Since Song Yunxi became pregnant, Shen Yunzhi felt it was quite new at the beginning. But not long after, as Song Yunxi's belly grew bigger, his temper became more irritable!

After the middle-aged man I met last time learned that Song Yunxi was pregnant, he sent two delicate and beautiful women!

Song Yunxi originally thought that he would refuse as decisively as he did in Shen Mansion, but she didn't expect that he would look at Song Yunxi with an embarrassed look on his face!

After murmuring for a long time, he said, "Madam also knows my current situation. If I don't accept it, I might offend Mr. Yun! Me!"

Song Yunxi looked at him with a troubled expression, which was a little funny. She thought she would keep pretending for a longer time! I didn’t expect that it didn’t take long before I couldn’t hold on any longer!

"Does your husband want to accept them? Song Yunxi suppressed the discomfort in her heart and spoke slowly!

Facing Song Yunxi's gaze and not knowing what was going on, Shen Yunzhi felt a little embarrassed! But then he became a little dissatisfied.

"Madam, you must also be considerate of me. You must know that even ordinary people now have three wives and four concubines. Our Shen family is also considered a wealthy family in Lingnan, but we only have two women. If madam really doesn't like to stay and be an ordinary maid, just do it! "

"What are you talking about, husband? Mr. Yun is so fond of your husband, how can I cause trouble for him! My husband also said that, it's just two women! How can I not have such tolerance!"

Even so, Song Yunxi still had this indescribable disappointment in her eyes!

Maybe she was too naive. She originally thought that when she came to this world, she met someone worthy of her whole life! I didn’t expect that it would all come to nothing in the end!

In this case, then you can only live your own life!

After Shen Yunzhi left, Song Yunxi seemed to have lost her strength all of a sudden. She leaned weakly on the chair!

"Madam, are you okay?" The maid next to her looked at Song Yunxi worriedly!

"Songzhi, go to the medical clinic!" Song Yunxi closed her eyes. The top priority was to stabilize her position!

Just two more people! But they cannot have children!

She originally only had some affection for Shen Yunzhi, and she never denied that she was a selfish person!

"Here, Madam, do you want to buy medicine?" Song Zhi looked at Song Yunxi with confusion and confusion!

"You have two more masters. I hope there will be only one little master next year, do you understand?" Song Yunxi considered that what someone was saying was very obscure, and if she was discovered, thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at Song Zhi,

The color in her eyes deepened. Song Zhi clearly understood what Song Yunxi meant. She raised her head in fear, her eyes filled with questions!

When he saw Song Yunxi nodding affirmatively, he had no choice but to bow and leave!

Song Yunxi looked at her figure, and after thinking about it, she felt uneasy after all, she was not her confidant!

It would be great if Han Dong and the others were here. Thinking of Han Dong and the others, Song Yunxi turned around and entered the bedroom. Fortunately, she still had some foundation!

At first, I only sold the property on the surface, and almost didn’t touch the property in the dark!

The banknotes sold were greatly affected by the fact that Shen Yunzhi had to spend money wherever he took office. After all, he didn't bring much money from the Shen family!

It seems that this account is not so easy to manage. I have to find a way to hand over the housekeeper's job!

After all, in Rongan County, money is needed for basic work, and even if the money is spent, it will not make any difference! Song Yunxi knocked on the table and lay in bed the next day unable to get up!

Shen Yunzhi got the news and ran over quickly!

"Madam, what's wrong with you?" Shen Yunzhi looked at the pale Song Yunxi and didn't understand why he was a good person yesterday and became like this today!

"Perhaps I have been too busy during this period, and my body can't hold on when I suddenly feel free!" Song Yunxi said while covering her mouth and coughing softly!

"It's been really hard on Madam during this time. The current situation in Rongan County really requires too much work!" Shen Yunzhi didn't think much after hearing this, just thinking that Song Yunxi was tired and her pregnancy couldn't handle it!

"It's just that I don't know when I will get better from this illness. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with your husband's affairs during this time! I'd rather leave housekeeper Chen to take care of the family affairs first. Let's wait until I feel better!" Song Yunxi said. He coughed and looked a little pale!

When she said this, she carefully observed Shen Yunzhi's expression!

"Here, Madam is still in good health. I estimate that even if there is any discomfort this time, it won't take long. How can I let Butler Chen take care of this trivial matter? It's not good to spread it!" Shen Yunzhi frowned slightly when he heard this. I am not willing to let Butler Chen act as the housekeeper!

After all, he always knew what was going on at home, he was just pretending not to know!

They are a branch of the Shen family. Although his name is scary, he is also highly regarded, but most of his family doesn't look down upon him!

Moreover, there is a special branch for business. Obviously, his family is not as wealthy as Song Yunxi in terms of money!

On weekdays, he just pretends to be a member of the aristocratic family!

But Song Yunxi didn't know that. After all, in her opinion, Mr. Shen was also a businessman at the beginning!

She has more money than a commoner like her, even though Shen Yunzhi gave her private treasury to herself as soon as she got married!

But there wasn't a lot of money in it. She just thought that Mr. Shen was still there, and the Shen family didn't have his turn to be the head of the family, so naturally there was no money!

"But the doctor told me that I need to rest and calm down in this situation! It's really not easy to take up my mind, and to say the least, I'm not very up to date. I've been feeling unwell since I got pregnant. By the way, it's time for those two ladies to come in! Look at me I’m afraid this body won’t be able to drink their tea for the time being!”

When Song Yunxi said this, her eyes dimmed a little, as if she was particularly sad!

When he mentioned them, what Shen Yunzhi wanted to say suddenly stopped in his mouth!

"This is just a trivial matter. After all, your health is the most important thing! Let's just let Butler Chen take care of it until you get better! I still have some official matters to deal with, but I still have to put my health first. Everything else is Little things!"

After Shen Yunzhi finished speaking, he left in a hurry. It seemed as if he really had official business to attend to!

Looking at his back, Song Yunxi smiled mockingly, man, as expected, you still have to rely on yourself!

She was lying on the bed slantedly. Although she still looked sick, she could not see how pale she was just now!

"Cuiguo, come in!" Song Yunxi called out!

"Madam, please look for me!" Cui Guo entered the door and bowed first, then stood still!

"I feel like my head is a little uncomfortable. You quickly go to the car and let's go to the county hospital to see what's going on!" Song Yunxi leaned on the bed with an uncomfortable look on her face, as if she was really in pain!

"Madam, are you okay! Please go call a car later!" After Cui Guo left, Song Yunxi slowly sat up! He stared at the bedside without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking!

Thank you to the floating cloud_Aa baby and Su Zhi for opening the baby ticket!

Honey, my updates may not be very timely recently, and sometimes they won’t be updated, but I will finish this book!

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