"Qin He, if you don't shut up, you will disappear from me now."

Qin He took a few steps forward and reached out to hold her hand. "It's okay that day. I can do whatever I want, as many times as I want."

Suho: "..."

After getting in the car, Qin He still looked aggrieved.

Su Ho glanced at him sideways and had no intention of saying anything else.

As the car drove away, Su Ho kept looking out the window.

Zhoucheng has changed a lot in the past year or so. It seems to be different from the Zhoucheng in memory.

Just looking closely, it seems that nothing has changed.

But in the final analysis things are still different.

After all, many things have changed.

Xu Xu and Lu Hao had almost prepared the place where they would live.

It's just that Suho is still used to using the original brands for some things.

So today she and Qin He went out to buy not only some daily necessities, but also some decorations.

She doesn't like her home to be empty, like a hotel, with no temperature.

Especially now that she lives alone, she doesn't like it when she opens the door or goes downstairs and it's empty with only some cold furniture and nothing else.

Qin He's inner emotions basically digested themselves after arriving at the place.

Originally, he wanted to pay, but Su Ho was unwilling, so he could only act as a bag carrier and follow Su Ho.

When passing by a pet store after shopping, Su Ho stopped involuntarily and stood outside looking at the two kittens sleeping on the cat rack with some longing in his eyes.

When Qin He saw her stop, he followed her line of sight and saw her staring at one of the white ragdoll cats in rapt attention.
"Want to get one?"

Su Ho came back to his senses when he heard this and turned to look at Qin He's face, "Raising a cat?"

"Don't like it?"

Su Ho turned his head again and looked at the ragdoll cat on the cat shelf.

In the past, she didn't have much time to do these things. Most of her energy was focused on work. Even her free time was used to expand interpersonal relationships or get closer to customers and partners for better cooperation in the future.

Nowadays, she doesn't have so many things to do, so she only came up with this idea when she had free time.

She had thought about raising something for fun before.

But I can't help myself.

"Let's go in and take a look." Su Ho looked at it for a while and then walked into the pet store.

There are all kinds of beautiful kittens inside, and each one is very cute.

But Su Ho still spotted the sleeping ragdoll cat.

After communicating with the store clerk, Su Ho held the cat in his arms.

"All the precautions are in this small book. You just need to bring it on time to clean it and so on."

The clerk handed the feeding manual to Su Ho and explained in detail how to take care of the cat in daily life.

After a while, he listened carefully, "Okay, thank you."

After leaving the pet shop, Su Ho's eyes never left the kitten.Qin He suddenly regretted making this suggestion.

Su Ho originally treated him indifferently, but now that he has a cat, all his attention is given to the cat, and he has no status at all.

But seeing her in a happy mood, this emotion was nothing.

It was already afternoon after shopping and shopping.

Su Ho had agreed with his aunt that he would go back for dinner in the evening, so he planned to go back.

When Qin He heard that she was going back, he felt a little reluctant, "I'll take you back after dinner."

"My aunt is ready."

Qin He looked at her and hesitated to speak, and finally could only send her home obediently.

When he arrived at the door, Qin He looked at her helplessly, looking pitiful.

Su Ho really didn't realize that he could have such a side before.

But she didn't relent. She got out of the car and called her aunt to come out and help carry things, "Go back and drive slowly."

Qin He: "...Can't I go in and have a glass of water?"

Su Ho turned around and took out a bottle of juice from the bag carried by his aunt, "Su Yuan bought it once before. It tastes good. You can try it. It can quench your thirst."

Qin He: "...I walked with you for a whole day, but you didn't even ask me to eat..."

"Hey, this piece of bread is not bad."

Before he could finish his words, Su Ho interrupted him and stuffed a bag of bread slices into his arms.

Both requests were rejected, so Qin He had no choice but to give up, "If you have anything, call me anytime. I'll be here on call."

Su Ho waved his hand at him, then turned around and walked inside with the cat in his arms.

Qin He sat in the car and looked at her back as she left without hesitation, and sighed silently.

On the surface, the relationship between the two has eased, Su Ho also gave him a chance, and he seemed to have a legitimate status.

But in fact, he can't even pass the threshold now.

Qin He originally wanted to accompany Su Ho in the next few days, but he was too busy with the company's affairs. He left early and came back late every day, and was only free at [-]pm.

But he couldn't disturb Su Ho's rest. At most, he could only send a video or make a voice chat to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Who would have thought that now that people have finally come back, they don't even have time to meet.

Su Ho was happy to have some free time. During this time, she contacted some of her friends who were pretty good before.

It can't be said that they are friends. After all, their previous interactions were mixed with interests.

To put it bluntly, they are business friends.

But these people are not like those in Qin He's large circle, who are all honest people who work in a small company to earn a living.

Su Ho had no intention of getting involved in Qin He's circle.

She just wanted to find something that could be easier and more stable, so that she wouldn't feel like a waste every day.

As a result, Su Ho became busy.

So the two of them hadn't touched each other for a whole week since they went out to buy things together.

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