Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 230: I haven’t done anything bad, and I haven’t sorry to anyone.

After Xu Nuo entered the ward, he put the food on the table before saying, "Su Ho, let's eat something first. I have a patient this afternoon and I won't be with you later."

After she finished talking to herself, she sat down and started eating.

"It's true that Lu Peng is so vegetarian. Only your portion has pork ribs. Can I have one?"

Su Ho stood up and sat up. Seeing that she had picked up a piece of ribs and started eating, he said, "I haven't agreed yet."

"Then I'll give it back to you?" He said as he put the bitten ribs back into the bowl.

Su Ho didn't answer her words, picked up his chopsticks and ate as usual.

Xu Nuo never mentioned the child from beginning to end, nor did he explain why he didn't tell her about the child in the first place.

After eating, Xu Nuo stood up and tidied up, then turned to look at the person leaning on the bed, "I know you feel bad, and some of your words sound like comfort, but I know it doesn't have much effect. You will still feel sad if you should, so I won’t advise you or deliberately comfort you.”

When she said this, she said, "Su Ho, you are not the only one who is sad. We are all sad."

Su He and Qin He have been entangled for nearly ten years and have experienced life and death. Now they are finally a little more stable. If something like this happens again, their friends see it and feel anxious in their hearts, so they naturally feel sorry for them.

But being sad can't solve any problems, you still have to face the problems.

Su Ho listened to her words and then said softly, "Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you think. I just want to be alone for a while, and I will talk to him later."

Even if they didn't mention the name, they knew who he was referring to.

Xu Nuo nodded, "Okay, I'll go and get busy first. Qin He is being taken to the office by Lu Geng at the moment. If you need anything, just ring the call bell."


Xu Nuo didn't stay long after seeing this, and went to work after leaving the ward.

As soon as Xu left, the calmness on Su Ho's face disappeared in an instant.

The words Qin He just said lingered in her mind like a curse.

"Our children were not saved."

Different voices sounded together.

"Your aunt has one body and two lives."

"Su Ho, are you satisfied? You will never hear his voice again!"

"Su Ho, why don't you die? It would be great if you died!"

"Su Ho, you shouldn't be alive!"

For a moment, Su Ho felt dizzy, as if his brain was going to explode.

There were questions and accusations.

Let her have no way to escape.

Yes, why didn't she die?

Why is she still alive?
She once thought that she would die, and she was even prepared to die at any time.

But she survived.

Since she was allowed to survive, why did she have to suffer this?
Indescribable pain filled my heart so densely that it made me suffocate.

Those words just now were rushing through my mind over and over again.

In the end, Su Ho huddled together in pain, covered in cold sweat.Qin He had no appetite, so he left the office after eating a few mouthfuls.

After arriving in front of the Soho ward, he stood for a long time before raising his hand and pushing open the door of the Soho ward, as if he mustered up the courage.

I originally thought that he would just take a sneak peek to make sure she was okay.

But when he opened the door of the ward and saw Su Ho huddled together, Qin He's heart skipped a beat.

He took a few steps forward and was about to reach out to touch her when he was stopped, "Don't touch me!"

Qin He's stretched out hand just froze in mid-air.


The person on the bed said nothing, but his body was obviously shaking more violently.

Qin He ignored her and reached out to ring the call bell before forcefully hugging her, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here."

Comforting her over and over again.

It wasn't until the body of the person in his arms was shaking less violently that Qin He called her name warmly, "Su He?"

Although the person in his arms was not shaking so much, he remained silent.

Soon Lu Hao and another doctor rushed over.

"what happened?"

Qin He didn't know the situation now, so he just told the truth about what happened just now.

With the cooperation of several people, they first gave Su Ho a routine check-up to make sure there were no physical problems. The next thing was Lu Peng's business.

"You go out first."

Lu Peng turned to look at Qin He, "I'll talk to her."

At this time, Su Ho no longer looked as decisive and calm as before. He looked as if he had been greatly frightened and had not yet reacted.

After Qin He and the others left, Lu Geng stepped forward and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

He didn't ask anything as soon as he came up, he just sat quietly.

After a while, Su Ho took the initiative to look up at him.

Lu Peng was not in a hurry to speak and waited for her to speak first.

Time passed by minute by minute.Su Ho seemed to have no intention of speaking.

Lu Peng was not in a hurry. If Su Ho didn't speak, he wouldn't speak either.

She looked at him and he looked at her.

In the end, it was Su Ho who spoke first, "Doctor Lu, just ask."

Hearing this, Lu Peng's eyebrows moved slightly, "You can tell me everything?"

Su Ho pursed his lower lip, "I haven't done anything bad, and I haven't sorry to anyone."

"Yes, you haven't done anything bad, and you haven't sorry to anyone." Lu Peng agreed.

Su Ho's eyes were dull, "But why do they do this to me?"

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