Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 185 Want to give me a chance

Chapter 185 Want to give me a chance

Qin He nodded, "Mr. Fang."

The names between the two were polite and distant, but also had a hint of secret rivalry.

Of course Su Ho could tell, but she didn't say anything and chatted openly with Fang Heng for a few words.

"You just finished your work and haven't eaten yet? I heard from Su Yuan two days ago that there is a private restaurant nearby that tastes very good. Come and try it?"

Fang Heng responded, "Okay."

After all, Qin He was someone who had experienced things, and he also knew that Su Ho brought him to see Fang Heng tonight because he had something to say to Fang Heng.

So after ordering, I went outside on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

As soon as Qin He stepped forward, Fang Heng took the initiative and spoke, "It seems I have no chance at all?"

Su Ho raised his hand and poured him a glass of water, "I want to give myself a chance."

The loneliness in Fang Heng's eyes disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then he reached out to take the water poured by Su Ho, "It's okay, after all, I still think about it in my heart. People always have to give themselves more opportunities in this life, otherwise they will regret it later and always regret it. .”

Su Ho nodded, "Yes, it's always a pity."

Fang Heng held the water glass and was thinking about what to say. After a while, he said, "Since you have made the choice that you think is best for you, I can only bless you here and wish you good health for the rest of your life." All the best."

Su Ho picked up the water glass and clinked it with him, "You too."

Fang Heng smiled and nodded, "Okay, we all want everything to go well."

If there are some words, you don’t need to emphasize them over and over again. Just say it in a few words.

After the two chatted, Fang Heng sighed, "Last time I went to the hospital to get medicine for my mother, I met Dr. Lin. Didn't you know that we had dinner together twice in private?"

Su Ho was a little startled when he heard this, "You and Lin Yi?"

Fang Heng nodded, "He said that the two of us should compete fairly to see who can impress you and become the most qualified person to stand by your side. But now it seems that both of us are losers. Only Qin is always the winner in life, and In other words, we were destined to be losers from the beginning."

Su Ho really didn't know that Fang Heng and Lin Yi had said such things in private.

"But you don't have to take it to heart. A man must be able to take things up and let them go. That is a real man."

Su Ho couldn't help laughing at what he said, "Yes, you and Lin Yi are both real men. If you have the opportunity to go to Zhoucheng in the future, I know a few good girls who I can introduce to you."

Fang Heng looked up at her after hearing this, "Are you going back?"

Su Ho hummed, "It's like you said, I'm still thinking about it. Besides, Su Yuan has to stay here to take care of me while I'm here. It's hard for him and his girlfriend to be together because I'm separated from each other. Why?" It’s not appropriate to say anything, so I have to go back sooner or later.”

"That's true. In the past, it was said that distance creates beauty, but in today's society, distance will become farther. No matter what kind of relationship, companionship is the most important."

The two chatted for a while before Qin He came in.

The conversation stopped as soon as Qin He came in.

This meal was a bit more casual.

Qin He and Su He came here after eating, and they didn't eat much.But I drank a lot of wine.

Su Ho was in good health and naturally couldn't drink.

So the wine bottles on the table were all drunk by Qin He and Fang Heng.

Qin He's drinking capacity was actually not as good as Su Ho's, so when it was time to leave, Qin He was a little unsteady on his feet.

Fang Heng also started to sway from side to side when walking.

Su Ho had no choice but to contact Chi Cheng, and then helped Fang Heng contact his assistant to pick him up.

It was already early in the morning when I got home from all the hard work.

Su Ho helped the person back to the room, dragged him and washed him briefly before leaving him on the bed and went to wash himself.

But the most praiseworthy thing about Qin He is that no matter how much he drinks, even if he is completely drunk, he will not act drunkenly, make a fuss, or fall asleep on the bed.

Su Ho still appreciates this.

If Qin He was drunk and misbehaving, Su Ho would definitely kick him out by now.

Su Yuan and Wei Yun came back near noon the next day.

The two looked closer than before.

Su Ho was also someone who had experienced this, so he naturally understood what must have happened last night.

Wei Yun stepped forward and said hello to Su Ho.

Su Ho nodded with a somewhat unclear smile, "Go and rest for a while when you are tired."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Yun's face instantly turned red and he hid behind Su Yuan without leaving a trace.

Su Yuan blocked the person behind him, "Sister."

Su Ho exclaimed, "Okay, you go and clean up."

"Are you going back to Zhoucheng?"

Su Ho nodded, his eyes falling on Wei Yun, "By the way, I have something to tell you."

Only then did Wei Yun take two steps forward.

Su Yuan glanced at Su Ho worriedly.

Su Ho was a little angry at his look, "What's wrong? Can I still eat her?"

Su Yuan then touched his nose and turned away.

After the others walked away, Su Ho looked at Wei Yun and said, "Sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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