Chapter 86

However, when she inadvertently glanced at Song Yunxi, whose eyes were full of sympathy, she unconsciously felt hatred welling up in her heart.

"Why, why can she be so superior and she can only accept her mercy? They are all girls from the Song family, why can she only marry such a person?"

At this moment, her unwillingness and anger almost reached their peak. If everyone was the same, why would anyone be so special?

After thinking about Brother Xiaodong, whom she met last time when she went out with her mother, a bold idea came to her mind.

At this moment, she lowered her head to prevent anyone from seeing the hatred in her eyes. She glanced at the fat-headed and big-eared Wu Han with some disgust.

No matter how good his family was, there was no point in being ugly. She had never seen Mr. Wei who was as fat as a pig but saw Wu Han who was as fat as a pig.

Moreover, Mr. Wei is a potential stock. If he reaches high school one day, he will be the wife of an official.

At this time, no one in the Song family paid much attention to Song Niandi, even Mrs. Song didn't care about her granddaughter.

She felt that she was just a girl, how much trouble could be caused under her nose.

But no one thought that she didn't know where she got the heretical things from, not only did she not plot against Wei Changyun, but she was accidentally eaten by Song Dalang who was lying on the bed.

It was nothing serious at first, but the bad thing was that there was a medicine in the wound medicine that Song Dalang used that conflicted with this medicine.

So Song Dalang, who was still smiling and talking to Wei Changyun, vomited blood after drinking a glass of water and his lips turned purple.Wei Changyun was frightened.

Song Yunxi was the first to hear the noise. As soon as she entered, she saw her usually lively brother with blood on his lips.

Her lips were still bruised and she was stunned. At this time, she didn't care whether Wei Changyun was good-looking or not and asked him like crazy, "What did you do to my brother?"

"I, I didn't know Brother Song was still talking to me just now, and then he drank a glass of water and that's it." Wei Changyun was also very innocent. He didn't know what was wrong at this time.

"Why don't you hurry up and send someone to find the doctor? Why are you still standing here?" As he was talking about Song Yunxi, he remembered the information he had read when he was studying. If he was poisoned and had to induce vomiting, he would do it and hurriedly go and detain his brother. His throat wanted him to spit it out.

The rest of the Song family heard the commotion and rushed over. When Tao saw the scene in the room, his legs went weak and he slumped down.

However, Mrs. Song didn't care about her usual disguise, and hurried forward to check, taking three steps at a time.However, she had no medical skills and could only tell that her sweet grandson was poisoned. She could not tell anything else.

Fortunately, there was a doctor near the Song family. When the doctor arrived, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor stretched out his hand to check Song Dalang's pulse, and then his face didn't look good.

He quickly took out a small bottle and poured some medicinal powder out of it, fed it to Song Dalang, and praised Song Yunxi at the same time.

"The little girl did a good job. Fortunately, he vomited out most of the things, otherwise the consequences would have been serious!" The doctor sighed as he spoke.

"Doctor, what's going on with my sweet grandson?" Mrs. Song asked quickly.

The doctor looked very strange and did not say anything directly, but quietly called Mrs. Song outside.Seeing this, Mrs. Tao followed him. She had to know what happened to her son.

She hadn't seen her son suffer such a serious crime for a while, and she didn't know who dared to touch her son. She really didn't want to live anymore.Thinking of this, Tao's eyes darkened.

"Your husband! I'm going to tell you that he wasn't poisoned." The doctor hesitated for a long time before finally answering. "How could it be like this if he wasn't poisoned?" Mrs. Song didn't believe it when she heard this. Look at her lips, which were purple.

"He was drugged, yes, but it's not poison, it's beauty drunk."

The doctor's face turned red when he said that the beauty was drunk, after all, those things often come from brothels.They are all used by the girls inside to pick up customers and will not be seen outside.

That's why he didn't dare to say it in front of so many people. After all, the young man didn't look back because he didn't look big enough, so he lost his reputation.

Mrs. Tao looked confused when she heard this. She wasn't sure what it was or Mrs. Song understood it all at once.But after understanding this, she became even more confused about how her sweet grandson could encounter such a thing when he stayed at home every day.

So he quickly said, "Doctor, are you mistaken? My dear grandson has been recovering at home every day since he was injured. And he has never gone to that smoky place. How could he get involved in this thing?"

When she said this, Tao immediately understood, and his face turned red first and then turned white.

She had to ask who her son had offended and let someone use such despicable things to punish him.

"Then I don't know. I can only tell what caused Ling Xiaolangjun to become like this. As for the other things, I don't know." The master also knew when he saw the reactions of Mrs. Tao and Mrs. Song. I might have misunderstood something.

But he still hurriedly explained that he was a doctor, not a prophet, so he could only know why he became what he was now, and the rest was unclear.

Mrs. Song and Mrs. Tao went back full of worries, but when they saw Song Dalang getting better little by little, they felt relieved a little bit.

At this time, Ms. Wang opposite her curled her lips in disappointment and muttered in a low voice, "What a pity. What a pity, why didn't you just die? Let's see if Mr. Tao can still get better?"

As she spoke, she didn't notice that her daughter next to her looked a little flustered.

When he saw that Mr. Wei didn't respond, he knew that he might have taken it by mistake, but he also thought that the worst outcome would be that her cousin drank the glass of water.

But how could this happen? She actually almost killed her cousin. If it didn't work, her mother-in-law and her third wife wouldn't let her go.She had to leave, she had to leave the Song family.

Song Niandi thought this in his mind and made up his mind, so he said to his mother in a very natural tone, "Mom, there is no needle and thread at home. I want to buy some needle and thread to mend clothes."

When Wang heard this, she didn't think too much. She was waiting for Mr. Wu to come and hire her.Therefore, my recent attitude toward my second daughter can be said to be unprecedentedly kind.

She just hopes that her daughter will become the wife of a wealthy family and don't forget to support her younger brother.

So when he heard her request, he only waved his hand without saying anything. Song Niandi did not leave directly but carefully sneaked into Su Huiniang's room.

Remembering that she accidentally found the money she had hidden while cleaning the room, she took all the money inside.

There were also several banknotes, and she didn't know how much they were, but she didn't let any of them go.Then he walked out of the gate openly and openly.

As soon as she went out, she ran quickly and turned into a yard.She quickly knocked on the door a few times and opened it, revealing a tall, thin man inside.The man looked at Song Niandi very surprised but still very happy.

 Thanks to jenny_CB baby for the recommendation vote

(End of this chapter)

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