Chapter 58

It was just when they had safely passed through the crowd and were about to enter the alley.Boss Wang, who had just been buying food behind them, also drove out in a carriage.

As soon as those people saw Boss Wang driving a carriage with food, they rushed forward in a swarm of cats that wanted to smell fish.

Song Yunxi and Song Dalang were both startled, but Boss Wang had already prepared dozens of strong men to jump out of the carriage and hit the refugees with sticks.

However, because there are too many refugees, as the saying goes, the elephants are killed by many good ants.So the refugees are still worse, but everyone seems to have a tacit understanding.

The refugees only grabbed food and did not hurt anyone, and the strong men did not beat anyone to death, nor did they hurt anyone too seriously.

At most, it's just a skin injury, maybe a bruise on the nose and a swollen face.Boss Wang, who was robbed, was not very angry but calmly ordered the driver to take the strong man away.

Song Yunxi and Song Dalang looked at each other, confused as to why they were so calm even after their food was robbed.

The refugees did not stop to grab the food. Everyone left the outer street. After they left, other people who bought food in the inner street drove away.

Song Yunxi seemed to understand something when she saw this scene, and suddenly she felt a little complicated.

The two brothers and sisters were silent with each other all the way back home.

Mrs. Tao was not surprised when she saw the two people who had gone out happily came back slowly, "You just said they are back?"

"Mom, the only thing you asked me to inquire about is that one stone of cornmeal costs 180 yuan now." Song Dalang said to Mr. Tao with some guilt.I feel sorry for not asking about others.

When Mrs. Tao heard this, she didn't blame him and said calmly, "What's wrong? Did you see something? Why did you come back so slowly?"

Song Yunxi and Song Dalang looked at each other, and Song Yunxi told her that she saw it today.

Mr. Tao was not surprised when he heard this. He just lowered his head and said, "There is nothing we can do!"

Song Dalang didn't understand very well and couldn't help but ask his mother, "Grandpa, doesn't he care about this mess?"

"Control? How do you think Dalang should control it." Tao put down the things in his hands and looked at Song Dalang quietly.

"I think it is a very bad behavior for refugees to grab things and should be stopped in time." Song Dalang expressed his thoughts.

"Oh~ So Dalang means to arrest them?" Tao frowned and looked at his son.

Song Dalang did not see Tao's disapproval and continued, "The behavior of those refugees robbing things is naturally bad, but it is unrealistic to lock up so many people. The leader should be arrested and severely punished. This is natural No one would dare.”

Song Yunxi looked at her eldest brother in surprise, and suddenly felt that it was a pity that her brother was not born in modern times.Otherwise, he must be a qualified capitalist, and those who are not capitalists may not be as ruthless as him.

Mrs. Tao looked at Song Yunxi and said, "Erya, I see that you don't agree with your brother's statement. Tell me what you think."

"I think the refugees are forced to do this, just to survive. They may not want to be like this, but in this world, the price of coarse grains is higher than that of fine grains before.

They can't afford it either. Those rich people who have so much money won't lose much even if they are robbed.

And I think they are not just robbing one family. I think the rich people behave like they are used to it.

So I guess they should have formed a default rule, which is fine and doesn't require too much interference. "As soon as Song Yunxi finished speaking, Father Song, who had been listening for who knows how long, clapped his hands at the door.

"Father-in-law does have good taste, but it's a pity that Erya is not a boy. Otherwise, he would be as famous as Young Master Wei." Song's father said with some regret.But when he turned around and saw Song Dalang, his eyes were full of anger.

"Listen, you are not as clear as your sister. If you are an official, then the rich are your subjects, but the refugees are not?

If you follow your method, do you know how many refugees will die?

How could your grandmother not be aware of this situation since she was our parent? Why didn't he stop it?
Because although this harms the interests of most wealthy businessmen, it can allow more refugees to survive.

Who would do such a fatal thing unless they really couldn't survive?You don’t want to think about how to get the rich to spend money to help refugees tide over their difficulties.

Do you want to make it even harder for them who are already having a hard time? "Song's father cursed angrily, Tao did not speak for Song Dalang.

He is the eldest son, and his family has given him the best resources and naturally has high demands on him.Although he is still young and cannot understand this, it is normal.

Song Dalang lowered his head and did not dare to say a word. When Song Yunxi said that, he knew that he was wrong.

He did not look at this matter from the perspective of ordinary people. His family did not lack food because of his mother.

Therefore, although he felt that food prices were high, he could not sympathize with ordinary families who could not even afford food.

"When life has become a luxury, who will care about the laws and regulations? I want to solve this matter. Naturally, I need to find a way to feed the refugees, so that no one will do such a thing. Do you understand?" Song's father looked down and looked down. How could my son not be disappointed?

Although he knew that his son's qualifications were quite good, he felt that he was not a genius, so he just wanted to teach him well.But when I glanced at Song Yunxi, I was inevitably disappointed, and I couldn't help but think that Erya would be a boy.

Song Yunxi felt her father's gaze and lowered her head to hide the complexity in her eyes.

Why did her father regret that she was a girl in her two lifetimes?She had heard it too many times in her previous life, why are you not a boy? You wish you were a boy.But why is it still like this?

Song Yunxi was a little confused.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with Erya being a girl." Mrs. Tao noticed that her daughter was not in a good mood and said with a smile.

"It's understandable that Da Lang is still young and doesn't see many things so thoroughly." Mrs. Tao, who didn't want to hinder her husband's education of his children, saw that the two children were in a bad state and hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

"What you don't understand, your father has already explained it to you. You should know what your problem is.

If my son is nominated for the Gold List one day, I must remember that the task of an official is to petition for all people.Don’t stand too high. You must know that these refugees are the people.

To be a good official is to uphold the demands of these people. When they conflict with wealthy households, you should stand in their shoes. "Tao taught slowly.

Song Yunxi looked at Mrs. Tao in surprise when she heard this, thinking that her mother was no ordinary boudoir girl.

"But what your mother said has a premise. Sometimes it's more important to take care of yourself." Song's father didn't agree very much when he heard this, but just hinted at his son.

He was a little afraid that Mrs. Tao would teach his son to be too square. If his son really had such a life, it would be better to be more diplomatic.

After all, it is stupid to touch an egg against a stone. Tao did not answer when he heard this, but only glanced at Father Song lightly.

His eyes were full of complexity, but he also knew that he was doing it for his son's good.

(End of this chapter)

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