out.But my own family has too much time to take care of itself, so how can I take care of her people?

Another month passed. Since Song Yunxi was present in Rongshu Village, it was considered well-prepared, so not that many people died.

But it's different in other villages. According to Song Yunxi, in Cao Village next door, nearly 20 old people and women have died.

Most old people die of thirst, but the cause of death of women is much more horrific.The cause was that a woman saw that her son was really thirsty and had no choice but to cut her hand and let him drink blood.

It seems like a new world has opened up for everyone.The demon stretched out his hands and slowly moved towards the woman and girl.

There is a group of people who specialize in arresting women and girls. Some of them are just corpses drained of blood when their family members are found.

As this incident broke out, the clan heads and village chiefs of each village came out to warn everyone not to leave the village unless it was okay.We also arranged for strong laborers from the village to patrol back and forth.

After this happened, all members of the Song family who were scattered in other villages gathered back to Rongshu Village.

Song Yunxi finally knew what the empty houses near the foot of the mountain were for.

The Song family also quickly opened a dividing line with the village.The village chief only cares about the people in the village and does not interfere in the Song family's affairs.

Song Yunxi also truly saw what a big clan was, and understood why officials feared and hated clans.Because they have their own rules and don't obey them.

 Thank you Qiye for sending me the tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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