Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 130 Please Don't Leave Me

Chapter 130 Please Don't Leave Me

Qin He stood by the bed and hesitated for a while but finally got into bed obediently.

Su Ho found a magazine on the side, then walked to the lounge chair by the window and lay down. He reached out and pulled the blanket on the side to cover it, and read the magazine to himself.

Qin He lay on the bed and looked at the person sitting not far away, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but rise a little.

He was probably really tired, so he just looked at Su Ho and fell asleep after a while.

After a long time, Su Ho turned his head and looked at the bed.

The man didn't seem to be sleeping very peacefully, his brows were furrowed, as if he was troubled by something.

Su Ho looked a little fascinated. When she came back to her senses, she looked back in a panic and raised her hand to pat her face.

Just as she was about to continue reading the magazine, she suddenly heard the person on the bed call her, "Soho."

Su Ho's movements froze, thinking that he had noticed her staring at him just now?
Is he pretending to sleep?
When he realized this, Su Ho didn't dare to move, pretending that he didn't hear it.

As a result, the man whispered again, "Su Ho."

Su Ho held his breath and slowly turned his head to look over.

The man still had his eyes closed.

"I was really wrong, please... please don't leave me."

"Suho, I love you."

The next sentence was like a slap on the head of a sap, and Su Ho couldn't recover for a long time.

She even breathed softly, and she even seriously suspected that she was not only mentally ill, but also completely hallucinating.

After a while, Su Ho didn't dare to move. She stayed in the same position for a long time.

The person on the bed slept peacefully, and it seemed that the words just now were really her auditory hallucinations.

But she knew very well that those words were what Qin He said.

Whether it was talking in his sleep or the man said it deliberately, it all came out of his mouth.

She never thought that such words would come out of Qin He's mouth.

After all, she had never dared to hope so much.

She used to only dare to think that being able to live a stable life with Qin He was the best reward God had given her.

She couldn't even dream that Qin He would care about her wholeheartedly or love her.

Because she seemed to be cursed and had never been loved.

Su Ho just looked at the person on the bed with a mocking smile on his lips.

She has been behind him for so many years, and he has never turned back to look at her. Now she is almost counting the days, but for him to say such words, it feels very dramatic no matter how you think about it.

Thinking of this, Su Ho withdrew his gaze from the man's face and turned his head to look out the window.

In a trance, she seemed to see herself standing at the door or on the balcony waiting for Qin He to come back no matter how stormy or snowing.

Every time she stood alone in one place, waiting eagerly for that person to come back.Even sometimes it rained heavily and the strong wind made it difficult for anyone to stand still, or it snowed heavily and the weather was several degrees below zero, but she still stood there waiting for Qin He to come back.

Just waiting and waiting, what happened was that Qin He personally picked up Mu Silan, who had just returned to China, and personally carried her into the home where they had lived together for nearly ten years, making her an outsider and the most unnecessary for a while. of that.

She couldn't tell what she was feeling at that time.

Not even jealousy.

If she had to describe her feelings when she saw such a scene.

That was Su Ho who had been destroyed by Zhou Wen and the eldest son of the Fu family. After finally putting it together, he was torn to pieces in an instant...

In fact, they should have been strangers for a long time.

But because her illness happened by chance, they have been struggling with it until now.

Su Ho collected his thoughts and raised his hands to cover his eyes, suppressing all the past memories in his mind.

Qin He's every move in the past two days made her a little unbearable.

She still hasn't completely let go of this person, because if he treats her a little better, she can't restrain her heart that once loved him dearly.

She will still be moved again because of his kindness to her.

Su Ho took a deep breath and left the bedroom with a somewhat depressed mood.

Because she felt that if she stayed like this any longer, she didn't know what else she wanted out of her greed and delusion.

After going downstairs, Su Ho was about to go find Su Yuan, but he saw Uncle Chen answering the phone and sighing from time to time, looking very worried.

After Uncle Chen finished talking on the phone, Su Ho walked over.

Uncle Chen didn't expect Su Ho to come down suddenly, and felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

Su Ho took the initiative and said, "He is asleep."

Uncle Chen was stunned for a moment, and then sighed, "He has really treated himself like a robot during this period. He has not slept for several days, which a normal person would not be able to do. If you hadn't been here, he would probably have beaten himself."

Uncle Chen's words were somewhat selfish.

I just wanted to make Uncle Chen feel sad.

He just said it vaguely.

He didn't say anything more.

After all, Su Ho's life with Qin He was indeed unsatisfactory.

No matter how selfish he is, he can't drag Su Ho into this pit again.

As for what will happen to the two of them in the future, that is a matter between Qin He and Su He, and he cannot interfere too much.

Su Ho heard Uncle Chen's intention and didn't reveal it. He just asked casually, "How is Uncle Qin?"

(End of this chapter)

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