Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 184 I have no problem with whatever you say

Chapter 184 I have no problem with whatever you say
Qin He heard his brows twitching slightly, but did not interrupt her.

"I will not leave when I return to Zhoucheng, but I will not live in Xiyuan, nor will I return to the Qin family. If you really want to try with me again, then we will follow the normal procedures. If during this period, no matter what Anyone who feels that it is impossible to continue, or is tired of it, or a new person appears, can call it quits at any time and end the relationship."

Qin He waited for her to finish speaking, then nodded, "Okay, I'll do as you said."

"We need to talk clearly first, otherwise it will be very ugly when the time comes. I think it is beautiful and necessary. Do you understand what I mean?"

She didn't want to relive what had happened before, so she had to explain some things clearly in advance. It was said that fools make the same mistakes again and wise men never fall in love.

But she is not a saint, just an ordinary layperson.

There are always emotions and six desires, but they cannot be controlled.

So she wanted to give herself and Qin He a chance.

Try again, if it works, then stop the loss in time.

"I understand, so whatever you say is fine with me." He no longer has any big demands.

As long as Su Ho is fine and as long as he can still see her, everything else is easy to talk about.

Su Ho was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, but when he heard what he said, he opened his eyes and looked at him, "You listen to everything I say. Then I said don't let you appear in front of me. Why didn't you listen?" ?”

Qin He said nothing.

After Su Ho turned around, he added, "It's so perfunctory."

Qin He was a little helpless and wanted to say something, but felt that it was inappropriate to say anything now, so he simply remained silent.

Su Ho fell asleep quickly.

Qin He really stayed by the bed.

The first thing Su Ho saw when he woke up in the afternoon was Qin He.

She was stunned for a moment, and then remembered what Qin He said when she fell asleep.

"Have you been guarding here all this time?"

Qin He put down his phone and stood up, taking the coat on one side and putting it on her body, "Are you awake?"

"Well," Su Ho got out of bed and was about to go to the bathroom, but suddenly thought of something and turned back, "Give me your hand."

Qin He didn't know why, but he still waved and handed it over.

Su Ho reached out and shook his hand coldly.

"You go to bed and lie down for a while."

After saying that, Su Ho turned around and went to the bathroom.

Qin He stood there for a while before he realized the meaning of Su He's words, and a smile appeared on his lips.

In the afternoon, the two of them stayed at home and watched a movie.

Although we didn't do anything or talk about anything, it was extremely warm and harmonious.

They had never been as warm and harmonious as they were now in the ten years they had been together.

Auntie made dumplings in the evening. Su Ho thought about it for a long time.

After eating, it was getting dark.

Su Ho stood up, took his coat, and pulled Qin He out of the door.

"Want to drive?" Qin He walked side by side with her, and when asking, he reached out and took Su Ho's hand.

Su Ho glanced at him and said, "No need to open it." The two held hands and walked forward slowly.

After being here for such a long time, Su Ho has actually not been to many places.

On the contrary, when I first came here, I followed Fang Heng and the others to visit the Haicheng Scenic Area.

On the road outside, Su Ho picked up his cell phone and made a call.

The answer came quickly, "Su Ho? Why are you calling me at this time?"

Fang Heng's voice came from the phone, "I'll finish here in about half an hour. I'll pick you up and take you out for some air?"

Fang Heng was a very magnanimous person, and he did not hide his love for Su Ho at all, and he was also generous when getting along with him.

How it should be.

Although Su Ho made it clear, Fang Heng would still show his affection for her from time to time.

She had no plans to do anything with Fang Heng, so naturally she couldn't always leave room for others.

In addition, she was going back to Zhoucheng, so she might as well take this opportunity to meet and say goodbye.

Su Ho said, "No need to answer, just send me your address and I'll go find you and treat you to a midnight snack."

"Okay, then I'll have someone pick you up."

"No need, I'm not alone."

Fang Heng was silent for a while when he heard Su Ho's words, and then said, "Okay, then call me when you get there."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho turned to look at Qin He, "There are shared bicycles in front. I want to ride a bicycle."

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

The two walked forward, scanned the shared bicycles, and rode forward in parallel.

The location where Fang Hengfa came from was not far away, and it only took about ten minutes to ride there.

When they arrived at the place, Su He sent a message to Fang Heng, and then took Qin He for a walk around.

They were just like an ordinary couple.

Holding hands, we bought some gadgets.

In the past, she only had study in her eyes, but later she only had work.

She rarely did this kind of thing like going out for shopping on weekdays.

Especially after following Qin He.

She doesn't even have a social circle, and her time seems to be fully scheduled every day.

Even the clothes are delivered to Xiyuan by the specified store and within the specified time.

Now that he had experienced the normal life of a normal person, Su Ho felt pretty good.

After shopping around, Su Ho went to see Fang Heng.

When they arrived at the downstairs of Fang Heng's company, Fang Heng happened to be surrounded by several people. After seeing Su Ho, he greeted the people around him and walked towards Su Ho.

Fang Heng and Qin He had met before, and now that they met again after a year, there seemed to be a sharp contrast.

"Mr. Qin." After greeting Su He, Fang Heng looked at Qin He and called out politely.

(End of this chapter)

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