Chapter 57

Song Yunxi, who was in a daze, was patted by Song Dalang and said angrily, "What are you doing? I'm really convinced that you can do anything."

"You take care of me!" Song Yunxi said angrily after her train of thought was interrupted.

After saying that, he walked forward with his avatar muffled, and without paying attention to the person in front of him, he bumped into that person's arms.

"Sir, are you okay?" The attendant jumped and helped the young master who was hit by Song Yunxi.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Song Yunxi apologized in a low voice without even raising her head.

"You blind man, if anything happens to the young master, believe it or not, I will kill you." The slave said fiercely.

"I didn't mean it. I'm saying that I apologized." Song Yunxi felt a little uncomfortable and stood up. She was shocked as soon as she stood up.What a delicate and beautiful man!

Maybe because of poor health, his face is slightly pale, and his body is slim and well-proportioned.The moon-white robe matched perfectly with his cool and handsome face, and the tear marks under his eyes were just right.

You can believe that coldness and charm are perfectly blended in one man.The most important thing is that his hands are so beautiful! !I'm going to be a male god!

Song Yunxi stared at the man in shock for a moment, wondering if this Jin Dynasty specialty was a handsome man?Why do I come here? Each one I meet is more handsome than the other, and they are handsome in different styles.

"Ahem." The man coughed twice and said nothing.

Instead, the boy next to him said, "Hey, here comes another nymphomaniac. You won't be fooled by my young master's good looks, will you?"

"Xiaohai must not be rude. I don't think this girl came here on purpose," the young man looked at Song Yunxi indifferently and said to the boy next to him.

"Song Erya, have you caused trouble again?" Song Dalang, who had finally followed his sister, saw that his sister had stopped in front of a man in white and had stopped moving. He brushed his head with a headache and hurriedly followed up to apologize. "I'm sorry, young master, are you okay?"

"Is this your sister? Didn't I tell you that you should really take care of your sister? She bumped into my young master and was in a daze at him. He only has a good temper, but if it had been any other young master, your sister wouldn't even know how she died." That boy Seeing Song Dalang complaining, the young man in white did not answer.

Song Yunxi was a little unhappy when she heard this and said, "Didn't I apologize? I didn't mean it." She said rather unconvinced.

"Hey, grandma, please shut up!" Song Dalang was also convinced that his young sister dared to talk nonsense no matter what the situation was. He must have been spoiled by his mother.You have to talk to your mother when you get home.

Then he smiled and said to the young master in white, "I'm really sorry, young master, my sister didn't do it on purpose. Please have a lot of young master, please spare my sister!"

It’s not okay to be disrespectful!Looking at the group of guards behind him, his sister was blind and couldn't tell that this man was not simple.What if he really makes this person angry and gets killed, Song Dalang thought bitterly.

"It's nothing but a little girl who hasn't grown up. Just be careful next time?" The young master said calmly, and then waved for the guards to leave with him.

After seeing the person leave, Song Yunxi realized belatedly that he must be someone she couldn't afford to offend.I felt a little scared all of a sudden, it was really a moment of trance.

"My aunt, can you check the situation next time before you speak? Fortunately, this young man is generous and doesn't care about you, otherwise we would have to stay here today." Song Dalang poked him with his finger angrily. My sister's head said.

Song Yunxi stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and said, "I only noticed that he was good-looking and didn't pay attention to anything else."

"I don't know who you are following for being such a nymphomaniac." Song Dalang glared at his sister angrily, then turned around and went to the rice shop. His mother asked him to inquire about the price of grain, although he didn't know why.But he still asked honestly.

As soon as he entered the store, the waiter gathered around him, but he was not particularly enthusiastic, because he knew at a glance that Song Yunxi and Song Dalang were from similar families.

It might have been popular before the drought, but since the drought, food prices have increased and only wealthy people are buying it.So they naturally look down on these people who don't buy much but have a lot of problems. "What do you want, sir?" Although the waiter was unhappy, he still asked according to the rules.

"How to sell coarse grains?" Song Dalang thought for a while and asked about something he usually eats.

"It depends on what you want. Our whole grains include black bean flour, corn flour, and buckwheat flour. These are divided into upper and lower grades. What do you want?"

"Then let's have middle-grade cornmeal!" Song Dalang thought for a while and asked, finding the middle point.

"It's not expensive for a guest. A bucket of cornmeal is worth 180 cents." The waiter said with a smile.

"What 180 Wen?" Song Dalang asked in disbelief. He was not ignorant of the fireworks in the world. He remembered that before the drought came, a bucket of cornmeal only cost 80 Wen.The drought lasted for less than half a year and was worth hundreds of dollars.

“Customer, it is still appropriate to buy now. If you don’t buy it, the price may not be the same next time.

Don't be afraid of jokes from guest officials, the price basically changes every day.The rush for these 180 articles is almost crazy. If you don’t want to buy it, please let me wait in line. "

The waiter had already thought of Song Dalang's reaction and was not surprised, but when the potbellied old man who was behind Song Dalang came forward.

The waiter immediately changed his smile and said with a smile, "Hey, Mr. Wang, why are you here in person? Just tell me and I will take him home for you!"

The master glanced at the waiter and said, "I just have some time to come over."

"Hey, are you still following the old rules?" the waiter said with a smile.

"Yes." The master hummed proudly, and the waiter hurriedly went to prepare. Song Yunxi was stunned by this face-changing technique.

Song Yunxi lowered her head and asked Song Dalang, "Brother, what should we do? Do we want to buy it?"

"Mom only asked about the price, but didn't say she wanted to buy it, and she didn't give any money!" Song Dalang said with a bitter face.

"Then we are still here? I feel like they don't have time to pay attention to us." Song Yunxi looked at the busy waiters around and looked at Song Dalang helplessly.

"Let's go back!" Song Dalang didn't want to make people dislike him here, so after thinking about it, he might as well go back!It can be considered that there is something to cross.

The two of them left the grain store and stood at the door looking at each other.

"Sister, where else do you want to go?" Song Dalang looked at Song Yunxi and asked.

Song Yunxi didn't seem to have anywhere she wanted to go, so she said, "Brother, let's go back!"

"Okay." Song Dalang thought for a while and took his sister to return the same way, but he had just stepped out of the inner street.

Song Yunxi and Song Dalang discovered that the outer street was still dead when they first arrived.Everyone turned their attention to them and glanced up and down, only to see that the two of them had nothing to wear and didn't look very good.

So they withdrew their gaze again, and Song Yunxi felt uncomfortable in her heart when they glanced at her.He couldn't help but leaned closer to Song Dalang. Song Dalang felt his sister's fear and protected her with his hands.

The two of them walked through the crowd carefully, and Zai Jingshen also knew that something was not right about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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