Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 305 1 Yard Returns 1 Yard

Qin He raised his hand and glanced at the time, "No need for now, let's check the situation."

Su Ho hummed and sat aside with his aunt, waiting for the news.

It took almost more than an hour before the door to the emergency room was opened.

The doctor came out and called Qin Yang's family members.

Auntie and uncle greeted the doctor almost at the same time.

"Doctor, how is my daughter? Is she okay?"

The doctor raised his hand and took off his mask, "Ectopic pregnancy, massive bleeding."

These words were like a muffled thunder, which struck several people present without even reacting.

It was Su Ho who came to his senses first, "But she just had an abortion the week before, so it's impossible that she didn't detect it at that time."

The doctor was also quite shocked, "It's hard for us to explain this clearly. This is also the first such special situation I have encountered."

After he finished speaking, he paused, "But it's not like this has never happened before, it's just that the chance of it happening is extremely small."

The cousin and the others couldn't understand some of the professional terms the doctor said next.

But in general, the probability of Qin Yang's situation happening in history is extremely small, and the risk is also very high.

This is also a timely discovery. If it were later, there might be no way to save the day.

Qin Yang lost a lot of weight as his body suffered two such major traumas in a short period of time.

When he came out of the emergency room, Qin Yang's face didn't even have any color at all.

Auntie looked even more distressed.

But this kind of thing can't be done just because you feel distressed. Qinyang still has to get through it on his own.

It was already early morning when I returned from the hospital.

When Su Ho came out of the shower, He Chenzhou was still answering the phone in the living room.

The call was from his cousin, who wanted Qin He to think of a way to find a more professional doctor to look at Xu Hua.

They also saw that if Xu Hua was not good, Qinyang could not be good.

Even for Qin Yang, they hope Xu Hua can wake up soon.
Qin He knew a lot of people, so it was not difficult to find a more professional doctor.

But given Xu Hua's situation, even if he found a more professional doctor, it would still take time to treat him, and it wouldn't be cured just by talking to him.

Su Ho didn't go to the company yesterday, and Yang Yi didn't say anything about Mr. Wang's trouble afterward.

It wasn't until we arrived at the company's Soho that we found out that Mr. Wang had brought people over yesterday afternoon to cause trouble. They smashed up the front desk and slapped a security guard on it.

Su Ho knew that Wang Ping was here for her, but she didn't expect that he would look for trouble so blatantly. "I just said that these people's mouths are unreliable. I told them to stop talking. Why should they make such a fuss about a trivial matter?" Yang Yi didn't take it seriously at all, and in turn comforted Su Ho, "That old boy Wang Ping is a villain. Dezhi felt that he had a backing, so he dared to be so arrogant. Normally, he would not dare to fart."

When Yang Yi raised his head while speaking, Su Ho discovered that there was a wound on the side of his face, "What's wrong with your face?"

Yang Yi yelled, "Can you tell me that my wife caught you?"

Su Ho narrowed his eyes and said, "Then this sister-in-law is really awesome. If I have the chance to meet her, I have to learn from her."

Yang Yi screamed, "Don't, don't, don't learn. It's scary to learn this thing."

"Did you take action yesterday?"

Yang Yi hissed, "That bitch has a dirty mouth. I don't want to educate him so that he can behave properly. But I didn't expect that he couldn't stand firm at that time and let others take advantage of him."

Yang Si felt his head hurt when he thought about what happened yesterday.

Originally, those people couldn't do anything to him. Even though he had gained weight by eating and drinking, he certainly wasn't very flexible with his hands.

But after all, he was this tall, and he was still very good at it when he was young, and those people were not enough to look at him in front of him, but at that time he came too hard, staggered, could not stand still, and swayed, and that bitch took advantage of him. Human danger gave him a punch.

Although in the end they did not take advantage of becoming bigger.

"This matter happened because of me. I will solve it without causing any trouble to the company."

Yang Yi was about to speak, but was interrupted again by Su Ho, "We agreed when we first started, one code will be one code."

Seeing how determined she was, Yang Yi opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a while, he said, "Su Ho, I don't blame you for Wang Ping. I do value that project very much, but I don't have to do it, so you don't have to feel pressure. There are some things that he likes no matter how much he likes them." If it belongs to you, then don’t want it, do you understand what I mean?”

Su Ho naturally understood what he meant.

But what happened to Wang Ping was all because of her.

So it's up to her to resolve this matter.

Su Ho finished his business in the company in the morning and left the company before lunch.

When we got downstairs, Jiang Xing had already arrived.

Seeing Su Ho walking towards him, he said, "Sister Su."

Su Ho nodded, "Get in the car and talk."

Jiang Xing was busy during this period of time and received a call from Su Ho just as he was having a rest today.

He was able to develop so smoothly now, and he knew very well that it was all because of Su Ho.

Now that Su Ho could find him, Jiang Xing would naturally do his best.

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