Chapter 85

"So, whether it's for me or the Song family, the best outcome I can give them is to find an ordinary person and live an ordinary life."

"The knife is easy to use, but it will be bad if it hurts the owner." Old Mrs. Wei raised her eyebrows. Although she thought this was not Shen Qingmei's style, she could understand it.

"Brother Nian is not young anymore. Do you have anyone you can recommend?" Mrs. Song thought for a while.

"Are you really willing to give it up? Why is it your granddaughter too! The person I recommend can be married to, but may not be suitable as a husband."

"Master was kind to me at the beginning. Although I don't know whether this young master is real or fake, for the sake of master, it would not be a bad idea to sacrifice a granddaughter if I can win over the right connections."

"That's right. Sometimes people have to be cruel. Otherwise, good people will be bullied. Just wait and leave this matter to me."

"I only have one request, it cannot be a concubine. My third son and the eldest son both have to take exams. It would be bad to have a close relative who is a concubine."

"Okay, it's up to you to step forward when the time comes, or let me give your daughter-in-law some air." Mrs. Wei didn't say anything after hearing this, and just followed her words.

"Let Mrs. Wang come forward! Find someone with better conditions. As a grandmother, I feel sorry for her." Mrs. Song thought for a while and said to Mrs. Wei.

Mrs. Wei raised her eyebrows and smiled, "The girl from your second brother's family is not bad. It's not difficult to find a better condition. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to let her go."

"Women are bound to have this fate. Who can't get married?" Mrs. Song didn't take it to heart.

"Then why don't you give me the girl from your third family now?" Mrs. Wei said tentatively after hearing this.

"No, Erya is still young." Mrs. Song refused without thinking.

"That girl is only one year older than the third child, right?" Mrs. Wei asked in surprise.

"One year old is not enough. Xi'er is still young and her temperament has not yet been determined. Besides, it is not appropriate for me as a grandmother to get involved at this time." Mrs. Song said hurriedly.

"It's no wonder that the girl in the second bedroom is like this. If you had the same attitude towards that girl, you wouldn't necessarily treat the girls in the second bedroom like this." Mrs. Wei said in a complicated tone.

"You don't understand how bad bamboo shoots can produce good ones. It's useless to have a mother like that." Mrs. Song said unconcernedly.

Mrs. Wei moved very quickly, and before Mrs. Song took Song Yunxi away to Yuqing Temple.Mrs. Wei's people got in touch with the Wang family and said they could introduce a good partner to Song Niandi.

Originally, Mrs. Wang didn't take it seriously or take it seriously, but the matchmaker said that the betrothal gift would be 20 taels.

Wang's eyes lit up when she heard that the bride price was so large. When she heard that the other party was a wealthy businessman with a lot of money, she ignored the other party's comment that the man was older.

They even got married once. After all, she knew how to give such a high betrothal gift under no special circumstances.

So when Song Yunxi saw a fat, white, middle-aged uncle in his yard that day, everyone was stunned when he smiled at him.

Ken Lai thought it was a guest invited by her father or uncle. She was dumbfounded when she found out that this middle-aged man was her cousin's blind date.

She immediately suspected that she had heard it wrong, but she was not the only one who had the same reaction.The most calm among them are Mrs. Song and Mrs. Wang.

That man is the owner of Tongbao Trading Company, which is very famous throughout Yun County.

I heard that his business has expanded to prefectural cities, and even the prefect will give him a bit of a thumbs-down.Qin Lan had trouble finding such a family.Mrs. Wang was originally a little dissatisfied when she saw this man, but when he took out a few silver hairpins and gave them to the female members of the Song family as a greeting gift, she couldn't help but feel a little satisfied.

When he handed Wang a pure gold hairpin, Song Yunxi saw Wang's expression become amiable at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He called his son-in-law directly without caring about the strange looks from others.

Mr. Song was originally very dissatisfied with this man. He felt that his granddaughter was still a little girl, how could she marry someone as old as his father.

However, when he introduced his identity as Mr. Song, he stopped talking. If he could really become an in-law with such a family, the advantages would definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Song Niandi was probably the only one who couldn't accept it, when Mrs. Wang asked Song Niandi to come out to meet people.

Everyone could feel her resistance, but Wang didn't take it seriously.

This kind of thing has been believed to be the order of the parents since ancient times, and she, a little girl, cannot make the decision of the matchmaker.

Wu Han from Tongbao Trading Co., Ltd. looked at Song Niandi who came out. Although he was a little thinner, he was surprisingly good-looking.She looks so soft and weak, she should be quite well-behaved.

Mrs. Wei quite understands his hobbies, but this family must not be simple, otherwise how could she marry him as his wife.If it weren't for the sake of getting in touch with that man, how could he be willing to divorce his wife and remarry.

His mother-in-law gave birth to a pine and cypress for him, but he didn't lose out on such a little beauty.

At this time, Mr. Tao looked at this situation and felt a little sorry for his niece, so he asked, "I heard that Boss Wu had a wife before?"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she was unhappy. She felt that Mrs. Tao didn't want their second wife to be good, so she said, "Do you not believe me, or why can I push my own daughter into a pit of fire?"

"But you should always be cautious about this important event in life. After all, it is a lifelong matter." Although Mrs. Tao knew that Mr. Wang was unhappy, she still said looking at the poor niece.

"It's like this. I'm afraid of being embarrassed if I say it. The third aunt also knows that we, who are doing business, are away from home all year round, so it is inevitable that my wife will be alone in the house for a long time." Wu Han did not continue but shook his head bitterly. Shake his head.

However, when his third aunt came out, he succeeded in making Mr. Tao freeze.

Song Yunxi was also stunned, seeing how this scene could be expressed in a funny way.

A person who looked older than her mother called her mother's third aunt.

"Oh, why do you look like this! Xiao Wu! You can stay here and have a meal today! Whatever you want to eat, aunt will cook it for you." Wang didn't feel anything was wrong, she was thinking now. Those 20 taels.

Therefore, Song Yunxi smiled so lovingly towards Wu Han that her skin almost got goosebumps.

Song Niandi, who was standing there, watched this scene quietly without saying a word. She didn't make a fuss because she knew it would be useless.

Her heart has never been as cold as it is now, and she is only a 14-year-old girl this year.

Is her mother so anxious to sell her out?She obviously already has a goal, why would she do this to me?Why can't you let me go?

Song Niandi's whole body collapsed and he didn't know what to do at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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