Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 238 It's Better To Die

Su Ho looked at the thing in his hand and felt warm in his heart.

To be honest, she didn't have much interaction with Qin Yang, and they might not even see each other once a year.

But she could do these things for her.

Su Ho was stunned for a long time without speaking.

Qin Yang coughed lightly, "You don't have to be too moved. I'm asking for it for my future cousin-in-law, not for you."

Su Ho came back to his senses after hearing her words, "Then I will keep it for your future cousin-in-law and say thank you to you on her behalf."

Qin Yang snorted softly, "No need to see anyone outside, we are all one family."

Su Ho smiled warmly and said, "Are you going to eat here tonight? Let Auntie prepare dinner?"

"That's for sure. I can still come here in vain."

With Qin Yang here, chatting with him all the time, Su Ho felt that time passed very quickly.

In the evening, Qin He and his uncle arrived home one after another.

The cousin's aunt saw Su Ho's distressed expression and told her to take good care of her and leave the outside matters to Qin He.

Su Ho responded with a full mouth, "Okay."

After eating, Qin He personally sent the person to the door.

After everyone left, he turned back and said, "Would you like Auntie to make something else for you?"

Tonight's meal, Su Ho asked her aunt to make it taste a little stronger.

Because my uncle and his family have strong tastes in food, they follow the guests.

Su Ho ate very little at night, and Qin He saw it.

"No, I don't have much appetite." Su Ho lazily leaned on the sofa, "Qinyang told me today that she doesn't want to study abroad, but wants to work directly in the company as an intern."

"Let you be a lobbyist?"

Qin He actually received a call today, and his uncle asked him to persuade Qin Yang.

"That's not really true. I think it's no worse for Qin Yang to stay at home than to go abroad. Besides, my cousin and the others are older, and they only have a daughter like Qin Yang, so it's better to stay with them."

At this point, Qin He could probably guess what Su Ho meant, "I'll talk to my uncle another day. Just after the New Year, the company's personnel changes will happen, and there will be a lot of vacancies. I asked Chi Cheng to leave one for her."

"I didn't let you go through the back door, let her get in based on her ability, so that she won't be blamed in the future."

Qin He reached out and took the person into his arms, "You are still thoughtful."

Su Ho glanced at him and said, "Don't put a high hat on me."


Su Ho did not argue with him, but took out the lucky bag from his pocket and waved it in front of his eyes, "Qin Yang gave it to me, saying it would keep me safe and smooth."

Qin He's eyes fell on the lucky bag, "The little girl is quite thoughtful, how did you win her heart?"

"Do you still need to be bribed?" "Qinyang was spoiled a little too much by his uncle and the others before, but he has grown a lot over the years and has become more sensible."

"Don't treat her like a girl. You think there are many things that girls can't do. There is nothing that she can't do. She can still do things that men can do."

Soho itself is an example.

Even in the workplace, many men are not as courageous as Su Ho.

Su Ho always does things cleanly and decisively, which is admirable.

On the contrary, there are some men who procrastinate in doing things, fearing the wolf before and the tiger behind, and accomplish nothing in the end.

When Qin He heard what she said, he couldn't help but be curious about what Qin Yang said in front of her to make her speak for Qin Yang like this.

"She said that my cousin and the others are old, and they don't know who will come first tomorrow or the accident, so she wants to stay in the country and be by their side when they need it."

Qin He nodded after hearing this, "I'll talk to my uncle."

In fact, Su Ho also feels that if you want to develop in a good direction, you don't have to go abroad, you can still develop at home.

There is no need to bother with those illusory things.

After talking about Qinyang, Su Ho took the initiative to mention the injury.

She was straightforward and did not hide from Qin He that she knew the truth, "I want to handle it myself."

Qin He was silent for a while, "You don't have to worry about the Mu family. As for Mu Silan, if you want to solve it yourself, I won't stop you, but I have to stay with you, otherwise I won't worry."

Su Ho did not refuse Qin He's request.

At that time, in a hospital abroad,

Mu's father stood by the window in the corridor with a sullen expression. After listening to the person on the phone, he said angrily, "What does Qin He want to do?" Is he trying to kill everyone? The friendship between the Qin and Mu families is not worth it. Last woman?"

The person on the phone was also a little helpless, "Mr. Mu, it is now well known that Miss Su is Mr. Qin's bottom line. Miss Mu did a great job this time, and things happened by coincidence. Who would have thought that Miss Su was pregnant?" , this is not a rush to find..."

The following words were not said externally, but the meaning is self-evident.

Nowadays, no one in Zhoucheng knows that Qin He regards Su Ho as his lifeblood and protects him.

But Mu Silan still goes out to target Su Ho regardless of life or death?

Isn't that just seeking death?

Father Mu cursed and hung up the phone.

Mu Sirou tried her best to help Mu Silan during this period, but in the end she could not find a suitable way to save Mu Silan.

At this time, she suddenly felt that what Wei Yun said made sense.

It would be fine if Mu Silan was dead. If he were alive, he would be exempted from the crime of death and would not be able to escape the crime of living.

For Mu Silan, the situation she would face next was worse than death.

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