Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 190 Su Ho’s cat is different from others

It wasn't until the eighth day that Qin He finally arranged everything in hand, so he couldn't wait to go find Su Ho.

I wanted to give Su Ho a surprise, but when I picked him up, Su Ho was not at home. There was only my aunt and a cat at home.

The aunt knew Qin He's identity, and Su He didn't specifically tell him not to come in. When he saw it was Qin He, he enthusiastically welcomed him in.

The ragdoll cat has a new cat stand and is sleeping lazily on it.
Hearing the noise, he opened his eyes and took a look. The look in his eyes made Qin He feel like Su Ho for a moment.

She glanced at him lazily, then turned her head away and went back to sleep.

Qin He: "..."

"Mr. Qin, Miss Su went out early in the morning. She said she was going to meet some friends and might come back later." Auntie poured a glass of water for Qin He. "I'll call Miss Su and ask if it's better." Do you fight it yourself?"

Qin He took the water glass and said, "You go about your business, I'll drink it myself."

Auntie responded and went about her business.

Qin He put down the water glass, picked up his cell phone and called Su Ho.

The phone rang several times before the person answered.

But before he could speak, Su Ho's voice came over first, "I have something to do here, let's talk about it later."

As soon as the words fell, the phone hung up.

Qin He didn't even have time to say a word.

Looking at the call interface that had been hung up, Qin He had the illusion that he was dreaming.

It seemed as if the two people had been intimately entangled before and the reconciliation was just a figment of his imagination.

In the past two days, he had been thinking about Su Ho no matter what he did. Today he finally had some free time to come over to meet someone, but he failed to do so. He felt extremely aggrieved.

Just then his cell phone rang again.

When he saw the call, Qin He frowned and then answered the phone, "What's the matter?"

"You're not in the company?" Qin Jianliang's voice came on the phone.


"When will you come back? I have something to ask you about."

Qin He was silent for a few seconds, "If you have anything to say, just tell me, I can't go back now."

Qin Jianliang said, "After you finish your work, we can meet in person. You won't be able to explain a sentence or two on the phone clearly."

Qin He responded and hung up the phone directly.

When he put away his phone, he looked up and found the cat staring at him eagerly.

Qin He narrowed his eyes, stood up and walked over.

He stretched out his hand to pull the cat over, but as soon as he took his hand and stretched it out, the cat gave him a paw, and instantly there were a few red marks on the back of his hand.

The aunt happened to see this scene when she came out, and her face turned pale with fright, "Mr. Qin, are you okay? This fruit is usually very docile, why is it suddenly so fierce?"

Qin He also didn't expect that he would be "beaten" by a cat.One person and one cat stared at each other like this for a long time. Finally, Zizi turned around and jumped off the cat stand and walked away in small steps.

Qin He was left standing alone.

Auntie has already called Su Ho, "Miss Su, Mr. Qin caught the fruit. It's quite serious. When will you be back?"

Su Ho was stunned for a moment after hearing what his aunt said, "Who did Guozi arrest?"

"Mr. Qin, I see blood on the back of his hands. He looks very serious."

Su Ho took a deep breath and said, "Please answer the phone."

The aunt turned around and handed the phone to Qin He, "Mr. Qin, Miss Su asked you to answer the phone."

Qin He didn't expect his aunt to move so quickly and call Su Ho.

Looking at the mobile phone handed over by his aunt, he had no choice but to reach out and take it, "I'm fine. I'll just deal with it later. If you're busy, just go ahead and don't worry about me."

"Although Guo Zi has been vaccinated, you still have to go to the hospital." Su Ho paused, "You drive to Xu Nuo and we will meet there."

Qin He originally wanted to say no, but Su Ho had already hung up the phone.


Qin He had no choice but to drive to the hospital by himself.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the hospital, Lu Hao stood at the door and waved to him.

Qin He parked the car, got out of the car and walked over, "Wait for me?"

Lu Peng glanced at his hand first, "The dignified Mr. Qin was caught by a cat. No one dares to believe it."

"Soho's cat is different from other cats."

Lu Peng laughed immediately, "What's the matter? Being caught by Suho's cat is something to be proud of?"

Qin He didn't argue with him, "Su He is here?"

"on the way."

Lu Peng led him to the place where the injection was given, "I saw Suho's cat when she was chatting with Xu Nuo. She looked so docile and cute. Why are you so cruel and scratching you like this? What's wrong with you? Is it a human cat?”

"Probably jealous of me."

Hearing this, Lu Peng turned his head and glanced at him, "Why are you jealous of you? Jealous of your handsomeness?"

Qin He didn't answer his words. When he arrived at the magic circle, Lu Peng said a few words to the nurse, then turned to look at him, "You wait here for a while, they will take you to treat the wound. I'm here." There is another patient, so I won’t stay with him.”

Qin He waved his hand and asked him to leave quickly.

When Su He came, Qin He had just finished his injection and came out.
The two looked at each other.

As soon as Qin He saw Su He, a smile appeared on his face, "Are you done?"

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