Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 183 Just you, only you

Chapter 183 Just you, only you

Several times Qin He wanted to become the guest, but she stopped him with her hands. In the end, he could only let her do whatever he wanted.

When both of them lost control, Qin He took control.

The breath is disordered and the heartbeat is accelerated.

Qin He himself had already planned something against her, and now that she was taking such initiative, he had already reached the limit of his tolerance.

Just when his hand was about to move, Su Ho suddenly stopped, held down his hand, and looked down at him, "What are you doing? Did I ask you to move?"

Qin He was stunned, looking a little helpless. He gritted his teeth and put his hands on her waist politely, looked at her and said, "What about you?"

Su Ho narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You have a beautiful idea."

In fact, Su Ho deliberately wanted to torment him and fan the flames the most, but he refused to put it out and did not allow him to move.

Apart from Su Ho, there is probably no other person who is the most unreasonable person in the world.

He had already lost his temper. He took a deep breath, with uncontrollable emotion in his eyes. His deep eyes fell on her. Just as he was about to speak, Su Ho lowered his head and kissed her again. She came down, but just touched the corner of his lips, and then kept a little distance, "Do you want more?"

Qin He's aura had long been in chaos. She was able to hold on for so long because of her wanton teasing, all because of her remaining sanity.

He stared at her, his tone was serious, his eyes wanted to eat her up, "Yes."

Su Ho raised his hand and wiped it on his face, "Then you are not allowed to move."

Qin He: "...Okay."

It was obvious that Su Ho deliberately started the fire, but did not want to continue.

Qin He held it in to the extreme, and finally couldn't help but turn his head away, "Su Ho, don't do this, I can't help it."

"Don't do that?" Su Ho tilted her head and breathed softly in his ear, "Don't do this? Or don't do this?"

Qin He: "..."

Su Ho just wiped away the last bit of Qin He's sanity before allowing him to take action.

Now Su Ho's body has returned to normal. Although Qin He is still a little worried, he can't care about it at this time.

It was like experiencing this kind of thing for the first time, fierce and eager.

Su Ho couldn't help but want to laugh, but he also cooperated with him.

When a comfortable sigh reached Su Ho's ears, she asked, "Will there be others around me in the future?"

Qin He stopped at that moment and looked at her seriously and firmly, "No, only you, only you."

Su Ho could feel his piety and sincerity.

It wasn't because they were doing this kind of thing that Qin He said it to coax her.

It’s a commitment that comes from his heart.

Next, the two of them let loose, tearing and entangled wildly.

They haven't touched each other for a long time, and now they are completely on fire, and they can't stop no matter what.

The war lasted for a long time, and no one called for a stop.

In the end, it was Qin He who couldn't bear to do it too hard to end the war.

Su Ho lay softly in his arms with her eyes closed, as if she had traveled through space, her whole body still floating.

The cell phone on the bedside rang at this moment, and Su Ho lazily opened his eyes.Qin He gave her the phone.

Su Ho glanced at it and said, "You take it."

The person who made the note on the phone was the aunt. Qin He naturally guessed that it was the aunt who was cooking. She probably wanted to ask Su Ho what to eat for lunch.

Qin He answered the phone and ordered the other party to prepare lunch according to Su Ho's taste.

After hanging up the phone, Qin He threw the phone aside, stretched out his hand to pull the person into his arms, "Shall I take you to wash up?"

Su Ho didn't even want to move now, so he just enjoyed his care with confidence.

After cleaning and coming out, Su Ho put on his clothes.

By the time the two of them had finished packing, Auntie had just prepared lunch.

After making a fuss, Su He finally remembered that Su Yuan and Wei Yun were here.

While Qin He went to the kitchen to serve food, Su Ho made a phone call.

The call over there was very quick, saying that the two of them were watching a movie, eating out at noon, and had other activities in the evening and might not come back.

They are both adults, and since they haven't seen each other for such a long time, they naturally need some space of their own.

Su Ho didn't ask any more questions, just told them to pay attention to their safety and hung up the phone.

She hung up the phone and looked at Qin He who had already set out the dishes.

Suho walked over and sat down at the dining table.

Qin He sat next to her.

The two of them had lunch quietly as if they had never had any trouble.

Su Ho had already developed the habit of taking a nap, and after making such a fuss, he started to feel sleepy after eating and drinking enough.

Qin He picked him up and walked into the room without saying a word.

"What are you doing?"

"Lunch break."

Qin He put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt, "Go to sleep, I'm right here."

Su Ho suddenly didn't know how to answer the call.

Although she just asked the question directly and straightforwardly.

Qin He also gave her an appropriate response, or a promise.

But it always feels so unreal at the moment.

After listening to the video recorded by Uncle Chen, she kept thinking about it.

Should she and Qin He just let it go or give each other another chance?

Because she does still have some obsessions in her heart, even if her head was bruised and bloody before.

But my heart will still beat crazily for that person at a certain moment.

She turned around and looked at him, and after a while she said seriously, "I want to go back to Zhoucheng, but I won't go back to Xiyuan with you."

(End of this chapter)

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