Chapter 25

But I have to admit that such a clan still makes Song Yunxi feel quite safe.

Because the clan leader has spoken, all men over the age of 15 are in the clan and will be assigned by the clan leader and then go on patrol.

The Song family's territory has been fenced off with tree branches, prohibiting others from entering.If you enter, no matter the reason, you will be beaten badly.

When people with bad intentions see this situation, they dare not take action against the Song family. The drought has only lasted for a month and the law is basically at zero.

Some people took advantage of the chaos and, together with a group of like-minded people, ran to the relatively monotonous houses to grab food and water.

Some timid people just gave everything to them and they naturally left.

But there are still some people who would rather die than surrender. If there is a conflict, there will naturally be casualties.Song Yunxi saw people hanging white flags inside the wall surrounded by tree branches almost every day.

Some branches separated the two worlds. Song Yunxi was very grateful to God for letting her travel to the Song family.Otherwise she would be one of those people.

"Erya, stop looking, there's nothing good to see." Mrs. Tao looked at her daughter who was staring outside in a daze. She didn't know that her daughter was feeling uncomfortable.

After all, many of the people who passed away were those who had greeted their daughters with a smile not long ago.

Not to mention her daughter, she was also sad, but so what.If they hadn't married into the Song family, if they hadn't had the dream of a daughter, their fate might have been similar to those of those other families.

At a time like this, when everyone is so worried about themselves, how can they find the time or the mood to sympathize with others?No one knows how long this disaster will last. The only thing we can pray for is for rain to come soon.

"Mom, I feel uncomfortable. If I had told them to prepare earlier, this would not be the case."

Song Yunxi spoke in a depressed voice. She wondered if she was too useless. Other time-traveling girls could help everyone break out of the world when they encountered this kind of thing.

But she was hiding under the protection of her family, unable to do anything.

Tao was shocked when he heard this, how could you think so.You have to know that ordinary people are not guilty, but they are guilty of carrying a jade.Mom is a very selfish person, as long as you are okay.

And you have done a good job. If it weren't for you, your grandpa wouldn't have made preparations earlier.Your father would not use any excuse to ask the clan to stock up on food, or even store water when there was a warning.

Mom knows you feel sorry for their experience.But look at those families, they also have people who are following us to store water and food.But what's the result?
Some people want to do bad things without reasons or excuses.You've done a great job, if what you say comes at the cost of losing you.My mother didn't want to.

Mrs. Tao held Song Yunxi and said seriously.

Song Yunxi nestled in Tao's arms, crying silently.She didn't know what was happening to her. Maybe this scene was too shocking.

In her previous life, she lived under a red flag and lived a safe and wanton life under the protection of the state.The most worrying thing every day is that I can’t make any money even though I go to work every day.

But only now did she understand how wonderful life was at that time.It also proves the saying that in the face of life and death, everything is trivial.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and it still didn’t rain.Everyone who was originally full of expectations was suddenly disappointed.

To make matters worse, the water in the river dried up, and the villagers who had managed to survive suddenly became desperate.

Song Yunxi regretted for the first time that she had not read the book properly, otherwise she would have known when this disaster would end.

Even though everyone in the Song family was in the province, the water in the house still went down quickly.

"Nai, this won't work. Why don't I go to the back mountain to look for water? Otherwise we will die of thirst." Song Yunxi said at the dinner table
"No, that's too dangerous. There is no water anywhere and there are many raptors on the mountain." Tao retorted directly. "It's okay, mother, you forgot that I am very strong. Besides, our family is definitely not the only one in our clan to be without water. I can go with the rest of the clan." Song Yunxi said hurriedly.

"That won't work either, let your father go," Tao said disapprovingly and said to Song Laosan beside him.

Song Laosan's face stiffened when he heard this. After all, he was a scholar.Where can I beat a bird of prey?

Tao glanced at Song Laosan angrily, thinking that he was really a useless scholar.

In the end, she had no choice but to let Boss Song and Dalang Song accompany her up the mountain.By the way, I would like to ask if anyone in the clan is willing to go.

As a result, after learning Song Yunxi's idea, the clan leader agreed very much and immediately asked everyone in the clan who knew how to hunt to go with him.

Then he took more than 20 people and ran towards the back mountain excitedly.This drought is so severe that the usually tree-lined back hills have become bare.

From the outside, you can see at a glance that there is no green at all.They could only go deep into the mountains. As they went deeper, they found the bodies of small animals appearing on the roadside from time to time.

A clan member wanted to pick it up, but Song Yunxi did not agree.Instead, explain to them that they don’t know how these animals died, and it’s better not to pick them up so they don’t die of thirst.

Instead, he ate to death.Why don't we go inside to see if there are any alive and we can feed them?

The man also thought this was true, so he didn't pick it up.I don’t know how long she walked, but when she was a little tired, Song Yunxi finally saw a particularly small touch of green.

She thought she was hallucinating, maybe because she was looking forward to finding water.

According to the Wilderness Survival she read while surfing the Internet, the green color generally indicates that there may be water.

After closing her eyes, she found that the green color was still there. She immediately said excitedly, "Brother, uncle, look if there is grass in front of you."

After hearing this, Boss Song and Song Dalang looked over and indeed saw grass, but they didn't know why Song Yunxi was so excited.

Song Yunxi didn't explain too much but continued to run in that direction. The other Song family members saw this and hurriedly followed.Although I don’t know why she was so excited, it must be a good thing.

As I peeled back the dry weeds, I suddenly heard a soft ticking sound.Song Yunxi shushed the people behind him and listened carefully, feeling that it should be to the north of him.

So I walked north and found a large cave, which was dark inside.

The sound of water dripping came from inside, and Song Yunxi boldly walked into the cave.Not long after walking, I found a deep pool with fish in it.

Everyone who was following behind burst into tears.Then it was like a switch was turned on, and everyone present burst into tears.

Song Yunxi couldn't help but blush, she was so good that she should be able to save many people now.

Song Yunxi hurriedly said to her uncle, "Uncle, you and your uncles should go and inform the clan leader."

As for the Song family in the village, everyone in the Song family has been in disbelief since they left, and they are worried that they are in danger.

On the other hand, I hope they can bring hope of life to everyone in such a dangerous mountain.

Many people spontaneously waited at the foot of the mountain and looked up the mountain from time to time.See if any clan members come down.

 Thanks to Ji Jia Xinxiang for voting
(End of this chapter)

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