Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 173: Taking off clothes is easy, but putting them on is not easy

Chapter 173: Taking off clothes is easy, but putting them on is not easy

"Just yesterday, he actually pushed you down and even hurt you!"

Su Ho: "...Didn't I tell you that I fell down on my own and it had nothing to do with him..."

"You still spoke for him. Many people saw it yesterday, including the young couple who live next door to us. They said Mr. Qin pushed you down!"

Suho: "..."

Su Yuan seemed to be getting more and more angry as he thought about it. He walked around and said, "Thankfully, I thought he was getting better. I didn't expect that he was really like what the doctor said. It was just 3 minutes of heat, and after that, his true colors were revealed." Got it!"

"When he was taking care of you before, I thought he must have discovered his conscience, but now it seems he is just acting!"

As he spoke, he stopped again and looked at Su Ho, "Sister, why do you think he is like this? He is pretending to be a good guy while bullying you like this. What on earth does he want to do?"

Su Ho had a headache from his quarrel, "Why do you care so much? People are free to do whatever they want."

"But during the year when you were in coma, he personally went to the hospital to take care of you every day. Except for the fact that the company was in the hospital, he was never absent for a year. Even if he came back from a business trip in the middle of the night, he would see you first. He …”

"Wait a minute." Su Ho interrupted him, "Are you praising him or scolding him?"

Su Yuan coughed lightly, "I just discuss the matter as it is."

"Then do you want to scold or praise?"

Su Yuan raised his hand and scratched his hair, "It's just... I think Mr. Qin must have had no intention of making you angry yesterday. After all, he doesn't lose his temper very much now, and he didn't even get angry when I scolded him. Apologize to me."

"When did you scold him?" Su Ho looked at him and couldn't help but feel curious, "How dare you scold him?"

Su Yuan was afraid of Qin He before. Sometimes when she was away, Su Yuan would avoid meeting Qin He if he could.

Now you actually dare to scold Qin He?
Su Yuan told the truth about what happened before, "I thought he was taking care of you while contacting someone, so I scolded him. But later, Assistant Chi said that he accidentally connected and handed it to Mr. Qin." , Mr. Qin immediately hung up when he heard it was her."

Su Ho nodded, took the medicine in front of him, and then asked him again, "So what do you want to express by saying so much so early in the morning?"

Su Yuan screamed, "I just want to say that I won't believe him anymore, he actually attacked you."

"Didn't I tell you? I fell down accidentally. It had nothing to do with him."


"What did I lie to you for?"

Su Yuan nodded and murmured in a low voice, "That's fine, otherwise when the fight breaks out, I may not be able to beat him..."

Hearing his words, Su Ho sighed helplessly, "You have nothing to do today?"

"It's nothing."

Just as Su Ho was about to ask Wei Yun when they were leaving, the cell phone placed aside rang.

Seeing the call coming, Su Ho answered the phone, "Assistant Chi."

Chi Cheng's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Miss Su, am I disturbing you?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, should you hang up the phone now?" Chi Cheng coughed lightly, "Ms. Su, then I still have to be shameless and bother you."

"What's the matter, tell me."

"That's right, Mr. Qin has been in the room since last night and hasn't come out yet. I don't dare to go in. He hasn't recovered from his illness yet. If he doesn't adapt to the climate for a long time, big problems will occur. So I think Let me give you some advice."

Now the entire Qin Clan is supported by Qin He. If Qin He falls at this juncture, the Qin Clan will probably be finished.

Su Ho frowned slightly after hearing this, "Do you think I can persuade you?"

Chi Cheng almost called his ancestor, "Miss Su, you are the only one who can persuade me."

Su Ho thought of the two of them breaking up on bad terms yesterday, and hesitated for a moment before responding, "I understand."

Su Ho hung up the phone and called Qin He.

But no one answered after ringing for a long time.

In the end, Su Ho had no choice but to ask Su Yuan to go find him.

Seeing Su He's bad expression, Su Yuan said worriedly, "Sister, you're not going to quarrel with Mr. Qin, are you?"

"I'm looking for someone to quarrel with so early in the morning. You go and find him."

Su Yuan said oh, turned around and walked out.

When he walked to the door, he looked back at her and said, "Sister, please have a good chat and don't quarrel."


Not long after Su Yuan left, there was a knock on the door.

Su Ho knew who it was without having to think about it, so he responded.

Qin He pushed the door open and came in. When he saw her, he explained first, "I just had a video conference with Zhoucheng. My phone was muted and I didn't hear it."

As he said that, he walked up to the window and closed it a little, "It's a bit cold outside today, so open the window less."

Su Ho did not answer his words, but stared at him for a few seconds and suddenly said, "Qin He, come here."

Qin He was stunned for a moment, but still walked over, "What's wrong?"

After asking, his eyes touched her hands, "Have you changed the medicine this morning? If not, I will help you..."

"Take off your clothes."

Upon hearing this, Qin He was stunned, and then said jokingly, "It's easy to take off these clothes, but it's not easy to put them on."

Su Ho's expression was indifferent, "I'm not kidding you, take off your clothes first."

(End of this chapter)

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