Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 234 Do you like children?

Chapter 234 Do you like children?

Su Ho finished drinking the water and put the water glass aside, "I woke up. Did you go out just now?"

"I answered the phone and went outside to avoid disturbing you." Qin He sat down on the bedside. "Whatever you want to eat tonight, I asked my aunt to prepare it and I asked Su Yuan to bring it over later."

Su Ho shook his head, "There's nothing I want to eat."

After saying that, she turned her head and glanced out the window, "You push me out for a walk. I want to go out and get some air."

Qin He responded, stepped forward to help the person up, turned around to push the wheelchair, took a coat and put it on Su Ho, and then pushed the person out of the ward.

Su Ho was sitting in a wheelchair, as if he had returned to the time when he was recuperating in Haicheng.

She was a little silent. Qin He called her two or three times but there was no response.

Just when Qin He turned around and stepped forward, Su He suddenly said, "I want to go to the small park behind the hospital to have a look."

There is a small park behind this hospital.

Usually some hospitalized children would play there.

Almost all the people at this point are parents with their children.

Qin He didn't know, so he pushed Su He to the small park at the back according to Su He's request.

After waiting, Qin He's expression changed.

Running around, being held in arms, being placed in strollers.

Laughter, crying, and shouting resounded throughout.

Qin He immediately looked at Su He's face.

But he found that she was looking at the scene in front of her as if she was enjoying it.

Qin He said nothing and followed her gaze to the front.

When a little girl was sliding down the slide, she got up too quickly and fell to the ground.

She lay on the ground shaking on her hands and feet, laughing and calling her mother to help me.

"If the baby falls by himself, he has to get up by himself. You are the best, aren't you?"

The girl's mother was squatting aside and talking to her warmly.

The little girl shook her head, "No, I need a kiss and a hug from my mother to be more powerful."

"Then I'll kiss you, and you have to get up by yourself. There are children behind you who want to play. They can't play with you lying here. This is very rude."


After receiving a kiss from her mother, the little girl immediately stood up and dusted off the non-existent dust on her body, "I am the best!"

"Mom, you go over there, I'll go play by myself."

"Okay, be careful."


In the blink of an eye, the little girl disappeared.

Su Ho watched his mother turn back three times, the smile on her face long gone.After walking out of the child's play area, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears.

Su Ho looked at it and couldn't tell what he felt.

Her eyes remained on the woman.

Until the child's father came over, the woman couldn't control herself and threw herself into the man's arms and started crying.

Even though the crying was very suppressed, Su Ho still heard the woman's cry.

"do you like kids?"

After Su Ho looked away, he asked aloud.

After Qin He heard this, he didn't hesitate for a moment, "I like it."

"I do not really like."

Su Ho frowned slightly after speaking, "So I was never ready to have a child from the beginning to the end. I never thought about it in these years. I took measures every time. Before I was completely prepared, I didn't." Plan on it.”

What happened this time was unexpected, the child came suddenly.

Su Ho was almost caught off guard.

When she was entangled with Qin He before, she thought about tying Qin He to her in this way, but she never thought about using a child to tie him up.

Even after they reconciled, she had no idea about the child.

I just feel that the time has not come yet, and some things cannot be forced.

But when she learned that she and Qin He had given birth to a child but couldn't keep it, she suddenly couldn't accept it.

Just like back then, she was looking forward to Su Ying's second child and looking forward to meeting her.

In the end, they were waiting for one dead body and two lives, separated from her by yin and yang.

That child was gone before he even had time to take a look at the world.

Qin He stepped forward and knelt down in front of her, stretched out his hand to wrap her hand in his, and said softly, "If you don't like it, then we won't want it anymore. I will accompany you for the rest of my life. If you suddenly figure it out and want to have a child, if you don’t want to have one, we will adopt one and let her stay with you."

Su Ho lowered his eyes and looked at the person squatting in front of him, "Don't you want to have a child of your own?"

Qin He did not say anything in front of Su He. He said in a serious tone, "I have never wanted to have a child before, because I was not sure enough to be able to give her enough companionship and give her what she wanted, so I never considered it." this matter."

This time Su Ho had a miscarriage, and he had only seriously thought about this issue.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, it's just that he hasn't thought about the person who gave birth to his child.

If it's Su Ho, then he wants it.

He just wanted the child that Su Ho gave him, someone else's, someone else's child, and he didn't even want to have it.

Su Ho stared at him for a long time but said nothing.

The two of them stayed in the small park for a while, and the temperature gradually dropped, so Qin He took them back to the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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