Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 303 Is there someone outside?

Originally, Lu Hao's reaction was enough to make Su Ho feel sad. But when he heard what Lu Yu said, tears burst out of his eyes for some reason, and he had no time to hold them back.

Lu Yu was even more panicked when he saw Su Ho crying, "Godmother, I'm sorry, I'm just not in a hurry. Don't cry. I really don't feel any pain."

As he spoke, he waved his bandaged hand in front of Su Ho, "It really doesn't hurt anymore."

My aunt looked on and felt very guilty.

While I feel sorry for Lu Yu because he was injured and worried about Su Ho, I also feel sorry for Su Ho.

I know that she is always very sensitive about children's matters, and she still pretends that nothing happens.

When Xu Nuo came with Lu Yu, Su Ho was sitting in the hospital lobby with Lu Yu in his arms, as if abandoned, waiting for someone to take them home.

Lu Yu's sharp eyes saw Xu Nuo first, but he didn't immediately get out of Su Ho's arms to find Xu Nuo. Instead, he immediately told Su Ho, "Godmother, mom is here."

After listening to Lu Yu's words, Su Ho came back to his senses, raised his head and followed Lu Yu's line of sight.

Xu Nuo also asked Su Ho as soon as possible when he came over.

Su Ho looked at Xu Nuo, a little helpless and a little moved, "Isn't he his biological child?"

Xu Nuo chuckled, then bent down and picked up Lu Yu, "Come, let me see if my baby is brave today."

Lu Yu handed his bandaged hand to Xu Nuo, "I didn't even cry. I'm super brave."

Promise to kiss her, "Baby, you're so good."

Lu Yu's sensibleness made people feel distressed. Su Ho raised his hand and touched her head, "What happened this time was my godmother's fault. I want to say sorry to you."

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and hooked Su Ho's neck, "It's okay, it's okay."

As he spoke, he patted Su Ho's shoulder with his little hand as if coaxing a child.

"Where's Lu Yu? Did you come here by yourself?"

"He went to park the car, and I came in first." Xu Nuo responded, "Did you drive here?"

Su Ho hummed, remembering that Lu Yu hadn't even had lunch yet, "Have you had lunch? Xiao Yu came to the hospital before he had time to eat. He was looking for something to eat nearby. Let's go first. Let’s have some food, kid.”

From morning to now, although Lu Yu had eaten some snacks, they were not filling at all.

"I haven't eaten yet. The house is so busy that I don't have time to eat." When talking about the Lu family, Xu Nuo felt like he could talk about it for three days and three nights.

I'm already old, and I still don't have much to do, it's just for free time.

"Is there really someone outside?" Su Ho couldn't help but be curious.

Xu Nuo shook his head, "It's really hard to say, but I don't think Father Lu is still messing around outside at his age, and based on what I know about him, he can't do such a thing, but Mother Lu Although it is a bit unreasonable and vexatious, it does not happen out of nowhere and makes such a big fuss, so it remains to be seen whether the matter is true or not."

When they left today, Mother Lu was crying, making trouble, and hanging herself at home. She talked about things intermittently, and even after talking for a long time, she didn't get to the point.

However, he insisted on divorcing Dad Lu, but it was too late.Even after all the promises and persuasion, it was of no use at all. Mother Lu also asked them to go home quickly and do their own things, and they would solve their problems themselves.

This man is old and has a bad temper. Once he wants to do something, it is impossible for others to say it. ,
So after persuading again and again, Xu Nuo also gave up.

Love is what it is.

Just when Su Ho called to tell him that Lu Yu had been burned, Xu Nuo pulled Lu Hao and left.

As for them, they can make as much noise as they like.

She also noticed that the more they tried to persuade Mother Lu, the more the fuss became, as if someone was backing her up.

Can lift the roof.

So let them solve it themselves, without them interfering or interfering.

"Then let them solve it themselves. It's useless for you to persuade them."

Xu Nuo agreed, "Just let them toss it, it's getting too bad day by day."

Just as he was talking, Lu Hao parked the car and came in.

Lu Yu saw Lu Peng stretching out his hand for Lu Peng to hug him.

Lu Hao stepped forward and took the person from Xu Nuo's arms. His reaction was exactly the same as Xu Nuo's. He looked at Su Ho and asked, "Are you okay?"

"You should ask your precious daughter if she's okay."

Lu Peng glanced at Lu Yu's face and said, "Baby, you are so brave."

Suho: "..."

The couple's attitude made Su Ho feel very uncomfortable.

Several people had lunch together, promising that they would have work in the afternoon, and Lu Peng also had patients.

In the end, Lu Yu followed Su Ho back to Xiyuan.

Su Ho told Yang Yi that he would not go to the construction site in the afternoon because he had something to do, and asked him to send someone to take a look.

After that, he stayed with Lu Yu at home.

Qin He came back at four o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Yu chatting with Su Ho on the carpet.

He stood at the entrance and watched this scene for a long time, then changed his shoes and stepped forward, bent over and rubbed Lu Yu's head, "Why are you here?"

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