Chapter 72

"My father heard that my aunt was very lonely at home, so he asked me to stay with her." Qin Ruoyun said shyly with a smile.

Wei Mingzhu's eyes almost rolled to the sky when she heard this. Who didn't know that her uncle sent her here to eat.

Hey, it's so embarrassing to have such an uncle, and her mother is lonely.Her mother has been so busy lately that she doesn't have time to see her every day.

Wei Changyun also raised an eyebrow when he heard this, but he didn't say anything. After all, his mother's family had to save some face for her mother.

How could Mother Wei not see the attitude of her children? She was also very distressed about this, but she had to let people come!

He glared at his daughter angrily to tell her to calm down.Then he smiled and said, "That's right, I've been here recently! I'm having some leisure time in the Wei family, and your father asked you to accompany me if he wanted to."

"Maybe I haven't been back to my parents' house for a long time. How is your grandma's health recently?" Wei's mother asked, remembering her mother whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Grandma is fine, but she's just worried that her brother won't be able to get a wife recently, so she's in a bad mood."

Qin Ruoyun said quickly that she came with a mission this time.When she left, her father told her to try to find a way to get her aunt to let go and give her more dowry to marry her.

In order to find a wife for her brother, she had to think about how to tell her aunt about it.She should marry her as soon as possible. She has liked her cousin for a long time. When her father told him, she was so happy.

Wei's mother didn't know what she was thinking. She simply thought that her parents' family was running out of food, so she sent her here.

Who would have thought that her brother could have such thoughts, otherwise she would not be willing to love him even if she usually loved him.

After all, her son will inherit the Wei family in the future, and his son is so outstanding.Other than that, the daughter-in-law must have a good family background, otherwise how can she help her son.

She has never considered her niece as her daughter-in-law. The situation of her mother's family will hinder her son.Her son has great ambitions. She can't help him, but she can't block his path either!
At this time, she didn't know that her niece was scheming, and she smiled kindly at her niece and said, "You can live with your cousin later. We are both daughters and we have something to talk about together."

When Wei Changyun heard this, he didn't say anything but said, "Did mother ask me to come here for something?"

Mother Wei patted her head and said, "You see, my memory is bad. I want to ask you why you go out every day?" Mother Wei didn't know that her son went to the city wall to help, she only thought that her son had something to do when he went out every day.

"Brother Song is injured. I'm going to check on him." Wei Changyun was relieved when he heard this, thinking that something big had happened. After all, his mother rarely called her.

"Brother Song, he is the brother of Miss Song from last time!" Mother Wei thought about it for a moment and remembered that although the handsome man was not outstanding in appearance, he was quite cute.She is a very lively little girl who makes a deep impression on people at first glance.

"That's right." When his mother mentioned Song Yunxi, Wei Changyun's eyes softened immediately.

As a mother, Wei's mother didn't know what Wei Changyun was thinking when she saw this, but she was satisfied when she thought about the girl's family background.

Moreover, that girl has a simple mind and shows everything on her face. Such a girl comes from a good family and is simple and easy to handle.

"Hey, isn't the pearl of our family a friend of Miss Song? Why don't you go and play with Miss Song? Even if you go, you don't know how to call me sister." Mother Wei pointed at her son in a funny way.

"Then come with me next time I go to Mingzhu!" Wei Changyun was a little embarrassed when he heard this. He had indeed forgotten about his sister.

Wei Mingzhu's eyes lit up when she heard this. She still liked Song Yunxi's character.And she also knows that Song Yunxi is likely to be her future sister-in-law. If she doesn't please her now, when will she?

So he hurriedly said, "Okay, okay! I'll go next time too. I haven't seen Yun Xi for a long time." Qin Ruoyun looked a little strange when he heard this and asked curiously who his aunt Miss Song was.

"Miss Song! She is the sister of your cousin's classmate. If you have a chance, you can meet this lively and lovely girl." Mother Wei said with a gentle smile.

"Oh, then I really need to get to know each other if I have the chance." Qin Ruoyun said, inevitably feeling a sense of crisis in her heart, but she told herself not to be afraid.She is Wei's mother's niece, and her aunt must be attracted to her.

"I asked why you didn't come back at noon today. Did you bring anything with you? You can't be rude." Wei's mother asked hurriedly, fearing that her son would lose his etiquette at a young age.

"Here you go, the medicinal materials prepared by grandma." Wei Changyun replied hurriedly and respectfully after hearing this.

"Your grandma prepared it?" Wei's mother looked at Wei Changyun with some surprise. In her opinion, Mrs. Wei had always been a very proud existence.

Although their daughters-in-law were married, none of them caught the fancy of Mrs. Wei.It's not surprising that they are concubines, but hers is her biological son, so he still doesn't get a good look from her.

Now I am so surprised to hear that she personally prepared things for the Song family.

"Grandma seems to be an old acquaintance with the old lady of the Song family." Wei Changyun thought for a while and replied.

"Oh, that's no wonder. It's rare to be favored by your grandma!" Mother Wei sighed.

"By the way, you just said that Miss Song's brother is injured? Then I also have some medicinal materials for treating trauma in my room. You can also get them after two days." Mother Wei thought for a while and then ordered Wei Changyun.

Qin Ruoyun unconsciously pinched the handkerchief in her hand. She had an intuition that this Miss Song might be her rival.

So he quickly interrupted and said, "Auntie, I've been embroidering handkerchiefs recently. Can you see how I'm doing? I heard that my auntie's handkerchiefs are the best when she's at home."

Mother Wei wanted to say something more but was interrupted by her niece, and she couldn't say anything else.I could only take the embroidered handkerchief from my niece, look at the dull butterfly embroidered on it, and praise it against my will.

Wei Mingzhu saw it from the side and curled her lips with disdain.The level of Xin Dao is still embarrassing.

Wei Changyun saw his mother's attention being sucked away by his cousin and quickly found an excuse to leave.

Wei Mingzhu felt very envious when she saw her brother leaving. It was a pity that she couldn't just leave like her brother.

She could only watch her cousin act like a good girl in front of her mother, and she was complaining like crazy in her heart.

Wei Changyun, who walked out, breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't tell why!He has never liked this cousin very much. In fact, his cousin is very good to him.

But he just felt that she was weird and a bit fake.But no matter what, they were his mother's family, and he couldn't say anything.Why!

On the other side, Song Yunxi was talking to Mrs. Tao in Mrs. Tao's room. Mrs. Tao told Song Yunxi everything that Wei Changyun said to her today.

Song Yunxi blushed and was very embarrassed after hearing this.She didn't expect that such an outstanding young man would actually like her, it felt like a dream.

"Mom thinks that since he told her his plan, he should be serious. Mom told you to let you know, but you remember it. As long as he doesn't find a matchmaker for a day, if I don't nod. You You can't do anything out of line with him, you know?" Mrs. Tao asked her daughter worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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