Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 170 I, the bastard, failed you

Chapter 170 I, the bastard, failed you
Qin He looked apologetic and whispered sorry.

"When you take someone home, you should have thought that I would never be willing to live under the same roof with her. It's obvious that I have lived there for a long time, but after she came, I was like an outsider. Every day They are all worried and scared, worried that I will accidentally bump into your love, worried that one day I will open the door and see me, what should I do? "

"So I go out early and come back late every day, trying to avoid you all. You didn't even care about me at that time!"

Su Ho's eyes turned red as she spoke. She had thought that if she died, she would have nothing.

So she told Qin He that she didn't blame him for what happened before, and she also forgave him.

But now that she is still alive, those things are still engraved in her mind, so how can she really pretend that nothing happened?

When he took Mu Silan back to Xiyuan, she felt like she was in the same home again.

He watched helplessly as Zhou Wen brought the eldest son of the Fu family back.

Saw them doing that kind of thing with my own eyes.

So she was really afraid that she would see Qin He and Mu Silan doing that kind of thing, and that everything would happen to her again.

She didn't want to go through the pain that Su Yong had gone through, so she had always been worried about Qin He taking Mu Silan back to Xiyuan.

Qin He looked at her with red eyes, feeling very distressed and very upset about what he had done before.

He took a step forward, squatted down in front of her, raised his head and looked at her, "I'm sorry, I didn't take care of you before. I made a mistake."

It was okay if he didn't say this. As soon as he said this, the tears in Su Ho's eyes fell from his eyes without any warning and hit the back of his hand.

Qin He hurriedly wiped her tears while apologizing to Su Ho.

"I'm sorry, I was too stupid and didn't see my feelings for you clearly earlier. It's my bastard who failed you."

Su Ho couldn't stop crying because of his words. He could only grit his teeth tightly for fear of crying.

Seeing her biting his lips until they turned white, Qin He stretched out his hand in distress, "If you feel angry, bite me."

Su Ho was not polite at all, he opened his mouth and bit his hand.Qin He let her bite him and wiped her tears with one hand, "Stop crying, okay? It's all my fault. Whether you hit me or scold me, I will bear it."

Watching her gradually calm down, Qin He continued, "Yes, there was some interest between me and her at the beginning, and I don't deny that I had a momentary affection for her, but I didn't have that kind of love for her. I can't forget my love to the point where I can't get it. If I really had thoughts about her, I wouldn't just sit there and wait for death all these years."

"Bringing her back to Xiyuan to take care of her is also because of the old man's humanity and sophistication. This matter is my fault anyway, so I won't pass the responsibility to others, but Su Ho, I have never regarded you as her , and I didn’t look for her figure in you.”

"One more thing. You asked me before if I had done anything with Mu Silan in our room. I have never touched her because I know your temper. No matter what happens to us in the future, if I ignore her If you really did that thing before you understood your feelings, then we might not have any room left now, and you can never forgive me, right?"

Hearing this, Su Ho cast her eyes on his face. For a moment, it was as if she had never understood Qin He before.

She listened to every word he said and understood it.

But if you put these words together, you will be a little confused for a while.

She had always felt that Mu Silan was special to Qin He.

So special that no one can replace him.

Now hearing him say this in person, it always gave her a very unreal feeling.

Qin He gently held her hand in his palm and said warmly, "Su He, no matter how hard you say what happened in the past, you can't erase the harm caused to you. What I did wrong is what I did wrong. I neither evade nor deny, I admit my mistakes and I can make up for it bit by bit, so can you give me a chance to make up for it?"

Su He opened her mouth to say something, but Qin He didn't give her a chance to speak. He continued, "I didn't figure out my thoughts before. I always felt that no one was the right person, so I messed up things. It’s become what it is now, but now I see my own heart clearly and understand what I want.”

Su Ho looked at him, "What do you want?"

"I want you."

Qin He's eyes were firm and serious, "I couldn't see my heart clearly before, but now I can see it clearly, and I am sure that I like you, I want you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Move forward together.”

Speaking of this, Qin He lowered his head affectionately and kissed her scratched palm gently, "I'm sure the person I love is named Su Ho."

(End of this chapter)

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