As soon as Song Yunxi went out, she went straight to the largest medical clinic in the county. When she saw the familiar sign of the medical clinic, Song Yunxi was relieved!

"Madam, the hospital is here!" Cuiguo called respectfully from outside!

"Hey, are we here yet! Cui Guo, come here and give me a hand!" Song Yunxi knew very well that he had to go through with the show. So he pretended to be weak and called from inside the carriage!

"It's Madam." Cui Guo carefully opened the curtain and carefully helped Song Yunxi get out of the carriage!

Entering the medical center, there was only a very old man inside, taking medicine there!

Seeing the pale old man Song Yunxi, he didn't bother to take medicine. After all, Song Yunxi's face was really bad now!

"Madam, please come inside!" The old man opened the curtain, and there was a table and two chairs inside!

There is also a medical pulse pillow. The old man sat down by himself first! Then he motioned Cuiguo to help Song Yunxi to the chair opposite!

"Cui Guo, please wait outside!" Song Yunxi waved his hand, signaling Cui Guo to go out!

Cui Guo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Song Yunxi with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Why, I can't control you now?" Seeing Cui Guo standing motionless, Song Yunxi's face could not be said to be pretty.

"It's not Madam. I'm leaving now." Seeing that Song Yunxi was about to get angry, Sin did not say anything and retreated to the door obediently.

The old doctor heard the conversation between the two and looked up at Song Yuxi with a suspicious look on his face. Apparently he didn't understand why Song Yunxi kicked out his personal maid.

But he didn't think too much, thinking that Song Yunxi didn't want his personal maid to know what kind of disease he had.

"Madam, please put your hand here." Seeing Song Yunxi's delay in moving, the old doctor thought she didn't understand, so he explained!

Song Yunxi did not speak, but slowly took out a token.

When he saw the token, the old doctor's pupils tightened and he quickly stood up and saluted, "Master!"

Song Yunxi waved her hand, "You don't have any medicine here that can make people weak unconsciously!" Song Yunxi probably kept her voice low because she was afraid that Cui Guo would hear her!

The old doctor was stunned. Maybe he didn't expect Song Yunxi to want this kind of medicine. After recalling it, he realized that he actually had it!

"Madam, I have several kinds, but I don't know which one you want!"

Song Yunxi pondered for a moment, "Give me the longest time. The effect doesn't have to be so fast! If possible, it's best to use it externally!" Taking medicine for a long time may cause accidents, but if it is used externally, there is no need to worry so much!

"Here! Madam, I'm afraid you have to wait. The medicine you want to ask for may not be very easy to prepare!" The old doctor thought for a while, and then said!

"How long will it take to get better!" Song Yunxi also knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he nodded to show that he understood! But I still couldn’t help but ask!

"I guess it will take about seven days!" The old doctor thought about it for a moment before saying!

"Okay. I'll give you seven days, I hope you won't disappoint me, and pass this letter to your manager Han!" Song Yunxi put the letter in her hand on the table and pushed it in front of the old doctor!

The old doctor took it respectfully, "It's master, I will definitely complete the task!"

Song Yunxi nodded, "You'll know what to say later! Prescribe some medicine to replenish your body!" "Master, this medicine is three parts poison! If you are well, you should try not to eat too much!" The old doctor quickly advised after hearing this. !

"Then give me some soothing decoction. I haven't been resting very well recently!" Song Yunxi said slowly, rubbing her swollen and painful head!

"Then please, Master, please stretch out your hand!" When Song Yunxi came out, her face had returned to calm, as if nothing had happened!

"Master!" Seeing Song Yunxi coming out, Cuiguo quickly surrounded him! Looking at Song Yunxi with a worried look!

"What's wrong? What are you doing? You just want the doctor to take my pulse without knowing it and think something's wrong with me. Put away that expression of yours!" Seeing her like this, Song Yunxi was very irritated!

Ever since she learned that Shen Yunzhi had accepted the two beauties given by her boss, the people around her were also interested!

"Madam, I don't dare!" Cuiguo was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, as if he had been greatly wronged!

Seeing her like this, Song Yunxi felt very bored! But he didn’t say anything!

After the old doctor came out, he just took care of his own medicine. People in their profession know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

"Madam, when you go back, you must rest more and remember not to overwork yourself. You must take a good rest!"

Song Yunxi took it and walked out without saying anything!

Cui Guo was still kneeling there in a daze. She didn't expect that Song Yunxi would just leave without reacting for a moment!

"Girl, don't chase her yet!" The old doctor kindly reminded him, but Cui Guo turned around and gave him a fierce look!

When Song Yunxi returned to the government office, she was stunned because Shen Yunzhi had already brought those two beauties back!

What a speed! Song Yunxi smiled sarcastically, and the handkerchief in her hand tightened unnaturally!

"Madam is back. I also know that Madam is not in good health, so I thought I might as well ask them to serve the tea now to save myself from having to worry about it, Madam!" Shen Yunzhi smiled with eyes wide, and he also knew that his behavior was inappropriate. I don’t know how I could do this out of the blue!

"Husband, aren't you busy with official duties?" Song Yunxi lowered her head, her eyes dark and unclear!

"Well, I didn't expect Master Gong to have already taken care of it when I went there, so I felt at ease all of a sudden!" Shen Yunzhi sighed with fake emotion!

"Oh, sisters are so beautiful. No wonder your husband is so anxious!" Song Yunxi looked at the two beauties in front of her, one was as blazing as the sun, the other was so pitiful! It's rare. If it were her, I'm afraid she would be anxious!

One of the women raised her head and glanced at Song Yunxi with some disdain, her eyes full of contempt!

Song Yunxi's eyes narrowed unconsciously. She didn't expect that she would be despised by a concubine!

When Shen Yunzhi saw Song Yunxi staring at one of the women, he turned around and looked over. After seeing the person clearly, he carefully explained, "This is Mr. Ling's concubine."

After hearing Shen Yunzhi's words, Song Yunxi was really surprised!

She really didn't expect that this woman was actually quite young, and Mr. Ling was the middle-aged man from before!

It seemed that he was so optimistic about Shen Yunzhi that he actually married his concubine as his concubine!

"Oh! Really!" Song Yunxi murmured softly, but in her heart she felt that her plan needed to be tightened up!

She always dared to be in danger, but Song Yunxi finally drank their concubine's tea!

She had originally asked the housekeeper to temporarily take care of the house on the pretext of recuperating from illness, but she didn't expect that Shen Yunzhi would hand over the housekeeping power to Aunt Huang!

When she found out, she was stunned!

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