Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 131 I didn’t give up on myself

Chapter 131 I didn’t give up on myself

Uncle Chen shook his head helplessly when he heard this, "His health collapsed a few years ago. Over the years, he has been worrying about things at home and in the company. It is a miracle that he can survive until now. These two days have been at the end of his struggle. It’s just a matter of these two days.”

Listening to Uncle Chen's words, Su Ho looked at the heavy snow outside the door and whispered, "It's getting cold, and even the elderly can't hold on."

"Yes, I don't know how many elderly people have been taken away by this sudden heavy snow."

Su Ho looked at the falling snowflakes without saying a word.

After not seeing Uncle Chen for a while, Su Ho also felt that he was much older.

No longer as energetic as before.

"By the way, I may have to leave after the Chinese New Year. I can go home while I can and stay with my family for a while. Otherwise, I may not have the chance in the future. After all, when you get old, you can't help yourself. ”

Su Ho turned his head and looked over, "Have you told Qin He about this?"

When Su Ho left, he told Uncle Chen that he was old now and it was time for him to rest.

Uncle Chen nodded, "As I said, he doesn't have any objections and has arranged everything for me."

Hearing what Uncle Chen said, Su Ho felt relieved.

Su Ho turned around and went to the outer study room to get a book, sat down on the recliner in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and lowered his head to read.

But I couldn't calm down at all.

Qin He's words just now echo in his ears from time to time.

It kept her distracted.

After a while, Uncle Chen brought over a small plate of fruit snacks, and also handed over a blanket, "It's ventilated here, you cover yourself with a blanket."

Su Ho came back to his senses, reached out and took the blanket and covered himself, "Thank you."

Uncle Chen put the small plate aside and looked at Su Ho but hesitated to speak.

After a while, Uncle Chen whispered, "Miss Su, I know you have already made a decision in your heart. What I say can't change it, and what others say may not be able to change it. But sometimes you hesitate a little when making a decision. , not a bad thing.”

When he knew that Su Ho was ill and left with the intention of giving up treatment, he felt sorry for Su Ho in his heart.

But he didn't have any position to change or do anything.

He just hoped that Su Ho could live well. After all, her life had been so difficult since she was born.

It can't always be so difficult for people, it should be easier.

Su Ho smiled slightly after listening to Uncle Chen's words, "Okay."

"I used to have a kind of small persimmon at home, which is especially delicious in winter. It's too late this year. I'll send some over next year, or maybe I'll give it to you to try?"

Uncle Chen's words were a bit roundabout, but Su Ho still understood the meaning of Uncle Chen's words. She was silent for a long time and then said, "Okay."

Seeing that she had come down, Uncle Chen turned around and left.

Su Ho sat on the chair and looked at the snacks placed aside, then took a piece of it and ate it.Somewhat sweet, some sweet but greasy,
I took a bite and put it aside.

I don't have much intention to read the book anymore, so I just plan to squint here for a while.

Just as he adjusted his posture, the cell phone placed aside rang.

It's a video call.

I thought it was Xu Xu, but when I picked it up, I saw it was Fang Heng.

She hadn't taken the initiative to contact Fang Heng in the past two days. First, she didn't know how to continue getting along with him after knowing Fang Heng's thoughts. Second, she didn't know what to say.

Now seeing Fang Heng calling Su Ho was still a little bit at a loss.

After connecting to the video, Fang Heng's face appeared in the camera.

At first glance, he seems to be thinner than before.

Her tone was as usual, "Fang Heng, long time no see."

Fang Heng remained silent in the camera, looking at Su Ho for a long while before asking, "Are you okay?"

After he learned that Su He was taken away by Qin He, he found someone to stop him.

But before he could make any move, Qin He's people spotted him first.

Although Haicheng was his territory, the people Qin He found were all ruffians from Haicheng.

It's not like they're trying to make things difficult for you or use force, they just follow you wherever you go.

He couldn't just beat everyone up, so he waited until he arrived at the airport and the plane had already taken off.

Then something went wrong in the company, and he was extremely busy.

After finally dealing with it and having some free time, I immediately sent a video to Su Ho.

Su Ho smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, just the same as before. Don't worry."

Fang Heng frowned, "Su Yuan is really right at all. He said that you always like to say it's okay no matter what, and you don't even care about your own body."

Speaking of this, Fang Heng paused, "By the way, you...Qin He didn't do anything to you, right? He didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

Su Ho shook his head, "Why is he making things difficult for me?"

Fang Heng originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but he still swallowed his words and asked instead, "Mr. Zhong's medical skills are very trustworthy. The fact that he can find him in such a short time means that he is still I care about it very much, so Su Ho, you have to recover well, then..."

"Fang Heng, I know what you want to say, but now I..."

"Su Ho, are you really not going to have surgery?" Fang Heng interrupted her, "Your body and your life are your own, why should you give up on yourself?"

"I didn't give up on myself."

(End of this chapter)

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