Chapter 235 Making a Deal
In the evening, Wei Yun and Su Yuan brought food over.

The food was made by Su Yuan himself. It is relatively light but rich in nutrients.

"Sister Su, Su Yuan has been stewing this soup since noon. It's delicious. Please try it."

Su Yuan's skills were basically developed when he took care of Su Ho in Haicheng.

Nowadays, all dishes can be cooked to perfection, and the taste is no worse than those cooked by professional chefs.

Although Su Ho had no appetite, he couldn't live up to Su Yuan's kindness, so he still ate a little.

After eating, Wei Yun stayed with Su Ho in the hospital.

Qin He and Su Yuan left the hospital together, planning to go back to take a shower and change clothes before returning.

Wei Yun packed up his things and poured Su Ho a glass of warm water. As soon as he sat down, Su Ho asked, "How is the police investigation going?"

Hearing this, the expression on Wei Yun's face changed slightly, and then he responded vaguely, "I almost have a rough location. I'm looking for him. It should take two days."

"Mu Silan only knows a few people in Zhoucheng, so the police should have no trouble investigating him."

When Wei Yun heard Su Ho's words, she was stunned for a moment. She looked at Su Ho blankly, "Sister Su, know everything?"

Su Ho had a calm expression on his face, "You've been pretending to be so tired these past two days. If I don't cooperate with you, wouldn't I be sorry for you?"

Wei Yun touched his nose in embarrassment, "My brother is afraid that you will be sad, so he has always handled this matter by himself. Don't worry, he is definitely not soft-hearted towards her, and he has not let her go even with the Mu family."

Su Ho heard this and asked smoothly, "What did he do to the Mu family?"

"Anyway, I just... used some tricks to steal the projects they originally wanted to bid for."

This is equivalent to cutting off almost all areas where the Mu family can develop in Zhoucheng.

Two days ago, she said in front of Qin He that it was almost done.

Even for the sake of Mr. He.

But not long after, this little bit of face was no longer of any use.

In fact, Su Ho really didn't think about doing anything to Mu Silan.

After all, people are no longer in Zhoucheng, so those things in the past should be rehashed.

She can be regarded as someone who has been through the gate of hell once, and she doesn't care about those things anymore.

I just want to live a good, peaceful life now, and that's enough.

But the other party still didn't want to let her go and make her feel better.

It's not like she is a very generous person, she still remembers her grudges when it's time to do so.

Especially this time, Su Ho wanted to solve it by himself.

Even if Qin He didn't want to, he couldn't stop her.After everything had been said, Wei Yun stopped hiding and told Su Ho truthfully what had happened in the past two days.

"Mu Silan's life is at stake now. It's not certain whether he can save his life."

When Wei Yun said this, he suddenly said, "I hope she just goes away and it's over."

Mu Silan had also been in contact with Wei Yun before. Although the relationship between the two was not good before, the relationship between Mu Silan and Qin He was there. She also thought that Qin He and Mu Silan would have a relationship. after.

Who could have imagined that it would end up like this.

"what happened?"

Su Ho didn't know what happened to Mu Silan.

She had vaguely heard from Qin He and Chi Cheng that her injury was closely related to Mu Silan.

"Don't you know?" Wei Yun was a little surprised.

Su Ho hummed, "Tell me something."

Wei Yun told Su Ho truthfully what happened to Mu Silan, "I heard that she was already dying when she was sent to the hospital. Mu Sirou even begged my brother when he came, but he rejected her outright."

Su Ho really didn't expect that Mu Silan would end up like this.

As a woman, she had some sympathy for her, but aside from that, the grievances and conflicts between her and Mu Silan always had to find an opportunity to completely resolve them.

Otherwise she wouldn't be able to get through this matter.

Wei Yun just said that she might as well hope that Mu Siwan would just go away.

But Su Ho hoped that Mu Silan could survive.

Just when she was about to say something to Wei Yun, the door to the ward was pushed open violently.

Wei Yun turned his head and looked over, his face changing slightly when he saw the people coming in, "Why are you here?"

Mu Sirou ignored all the unpleasantness she had with Su Ho before and grabbed Su Ho's hand, "Su Ho, I beg you, please save my sister."

Su Ho took his hand out of Mu Sirou's hand and said, "Sorry, I can't save her."

Mu Sirou tried to step forward again, but this time Wei Yun stopped her and pushed her away, "Mu Sirou, I advise you to get out now, otherwise I will call security."

Mu Sirou ignored Wei Yun, looked at Su Ho and said, "Let's make a deal. You ask Qin He to save my sister, and I will give you what I have in my hand."

Su Ho was aroused by Mu Sirou's words, "Miss Mu Er, let's not talk about your sister's situation. Qin He can't save her. Even if he can, what will you give in exchange for the chance to save her?"

"Yours, about you."

Su Ho was even more curious, "About me?"

(End of this chapter)

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