Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 231 Maybe it’s all fate

Lu Peng was silent for a few seconds, "Maybe it's all fate."

It doesn’t mean that some things will avoid you and not happen if you are unwilling to face them.

Some things you try your best to make happen, but they will try their best to avoid you.

There are many things that cannot be controlled by oneself or by others.

"Why didn't you go with them back then?"

Lu Peng's heart suddenly skipped a beat when he heard this.

He suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, his tone became a little darker for no reason, and he said seriously, "Su Ho, do you know what you are talking about?"

Given the situation in Soho, it is quite dangerous to have such an idea.

When Su Ho was receiving treatment, Lu Hao had been worried that she would have such thoughts.

But the strange thing is that even though her situation was so bad, she never had such an idea.

Even when he took the risk to test it out, Su Ho's reaction was normal.

I thought it was impossible for Su Ho to have such an idea.

When he heard her say this, Lu Peng felt helpless.

"If I die, won't there be so many bad things in the future?"

Su Ho seemed to have not heard what he said and said to himself.

Lu Peng frowned, trying to bring some sense back to Su Ho.

But Su Ho didn't give him a chance to speak at all, "If I hadn't come down to the operating table during the operation a year ago, I could have seen them in person and apologized to them in person for how ignorant I was before."

Lu Peng wanted to interrupt several times, but was interrupted by Su Ho.

In the end, he could only forcefully interrupt her, "Su Ho! Calm down and listen to me, okay?"

Lu Hao reached out and held her arm, "Let's not think about those unhappy things, and try to think about things that make us feel stable, okay?"

Su Ho raised his eyes to look at Lu Hao, his eyes full of expectation, "Lu Hao, you have a solution, right?"

Lu Peng was stunned for a moment, "What can I do?"

"You know what I mean."

Lu Peng's heart sank again and again, "Su Ho, the child's matter was just an accident and has nothing to do with you. You..."

"If I had been more careful, this wouldn't have happened and the child wouldn't have been lost."

He was interrupted by Su Ho before he finished speaking.

Lu Peng finally discovered that Su Ho had taken all the responsibility for this incident on himself.

It is completely useless to force guidance at this time.

She will only get more and more arrogant and feel that everything is her responsibility.

Lu Hao had no choice but to change the topic, "Su Ho, do you know how sad it is for Qin He to be like this? You should also take care of the people who care about you." Once a person who has always been calm, rational and decisive gets into a dead end, It is generally difficult to come out within a certain period of time.

Although Su Ho's condition was serious before, she herself remained sober, calm and rational.

Now her condition seems very mild, but it is actually very serious.

"He is very worried about you. You have made it this far with great difficulty, so Suho, don't think about those unhappy things. Instead, think about things that make you happy. Only in this way will you get better faster."

"I know you're feeling sad right now, but being sad can't solve anything. You still have to face what happened."

"You and Qin He are both still young. You can have another one in the future."

Lu Peng did not deliberately avoid the topic of children as promised.

He raised the issue in front of Su Ho and asked Su Ho to face it head on.

Only in this way can we prescribe the right medicine and let her accept the fact of this matter as soon as possible.

Professional matters are handled by professional people.

Compared to being cautious as promised, Lu Hao's straightforward approach was more effective.

Su Ho was silent for a long time before speaking out, "I understand, please give me some medicine."

If it had been before, Lu Hao would have refused with one mouthful.

But now Lu Hao did not refuse, and directly agreed, "Okay, I will bring it to you later, but this medicine can only be taken once a day, before going to bed at night, and it will be enough for a week."

"it is good."

After a little bit of persuasion, Lu Hao stopped and said, "Then I let Qin He in?"

Su Ho hummed.

Lu Hao got up and opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Qin He raised his eyes and looked over.

Lu Hao walked up to him and said, "Go in."

Qin He sat on the chair without getting up in a hurry. He glanced at the door of the ward and asked in a low voice, "How is she?"

Lu Peng thought about Su He's reaction just now, hesitated for a moment, then reached out to open the door, turned around and sat down next to Qin He, "Her previous condition seemed serious, but in fact she was very clear and rational. Although it doesn’t look like a big problem this time, it’s actually much more serious than before.”

"There is a way?"

"needs time."

Lu Peng frowned slightly, "It's best not to leave anyone around her during this period."

Qin He turned his head and looked at him.

"She just asked me if she had gone with them, or died, or had not come off the operating table a year ago, would the following things not have happened."

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