Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 167 She has the right to choose others

Chapter 167 She has the right to choose others

The expression on Qin He's face did not change because of Su He's words.

He just looked at her quietly and suddenly realized that his opinion was very serious.

He spent more than a year desperately stalking Su Ho.

Praying to be forgiven and to give him another chance to make amends.

But from beginning to end, Su Ho didn't seem to have any intention of wavering.

She could pester him shamelessly, but Su Ho had more choices.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that no matter how hard he struggled, he had been kicked out of Suho.

He could pester her endlessly.

She could also turn a blind eye, ignore him, or even choose someone else.

But he had no qualifications to interfere with her choice.

Especially thinking about Lin Yi's attitude towards Su Ho today, Qin He felt that it might not be long before she would be with others, chatting intimately, and doing the things they had done intimately.

Just thinking that one day Su Ho might completely belong to someone else, Qin He couldn't hold back the anger and resentment that kept rising in his heart.

The words he wanted to say were clearly on his lips, but in the end, reason got in the way.

He gritted his teeth and suppressed the impulse before saying, "Okay, I'll go back first. You have a good rest. I'll come back later."

After saying that, without waiting for Su Ho to speak, he turned around and left the room.

Because he was worried that if Su Ho said something a little slower, he would say something irrevocable, so he might as well calm down on his own.

As soon as Qin He left, Su Yuan's phone came over.

Su Ho took a deep breath, reached for the phone and answered the call, "If you don't have fun with yourself, why are you calling me?"

"I'm worried about you." Su Yuan said truthfully, "Sister, have you been to the hospital? What did Dr. Lin say? How is your recovery? When is the next time you go?"

Su Yuan threw out a series of questions as soon as he came up. Su Ho said helplessly, "Which one do you want me to answer first?"

"What did Dr. Lin say? Are you recovering well?" Although Su Yuan was very happy to go out with Wei Yun, he still missed Su Ho in his heart.

"It's not a big problem and she's recovering well." Su Ho knew that if she didn't answer, he would keep thinking about her, so he told the truth.

"That's good, will it be fine after a while?"

"Absolutely." In response, Su Ho changed the subject and asked, "How was your time? Are you happy?"


Listening to Su Yuan's tone, Su Ho could roughly imagine the smile on Su Yuan's face.

"Then just play a little longer. It doesn't matter if you come back later in the evening. You don't have to worry about me."

"Sister, I will not go back to Zhoucheng with Wei Yun, at least not until you have fully recovered."

Before hanging up the phone, Su Yuan said this in a serious tone.Su Ho paused in hanging up the phone, "We can wait until you come back to talk about this matter. Let's have fun first."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho sighed.

She didn't know whether Su Yuan treated her like this was something to be thankful for or something to worry about.

Su Yuan told her that this situation was actually enough.

When she brought someone home, she never thought that one day she would be able to expect Su Yuan to repay her.

It was just that Su Yuan looked so much like herself at that time that she decided to take him home.

Nowadays, he thinks about everything for her and always puts his own affairs last.

She didn't want him to.

On the contrary, I hope he can think more about himself.

I hope he can do what he likes to do and go where he wants to go without being constrained or restricted.

Su Ho didn't leave the room at night. Dinner was brought in by the cooking aunt.

I don't know if her words or actions during the day hurt him, but Qin He didn't show up until very late.

It wasn't until the next morning that Su Ho saw Qin He again.

He still had the same attitude as before. When he saw her, he smiled at her, stepped forward and helped her open the dining table and chairs, "Sit here."

Su Ho was not picky, he came forward and sat down, then turned to look at Wei Yun who was helping his aunt carry the bowl, "What time are you leaving?"

"After breakfast."

Su Ho hummed and said nothing.

She wanted to talk to Su Yuan last night, but she fell asleep while waiting and didn't have time.

It was too late to say anything at this moment, so I had to make other plans.

A few people sat together and had breakfast, and Wei Yun went upstairs to unpack his suitcase.

After everything was packed, Chi Cheng received a notice from the airport saying that the flight was delayed for several hours due to weather.

The weather outside today is foggy and visibility is very low.

The flight was delayed probably due to heavy fog.

Su Ho didn't know why he wanted to go out for a walk today.

Originally, she wanted Su Yuan to take her there, but thought that Wei Yun was leaving today, so he gave up.

Unexpectedly, Qin He appeared in front of her after a while, prepared things, brought her a coat, a thermos water bottle, and even a camera, "Take you out for a walk?"

(End of this chapter)

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