Mu Sirou looked at her parents with sad faces, worried about whether Mu Siran could survive, and at the same time she had to worry about the company's affairs.


Mu's father was thinking about whether there was anyone else he could ask for, when he heard someone calling him and looked up, "What's wrong?"

Mu Sirou thought about her words, "I have always thought that Qin He was too ruthless. Regardless of the relationship between Qin and Mu's family over the years, his relationship with my sister alone is not so cold-blooded."

"No matter how good their relationship is, it's all in the past. Now in Qin He's heart, no one can compare to Su He."

Mu's father frowned and motioned for her to continue.

"My sister did not go too far this time, I can only say it was a coincidence. If Su Ho died like this, forget it, but Su Ho did not die, it was the unformed child who died. What a coincidence This child belongs to Qin He."

"What do you want to say, just say it."

Mu Sirou thought about it for a moment before whispering, "Dad, just accept your fate."

Mu's father was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and looked at Mu Sirou without making a sound for a long time.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "Resign yourself to fate? Resign yourself to your fate and give up all my years of hard work, or resign yourself to your fate and give up the daughter I have raised for more than [-] years? How can I accept my fate?"

Mu Sirou's eyes were red, "Dad, we tried our best."

Mu's father waved his hand, signaling Mu Sirou to let him calm down for a while.

At this moment, the emergency bell suddenly rang.

Mu Sirou and Mu's father looked at the intensive care unit at the same time.

The doctor and nurse hurried in.

"Are Mu Silan's family members here? Come and sign."

The doctor's assistant stood and called at the door.

Mu Mu was so frightened that she had no master.

In the end, it was Mu's father who signed in the past, "How is my daughter?"

"Massive uterine bleeding is very dangerous."

After Mu's father finished signing, he took the critical illness notice and went into the emergency room.

During the long wait, two critical illness notifications were issued.

Mu's father seemed to have accepted his fate, his expression and emotions no longer fluctuated.

When he was notified of his critical illness for the third time, Mu's father was already relieved.

Even if Mu Silan is really dead today, it can only be said that her fate is bad.

They did what they had to do.

Zhoucheng is also paying attention to Mu Silan's affairs.

When Chi Cheng learned that Mu Silan had been notified of critical illness three times, he truthfully reported it to Qin He.

Qin He didn't have any unnecessary reaction after hearing this.

Chi Cheng saw this and said nothing more.

As the saying goes, good people don't pay for their lives, but disasters last for thousands of years.

Mu Silan is really lucky.

He was able to survive three critical illness notices.

When Su Ho learned that Mu Silan could survive three times without notice, he admired her perseverance.

If you don’t want to live, you may not survive it.They say people sometimes want to die, but when it comes to dying, they really want to live for a few more years.

Wei Yun handed Su Ho a box of pastries, "People like her are really a disaster for thousands of years."

Su Ho did not discuss Mu Silan's matter with her, but asked her, "Where have you and Su Yuan decided to go?"

Wei Yun shook his head, "He doesn't want to go too far, and I don't want to be around."

"So there's a conflict?"

"Not at all."

Su Yuan didn't want to go too far, but he still missed Su Ho.

Wei Yun knew this, so the two of them still hadn't decided where they were going.

"Yanzhou is nice. It's not far away. The scenery and temperature are suitable. You can go shopping."

Wei Yun heard the sound and raised his eyes to look at her, "Sister Su, have you been to Yanzhou?"

"I've been there before on a business trip. The scenery there is very good and the temperature is comfortable all year round."

Wei Yun nodded, "Then let's go together?"

"We won't hinder your two-person world."

"What's the matter, you always have to relax all year round."

"Speaking of which, I have been relaxing for more than a year, and I have relaxed enough. You and Su Yuan can go, and we won't go."

"Okay then, wait until we come back to bring you gifts."

"It's your business, don't worry about us."

On New Year's Eve, Su He and Qin He returned to Xiyuan.

Just like a year ago, a group of people got together to celebrate the New Year.

"I wish that we can be safe and sound in the future."

"Be healthy and happy."

Su Ho turned his head and glanced at the people around him, "Where are your New Year's wishes?"

The man's hand wrapped around hers and gently stroked her fingers, "I hope we will be together year after year, year after year."

Su Ho hooked his finger back and said warmly, "Okay."

On New Year's Day, Qin He returned to the Qin family's old home.

Su Ho did not follow him, but went to Xu Nuo's house.

"Why didn't you go with him?"

"I don't want to go. It hurts my brain to hear them noisy during the Chinese New Year."

Xu Nuo nodded and agreed, "That's true, but after all, his father is also very powerful. Even though he is old, his charm is still the same as before."

Su Ho looked at her and laughed, "This kind of person will never be able to settle down in his life."

"Well, the Qin family is having a lively New Year this year. The aunt, the little mom, the second brother and the younger brother are all here, so the whole family is reunited."

Su Ho wanted to laugh but felt it was inappropriate, so he could only hold it in.

"You can laugh if you want. Am I not telling the truth?"

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