Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 166 Because I don’t want to see you

Chapter 166 Because I don’t want to see you
The two of them were talking while doing the inspection.

Qin He stood aside, looking like an outsider and out of place.

His eyes never moved away from Su Ho.

Especially every time Lin Yi got close to Su Ho, his hand hanging by his side would tighten unconsciously.

It seemed like he would go up and take Lin Yi aside at any time.

In fact, Qin He was also present in person when Mu Silan was undergoing health check-ups.

But he didn't feel uncomfortable when he watched the male doctor examining Mu Silan, and he also thought it was normal. After all, doctors and patients did not distinguish between genders.

After all, when life and death are at stake, doctors are there to save lives. If gender distinctions were made in this situation, people would die countless times.

But now that Su He was in such a situation, Qin He felt uncomfortable everywhere.

Especially when Lin Yi touched Su Ho, every time he wanted to rush up and slap Lin Yi's hand away from Su Ho.

Suddenly he thought of Su Ho's domineering warning to a girl who tried to get close to him, and he still felt that Su Ho was arrogant and unreasonable.

At this time, the roles were reversed, and he suddenly understood the original Su Ho.

If someone else touches something that belongs to him, it will challenge his bottom line and make him feel very uncomfortable.

After finally finishing all the projects, Lin Yi said hello to Su Ho and planned to go work first because he had other patients.

Just now he was only talking to Su He and didn't notice Qin He.

Now that he was done with his work, Lin Yi wanted to say hello politely, only to find that the man was looking at him with a somewhat gloomy look.

Lin Yi was a little confused by Qin He's look, but he didn't think much about it and left after giving some instructions.

After everyone left, Su Ho stood up, took the coat he had just taken off and prepared to walk out.

"Wait a moment."

Hearing the sound, Su Ho looked back.

Qin He stepped forward and took the coat from her hand, buttoned it up for her, and pulled the wheelchair aside, "Let's go."

Su Ho looked at him, "Lin Yi just said that I can move around appropriately."

Qin He nodded, pushed the wheelchair aside, walked over, took her hand and led her out.

Looking at the hand being held, Su Ho subconsciously wanted to pull his hand back, but the other person's hold was a bit tight, and he couldn't pull it out even after several attempts.

In the end, I just let him go.

It's also a long way from the reconstruction room to the parking area.

Qin He led her very slowly, and would stop to let her rest for a while, and then continued to lead her forward.

Su Ho was actually a little tired after being around for so long.

So I didn't make any fuss with him and let him lead me.After walking for a while, Su Ho suddenly stopped.

Qin He also stopped and looked back at her, "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

Su Ho glanced aside and looked at a middle-aged woman sitting in a wheelchair.

There was no family accompanying her, and she looked at the lake with dull eyes.

For some reason, Su Ho thought of Zhou Wen at this moment.

That woman had been mean to her all her life, and when she died, she wished she was dead.

I thought she would get her wish, but I didn't expect that she could crawl out of the Palace of Hell and still live well.

In fact, Zhou Wen's situation can be regarded as a dead end. Even if she doesn't do anything, she will be tortured to death by the disease in a short time.

It seemed a bit sad to die like that, so it would be better to let her die quietly with hatred.

Originally, those things didn't need to go through her hands, but every time she thought of Su Yong and Su Ying, she hated the woman who gave her life.

Whether you say she is ruthless or ruthless, or you say she is unconscionable, after all, she is the one who takes the evil to the end.

"I asked Chi Cheng to handle her matter, and the procedures at the hospital have been completed long ago."

A man's deep voice sounded in his ears, "The eldest son of the Fu family also left due to a sudden heart attack not long after she left. The two of them went south and north."

Su Ho came back to his senses when he heard this and glanced at his face.

She was a little curious as to how this person knew what she was thinking.

Qin He looked at her with a gentle expression on his face, "Do you want to sit for a while before leaving?"

Su Ho opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he said nothing and continued walking forward.

Neither of them spoke a word until they reached the car.

Back at his place of residence, Su Ho went straight to his room as soon as he got off the car.

Qin He followed in and placed the medicine and water glass beside her bed.

Su Ho took the medicine and took the medicine, then raised his eyes and looked at him, "Can you leave now?"

Qin He lowered his eyes and looked at her. When he met those calm eyes, Qin He's eyebrows moved slightly, and his tone was a bit pleading, "Can I stay here for a while? I won't disturb you without saying anything."

Su Ho refused neatly, "No!"


"Because I don't want to see you. I feel annoyed when I see you."

(End of this chapter)

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