Chapter 73

Mrs. Tao was about to say something but was interrupted by a burst of crying. Song Yunxi heard that it was her cousin Nian who was crying again and felt strange and walked out.

Mrs. Tao looked at Song Yunxi who ran quickly when there was excitement and shook her head speechlessly.He also hurriedly followed, not knowing why the child was crying so miserably.

As soon as Song Yunxi left the room, she saw her second uncle dragging Song Niandi out. Her second aunt was sitting in the room coaxing her precious son and seemed to have no reaction.Su Huiniang, who had not been out for a long time, also leaned in front of the door and smiled at her and nodded.

Song Yunxi was a little surprised. She originally thought she would have to cultivate for a long time!Why did it come out so quickly?

"Second brother, what are you doing?" Old Mrs. Song and Old Man Song also came out after hearing the voice. As soon as they came out, they saw Mr. Song dragging his second daughter out.Song Niandi was struggling desperately, and she was also shocked.

"Sir, please save me. My father is going to sell me." Song Niandi looked at Mrs. Song and Mr. Song who came out and immediately asked for help.Expectation flashed in his eyes.

Mrs. Tao and Mrs. Li were both a little surprised when they came out. When Mrs. Tao came out, Mrs. Li hurriedly came to her side and whispered, "What are they causing trouble? It's not over every day."

"I don't know, I just heard the sound coming out. As soon as I came out, I heard Niandi saying that her father was going to sell her." Mrs. Tao looked at Mrs. Li with a confused look.

Song Yunxi looked at her cousin with some worry after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask, "Cousin, isn't it really true that she was sold?"

"Erya, you are so naive. How can a family like ours sell their sons and daughters? Look, they probably worked together to show it to the old lady. They each have their own thoughts on the situation of the second room. I don't know what they are planning. ." Li said with some disdain.

Tao didn't say anything when he heard this, but he just frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

Song Yunxi looked at her cousin's expression and felt that it didn't look like an act!Seeing his second uncle throwing sister Nian away, he quickly went to help her.

"Mom, don't listen to this girl's nonsense. I have found a good family for her. I want her to come and see it." Song Erlang said with a smile.

"Are you fooling me? Are you looking for a good guy? It's all men. Where are you going to take your daughter?" Old Mrs. Song was so angry at this idiot that she couldn't make up any good excuses.

Song Laoer heard that he was also a bachelor and didn't hide it at all, and said directly

“There are so many people in the family who need to eat, and my family is not like my sister-in-law’s family who doesn’t have many children and has parents’ subsidies.

It's not like the third brother and sister's parents who have money and a dowry can't go hungry. How can they buy food if they have no money but sell her.Don't worry about mother. I gave birth to her and I have the final say. "

Mrs. Song didn't say anything. Mrs. Li didn't want to

"Hey, what are you talking about? What does it mean that we have subsidies from our parents? What do our parents subsidize us? Why don't the third brother and sister have a dowry but I don't have one? Why didn't you marry the girl from the He family in the village when your mother asked you to go?

She is the only daughter in the family, and the dowry she brings when she gets married is no less than mine.I gave birth to a son when I entered the family, and now I have three sons in a row.Who told you to marry Wang? Who do you blame for her lack of dowry? "

Mrs. Li was very unhappy. She felt that the second brother wanted to defraud the two elders of their food, so he did this.Why!They were filial to their parents and subsidized him, but why were their faces so pale?

Aren't you going to sell your daughter?He went to sell it to see if he dared.How could the Song family spare him if he ruined the Song family's reputation?

When Song Laoer heard this, he glared at Mr. Li with a gloomy face. He didn't know how much he regretted it.But it's your choice anyway, why do you have the nerve to say it.

Wang didn't want to, and would beat Li if he went crazy.Mrs. Li didn't let her know that her second wife had been unhappy with her for a long time, and she continued to do so day by day.

We all live in the same house, and we don’t know who is doing it, and we show it to someone who does it every day.You wouldn't point fingers at others to sympathize with her!I was sympathetic at first, but now I just feel annoyed.Their second room was so messy that she didn't even dare to let her daughter go out for fear of learning bad things.

I would still have the nerve to scold my daughter if she hadn't been playing coquettishly to seduce men every day.How could her daughter imitate the same thing? She saw it for real that day.

Song Niandi had the same sex with her mother at a young age. They were like dragons and dragons and phoenixes, and the son of a mouse could dig holes.

No one in the Song family could tell that the young master of the Wei family was interested in the daughter of the third oldest family.I don’t know why I didn’t put it out in the open.

In fact, it's not a big deal, she just can't stand it.As soon as she saw that scene, she remembered the time when Wang just got married because of her behavior.She and her husband-in-law had an unknown number of fights because her husband felt that he was being petty and bullying his younger siblings.

It can be said that she and Wang have been grudges for a long time, and now they have the opportunity to vent their anger.

Therefore, the attack was heavy, and Wang was as ruthless as crazy.

Mr. Song, who was standing aside, felt a little distressed when he saw that a lot of Li's hair had been pulled out. Unfortunately, he did not dare to take action considering that Wang was his sibling.

Song Erni, who was hiding at the door of the room, saw her mother being bullied and quickly came out to help.

Tao stood nearby and tried to start a fight, but was slapped, and then let Song Sanlang pull him away with a cold face.

Song Yunxi watched this scene dumbfounded and didn't know how it developed like this, but when she saw her mother being slapped, she didn't care about watching the show.He quickly ran to Mr. Tao and asked his mother distressedly if she was okay.

Mrs. Tao looked at the father and daughter surrounding her in a funny way and shook her head, indicating that it was okay.

Mrs. Song stood there with a dark face, and said angrily, "That's enough, stop it. Look at what you look like."

Mr. Song stood aside and stared at his second son angrily.

Mrs. Li and Mr. Wang had been afraid of Mrs. Song for a long time, so when she got angry, they separated quickly.They glared at each other.

After they separated, Ms. Li looked at her daughter with messy hair in pain, and Ms. Wang was immediately heartbroken.

Seeing them separate, Song Dalang hurriedly ran to Mrs. Li and scolded her angrily, "You are really looking for trouble."

However, she still glanced up and down worriedly, and was relieved to see that she was not seriously injured.

"Second brother! Although your sister-in-law's words are unpleasant, they are not unreasonable. Let's not mention the past and only talk about the present.

Take a look at the house and see if yours is the only one in a state of chaos. Every day, your second room will cause trouble.If everyone hadn't had enough to eat and no time to watch the excitement, my Song family would have become famous in this area. "

"And I also heard that your family is headed by a concubine? Although we are not a wealthy family and don't have to abide by the rules of that wealthy family, we can't be so unruly!
Let me warn you one last time, Wang is your wife no matter what.You can't crush her face into the ground like this. Mrs. Song scolded her second son with a cold face.

She had long been unhappy with her second son, but she never had an excuse to reprimand him.

(End of this chapter)

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