Chapter 174
Meeting Su Ho's gaze, Qin He was silent for a while, then raised his hand and took off his coat.

When taking off the shirt underneath, Qin He looked at Su Ho again, "Really taking it off?"

Su Ho's tone was unhappy and he seemed to have lost his patience, "Hurry up!"

The smile on Qin He's face faded a little, but he still raised his hand to take off his clothes.

When he unbuttoned his shirt, Su Ho immediately saw the dense red rash on his body, which looked a bit oozing.

Before, he just said that he had a cold and was afraid of passing it on to her.

She didn't think much about it, after all, it was a bit cold during the two days when he came.

Looking at the red rash all over his body, Su Ho frowned, "Do you want to die here?"

Just as Qin He was about to speak, Su He had already looked away and took the hand on his side to call Chi Cheng.

The answer over there was pretty quick, "Miss Su?"

"When are your and Wei Yun's flights? Book one for Qin He, and you can take him back with you."

When Chi Cheng heard this, he still didn't react, "Mr. Qin is going back to Zhoucheng? Is he willing to go back?"

Su Ho said in a deep voice, "You book your flight tickets first."

Chi Cheng responded, "Okay."

Qin He had already put his clothes back on when Su Ho called Chi Cheng.

When she looked over, she said softly, "Su Ho, can I stay for two more days? Even if you don't let me go, I will go back. You know there are a lot of things going on in the company at the end of the year."

If he goes back now, he doesn't know when it will be until he is finished.

He just wanted to stay with Su Ho for a few more days.

Su Ho didn't give him a chance, "No."

"Isn't it even possible for just two days?"

"Are you leaving? If you don't leave, then I'll leave. You can stay here as long as you like!" After saying this, Su Ho stood up and prepared to pack his things.

Seeing this, Qin He quickly said, "I'll go back."

Su Ho stopped and looked at him. He originally wanted to tell him to pack his things, but looking at his unhappy expression, he didn't say anything for a long time.

Qin He, on the other hand, looked at Su Ho after adjusting his emotions, "You should pay attention to rest during this period. If your hands are not healed, don't get wet first."

Su Ho listened quietly without saying a word.

After Qin He finished speaking, he saw that she had no intention of paying attention to him, so he still didn't dare to speak.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, and finally it was Qin He who spoke up first, "Then... can I come see you after I finish my work?"

Su Ho frowned slightly and was about to speak when he heard him say again, "I'm just here to see you. I won't stay long, okay?"

Su Ho looked away and had no intention of responding to him.

Unexpectedly, he was not annoyed and said to himself, "We'll talk about it when the time comes. Then I... will leave first." Qin He actually wanted to reach out and touch her, but he knew that she would never be willing, so he declined The hand at his side was raised and put back again.

After all, I still didn't want to leave, and I hesitated for a while without making any move.

Su Ho didn't say anything to urge him.

After a while, Qin He said again, "When you were unconscious during the operation, every time I saw you, I was thinking, as long as you wake up, as long as you are fine, it doesn't matter what happens to me, whatever you say is up to me. What."

"But now that you are awake, I have begun to hope that you can give me a chance and let us start over. It turns out that people's hearts are not enough."

He paused for a moment before saying this, "I thought carefully about what you asked me yesterday. You can do whatever you want. I promise you, as long as you are safe."

After saying this, Qin He turned and left.

Su Ho remained in the same standing position, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

Moving some heavy steps, she walked to the wheelchair and sat down. She turned her head and looked out the window, feeling mixed emotions for a while.

She knew she was finally the winner this time and had the upper hand.

It should obviously be a happy thing, but now she is not happy at all.

She never wanted to let herself follow in Su Yong's footsteps, but unknowingly she still walked on the same path as Su Yong. Fortunately, she stopped at the cliff and did not make it to the last step.

But being able to stop in time was only possible with her dilapidated body.

In the past, she was like a piece of fish at the mercy of others, but now she has the upper hand and can take back all the grievances she suffered at any time and anywhere, but she doesn't want to do that.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Looking away, Su Ho moved the wheelchair control aside, opened the drawer and looked at the box in the drawer. He hesitated for a few seconds before taking the things out.

This was the Christmas gift Qin He gave her last time.

Although I was disgusted at the time, I still put the things away by accident.

After opening it, Su Ho was stunned for a moment.

After all, she never dared to dream that Qin He could do such a childish thing.

Each piece of chocolate has words engraved on it.

[I wish my beloved Suho peace and success and all the best. ]
Su Ho stared at these words for a long time. He clearly knew them all, but when put together they seemed very strange.

She didn't know how long it took before she raised her hand, picked up a piece of chocolate and put it into her mouth.

Unlike the chocolate I usually buy that is sweet and greasy, this one tastes better.

She ate all the chocolates one bite at a time.

There was a knock on the door suddenly, and Su Ho answered.

(End of this chapter)

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