Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 302: The first thing I considered was her

Listening to her gloating tone, Su Ho said helplessly, "Lu Peng isn't with you?"

"Yeah, that's what I said, what else can he do to me?"

In fact, Xu Nuo is not such an unreasonable person on weekdays. It may be because Lu's mother did too much during this period, which made Xu Nuo sad.

"Just search it and bring it over. If you can't bring it in time this afternoon, I can ask for leave. I have an aunt at home as well."


Su Ho hung up the phone, turned around and went into the house, asking her aunt to buy some food for the children.

"Is Lu Yu coming?"

Su Ho nodded, "Her parents have something to do today and asked me to look after them for a while."

The aunt responded, "Okay, last time the little girl said what she liked to eat, I will go buy some and make delicious food for her at noon."

Lu Yu is cute and cute, and he can also talk. He has been to Xiyuan several times and his aunt likes it.

He should be on the way here when he called Su Ho.

So the promise arrived not long after we hung up the phone.

The car stopped at the door and Su Ho went to pick up Lu Yu.

There was probably a quarrel with the Lu family, so they put Lu Yu down from the car, said hello and left.

Su Ho looked at the car driving away and sighed helplessly.

"Godmother, are parents going to run away for their lives?"

Su Ho couldn't help laughing when he heard Lu Yu's inquiry, "They are here to save lives."

"Who should I save? The prince or the princess?"

" them all."

Save the old prince and princess.

Lu Yu always liked Su Ho. He would follow Su Ho wherever he went all morning without causing any trouble.

While Su Ho was reading documents, she would play with toys, eat snacks, and stuff some into Su Ho's mouth from time to time.

At noon, the aunt specially made small wontons for Lu Yu.

After cooking, Su Ho's cell phone rang when he was about to eat. After the aunt put the food on the plate, she went to the kitchen to bring a bowl to Su Ho.

Lu Yu was probably a little excited when he saw the little wontons he liked to eat, so he reached for his bowl while sitting at the dining table.

As a result, his center of gravity was unstable, and he knocked over the bowl with his hand. The hot soup and the small wontons all fell into Lu Yu's hands. The soup fell off the table and spread on his legs.

When the aunt came out of the kitchen after hearing the cry, small blisters appeared on Lu Yu's hands and the pants on his legs were also wet.

The aunt was shocked when she saw this scene, "Miss Su, Miss Su."

Su Ho was answering the phone when he heard his aunt's voice and came out of the study, "What's wrong?"

The phone is still on.

"Xiao Lu Yu was burned."

When Su Ho heard this, he didn't care about what was being chatted on the phone, "We'll talk about it later, I have something to do here."

After saying that, Su Ho hung up the phone and walked forward.

When he arrived and saw the blisters on Lu Yu's hands, his expression suddenly changed. "Take him to the hospital." Su Ho turned around and took the car keys, hugged Lu Yu and walked out.

The aunt also quickly helped Lu Yu get his coat and followed him.

The two rushed the child to the hospital.

It happened that the person who helped Lu Yu deal with the matter was Xu Nuo's colleague, who also knew Su Ho.

"Why is it so burned?" Xu Nuo's colleague asked while helping Lu Yu treat the wound.

Su Ho said roughly, "There may be some on the legs too."

"Okay, let me take care of my hands first."

Su Ho felt distressed looking at the large blisters.

On the other hand, Lu Yu, apart from crying twice when he was first burned, was sitting on the chair very well now.

It makes people feel even more distressed when they see it.

Su Ho couldn't stand it anymore and turned around to call Xu Nuo.

It's just that after the call was dialed, it rang for a long time and no one answered.

Su Ho called twice in a row but got the same result, and finally had to call Lu Peng.

Lu Peng's phone also rang twice and took a long time to get through, "Su Ho? What's wrong?"

"Are you done over there? I'm in the hospital with Lu Yu now. She... accidentally got burned."

When Lu Yu heard that Lu Yu was injured, he subconsciously asked, "Are you okay?"

Lu Hao knows Su Ho's situation better than anyone else, especially when it comes to children.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put her in the restaurant by herself, I..."

"It's okay, Xu Nuo and I will go there now."

Lu Hao interrupted her and comforted her a few words.

The more Lu Hao behaves like this, the more Su Ho blames himself.

It was clearly her lack of care that caused Lu Yu to be burned, but now Lu Peng comforted her first.

Su Ho stood there and looked at Lu Yu who was treating the wound, unable to explain how he felt.

"Miss Su?"

Seeing that she stood there without moving for a long time as if she had lost her soul, the aunt stepped forward and shouted twice softly.

Su Ho came back to his senses and glanced at his aunt before looking at Lu Yu again.

"There is a gap in my pants on my legs. It's not serious, but it's a little red. I might need to pay more attention to the ones on my hands, and come in on time to change the dressing to avoid leaving scars."

Su Ho nodded, "It's troublesome."


After the wound was taken care of, Colleague Xu Nuo also had a conversation with Lu Yu before going about other things.

Su Ho took Lu Yu and waited in the hospital to promise them to come over.

Lu Yu held Su Ho's hand with his other hand and shook it gently, "Godmother, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt. Don't be upset."

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