Chapter 232
After listening to Lu Hao's words, Qin He felt as if he had been stabbed hard by a sharp dagger, and his whole heart shrank in pain.

"I used to worry that she would have those bad thoughts, but after all these years, she has never thought about dying. She even told herself clearly that she wanted to live and live well."

Lu Hao said and sighed, "This incident has had a big psychological impact on her. I will prescribe some medicine for her later. Please put this medicine in your hand. If she can't sleep at night, give her one." , she must not be allowed to get the medicine, and she must not take more."

Qin He nodded, "Okay, trouble."

"You go and stay with her first, I will bring it to you later."

Qin He thanked him again, stood up and took a deep breath before raising his hand to open the door and go in.

When he entered, Su Ho leaned against the bed and didn't know what he was thinking.

She looked up when she heard the sound.

Qin He behaved as usual, walked up and sat down by the bed, "Did you eat just now?"

"I've eaten." Su Ho looked at him for a long time before reaching out to grab his hand, "I'm sorry."

Qin He didn't ask her why she was apologizing, but silently held her hand tightly and said warmly, "When we are discharged from the hospital, how about we go live in the house you rented before? Just the two of us."

"it is good."

"It's just the two of us celebrating the Chinese New Year this year. Let's go outside and see where you want to go?"

After saying that, Qin He suddenly remembered, "It may not be possible now. Your health is not good yet. Let's wait until the New Year is over and the weather gets a little warmer before we go? Let Wei Yun and Su Yuan do the things in the company, okay?" "

Su Ho nodded, "I want to go somewhere farther away."

"Okay, we can go wherever you want."

The two chatted for a while, without saying a word about the child.

When Su Ho fell asleep, the smile on Qin He's face faded.

He stretched out his hand and touched Su Ho's face gently, as if he could break it accidentally.

The emotions in his eyes were so thick that they couldn't be dissipated.

He just stared at her for a long time, then leaned over and kissed her forehead, stood up and helped her pull the quilt, stood up and left the ward quietly.

Walking to the end of the corridor outside, Qin He picked up his cell phone and dialed Chi Cheng's number.

The call came almost instantly, "Mr. Qin."

"The police haven't found anyone yet?"

"I was just about to tell you about this matter. The police followed the surveillance outside to find the suspect. They are now searching for the suspect. They should be able to find him soon. Then they will know who the person who hurt Miss Su is. ”

"I already know."

Chi Cheng was slightly startled when he heard this, "Already know?"

Qin He did not answer Chi Cheng directly, but asked aloud, "Were the Mu family competing for the development rights of the Trade City in the city center two days ago?"

Although Chi Cheng didn't understand why Qin He suddenly asked about this matter, he still answered truthfully, "It's competition, but it's quite competitive. The Mu family is more likely to compete because they have someone behind their backs."

The Mu family is now a bit timid in its development.After finally finding a piece of fat, I must have spent all my money to get the development rights.

If we can win this development right, Mujia Drugs will not be in a dilemma in the future.

"It just so happens that Wei Yun and Su Yuan don't have any big projects in hand. I think I'll let the two of them handle this development matter."

Chi Cheng said, "Are we going to compete for this too?"

"Take it directly."

Chi Cheng almost blurted out the question why, but luckily he stopped in time when he asked, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

After Chi Cheng hung up the phone, he looked up at Jiang Chen who was sitting aside, "Mr. Jiang, how do you know that Mr. Qin will definitely compete for this project?"

Jiang Chen raised his hand to put out the cigarette butt, "I am the only one who knows others."

Chi Cheng: "..."

"Where are the things?" Jiang Chen stretched out his hand towards him.

Chi Cheng turned around and took a document from the table on one side and handed it to Jiang Chen, "Mr. Qin signed it before. Just sign it and it's done."

Jiang Chen nodded, "Okay, I understand, you go ahead and do your work."

Besides Qin, Jiang Chen called Qin He as soon as he got into the car.

It's fast over there.

"I got the things, how is Su Ho?" Jiang Chen first asked about Su Ho's situation.

"That's it." Qin He paused after speaking, "I've signed everything above."

"Chi Cheng said it."

Jiang Chen paused after speaking, "By the way, what are you going to do with Mu Silan?"

"You want to intercede with her?"

Jiang Chen exclaimed, "I didn't mean that. I still know the severity clearly."

Although he was somewhat related to Mu Silan, if he had asked for mercy for what Mu Silan had done, the brotherly relationship between him and Qin He would have come to an end.

Moreover, Jiang Chen had no intention of siding with Mu Silan in this matter. What she did was wrong.

If you do something wrong, you should receive the punishment you deserve.

"That's it, hang up first."

Jiang Chen hummed, "Take good care of Su Ho."

Jiang Chen hung up the phone here, and just as he was about to put down the phone, another call came in.

Seeing the call, Jiang Chen sighed helplessly, and then answered the phone, "Mom."

(End of this chapter)

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