Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 301: The chance to protect you

Chapter 301: The chance to protect you

Su Ho also drank some wine tonight and looked very lazy.

At this moment, he was lazily leaning on the seat. After hearing Qin He's inquiry, he slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at his face, "Wang Ping? There was a piece of land in the city before. You have been eyeing the project you want to develop for a long time. When bidding, you spent a little more money. In addition, you have talked with those who participated in the bidding before, so no one offered a higher price than me, and the land will belong to Qin. It’s his family.”

Qin He was somewhat impressed by this matter.

But who would have thought at that time that Wang Ping would do anything to get that piece of land?

Even if he goes bankrupt, he still wants to get the piece of land.

But just like Su Ho said, the bidding itself is based on everyone's ability and strength.

Qin He glanced at her face, rarely mentioning past events, "You risked everything for the Qin family before, so you never thought that it would bring you so much trouble in the future?"

"I don't have time to think about the future."

At that time, Su Ho never considered what would happen in the future, or considered what would happen in the future.

Because she feels that it is not easy to live well now, and the future things will have to wait until later.

When water comes, earth will cover it, and when it comes, soldiers will stop it.

There will always be a way to solve the problem.

Qin He just mentioned it casually, and after hearing her answer, he didn't continue.

When they returned to Xiyuan, Su Ho leaned on the chair and fell asleep.

Qin He didn't wake the person up, got out of the car directly, bent over and took the person out of the passenger seat.

When Su Ho was picked up in the air, he opened his eyes and took a look, then found a comfortable position in his arms and continued to sleep.

Qin He raised his foot to close the car door, and walked inside with the person in his arms.

When entering the door, Su Ho suddenly said, "I can handle Wang Ping's matter myself, you don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Qin He paused in changing his shoes. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the person in his arms, but said nothing.

It wasn't until he went upstairs and put the person on the bed that Qin He said, "Give me a chance."

Su Ho didn't react for a moment and looked at him blankly, "What chance?"

"The chance to protect you."

Su Ho's mind turned several times before he realized what he meant. He couldn't help but curl his lower lip, "Do you really want it?"

"want to."

Su Ho raised his hand and traced his eyebrows, "Then please beg me."

Su Ho drank wine tonight. She was clearly not drunk, but it gave people the impression that she was already drunk.

Qin He looked at her, his Adam's apple rolling up and down, "Please, please give me a chance."

"Too dry."


"The way you ask for help is too dry. If you had more expressive expressions and actions, I might..."

Before she finished speaking, the rest was sealed between her lips and teeth.

A kiss that smells like alcohol can easily make people disoriented and lose their focus.

Tangled and torn, the breathing was disrupted and the rhythm was disrupted.The temperature in the room is rising steadily, as if they are melting into each other's bodies.

I don't know when it will end. When Su Ho woke up, the seat next to him was already empty.

She waited for a while and then reached out to take the phone from the side. She glanced at the time and it was almost nine o'clock.

Fortunately, nothing happened this morning.

Su Ho got up from bed, washed up, and was sitting down to eat when Qin He called.


"woke up?"

Su Ho responded, "Why didn't you call me when you left?"

"Isn't there nothing going on in the morning? Get some more sleep."

There were also some subtle movements coming from the phone, probably looking through files.

Su Ho put the phone on speakerphone and put it on the table, "There was nothing much going on in the morning, but it's the first time in a long time that I've slept at this point."

"my question."

Su Ho didn't react when she heard the words. It took a few seconds for her to remember something. Her eating movements stopped for a moment before she answered, "Qin Chu can understand his own problems and make progress."

Qin He chuckled, "At home this morning?"

"I don't have any plans at the moment, what's wrong?"

"Do you want to come to the company?"

Su Ho was stunned when he heard this, "Supervise your work? Or delay your work?"

"That's what makes you happy."

Su Ho refused simply, "I won't go, I want to stay at home."

The past two days have been a bit unruly, and Su Ho felt that he needed a good rest.

Seeing that she didn't want to, Qin He didn't force her, "Then take a good rest at home and call me anytime if you need anything."

Su Ho responded, "Business with you."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho finished eating and planned to walk in the yard for a while before going to sleep.

But I didn't even walk around for a while and promised to call.

"The rivers and lakes are emergency."

"What's the hurry?"

"Do you have time today? Help me Lu Yu on the first day."

"I have time in the morning, but I may not have time in the afternoon."

"It's fine in the morning, I'll bring it to you now."

Su Ho asked her, "So urgent? What happened?"

"Her grandparents are getting divorced, and there's a quarrel at home right now. Lu Peng and I went over to take a look." After that, Xu Nuo lowered his voice on the phone and said, "To tell you the truth, I just want to go to the theater."

(End of this chapter)

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