Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 306 Why don’t we come over and see her beauty together?

"Sister Su, you've been so busy these days that you haven't seen anyone. I had dinner with Su Yuan and the others two days ago and I said I haven't seen you in a long time. Why are you busier at work now than before?"

Su Ho responded, "It's okay. I've just been on the construction site, running around here and there."

Jiang Xing exclaimed, "Sister Su, you should pay attention to your health now and don't work as hard as before."

As he spoke, he glanced at Su He's face, "Su Yuan is stable now. With him here, he won't let you suffer in the future. And now I heard from him that Mr. Qin is also very good to you, so you don't have to Make yourself so tired."

"Be busy with something and be fulfilling. You want me to stay at home all the time so that I don't get into trouble."

Jiang Xing smiled and said, "That's true."

Su Ho's personality and temper were not suitable for someone who stayed at home and did nothing.

If she doesn't find something to do, she can really get into trouble.

After the car drove away, Jiang Xing brought the topic back, "Sister Su, why are you looking for me?"

Su Ho adjusted his sitting posture and asked, "Are the brothers you were with before still in contact with each other now?"

Jiang Xing understood as soon as he heard this, "Yes, we brothers often get together now. Although we are doing serious things now, we are still the same in our hearts. The most important thing is loyalty in doing things."

Su Ho took out a card from his bag and handed it to Jiang Xing, "Use this money to treat the brothers to a meal tonight."

Seeing this, Jiang Xing quickly pushed the card back, "Sister Su, you're out of sight like this."

Su Ho put it directly on the car, "Jiang Xing, I didn't have an affair with you. If I really had an affair with you, I would just find someone else."

"But Sister Su, you have already helped me a lot. Isn't it right for me to do something for you? Besides, it's just a matter of raising your hand. Why should you..."

"One yard for another, take it and treat it like I'm treating you to a meal with your brothers."

Jiang Xing knew that if the stalemate continued like this, Su Ho might actually find someone else to work for.

So he accepted it generously, "Okay, I'll accept it for the brothers."

Seeing that he collected the card, Su Ho told the matter.

"Wang Ping? Do you have any photos?"

Su Ho flipped through his phone for a long time before pulling out a side view of Wang Ping, "This is the only one."

She found this photo in the company group.

She didn't read the group messages yesterday, so she didn't know what happened.

I just took a look at the tragic scene yesterday when I was looking for photos.

Although it almost returned to its original appearance overnight, obvious changes can still be seen.

"Okay, Sister Su, what do you want to do?"

Su Ho didn't intend to do anything fatal to Wang Ping.What happened in the company yesterday is to be staged in Wang Ping's company intact.

By the way, he invited his wife over to watch the excitement, that's all.

When Wang Ping was doing well in the past, his wife took advantage of him.

But then he went bankrupt because of the bidding, and then his wife's family got married, so Wang Ping relied on his father-in-law and mother-in-law to stand up again. To put it bluntly, Wang Ping can make a comeback now because his wife has contributed a lot.

If she were to know that the man she was devoted to had a lot of lovers outside, then Wang Ping's end might be even more miserable than losing her entire family when she made the bid.

After all, no woman would accept a man's betrayal after giving her all.

Throughout history, this kind of thing has always ended miserably, without exception.

Moreover, Wang Ping's wife is also a ruthless person, decisive and never dragging her feet.

So once she knew that Wang Ping had betrayed her, it was naturally impossible to forgive Wang Ping easily.

Su Ho and Jiang Xing took Wang Ping's company downstairs, but she didn't get out of the car. "You take the brothers in first. I'll come up a few minutes later to wait for someone."

Jiang Xing nodded, "Okay."

After Jiang Xing led the people in, Su Ho picked up his cell phone and made a call.

The phone rang several times before the other party answered.

A very cold female voice came, "Hello, who are you?"

"Hello, Mrs. Jiang, I'm Su Ho."

The other party was obviously stunned when he heard the name, and even asked in a somewhat uncertain tone, "Su Ho?"

"Yes, maybe you know me, or you heard my name from your husband not long ago."

Mrs. Jiang smiled and said, "Miss Su, I have long admired your name."

"I wonder if Mrs. Jiang has time to come over and watch a good show now."

"Whatever Miss Su wants to say, you might as well say it directly. I don't like to beat around the bush."

Su Ho just likes such cheerful people, "I'm downstairs at Wang's head office now. I heard that the people around Mr. Wang are very beautiful. Why don't Mrs. Jiang come over and have a look together?"

Mrs. Jiang's tone changed obviously because of Su Ho's words, "Okay, since Miss Su invites you, if I don't come, I won't give Miss Su face."

"Mrs. Wang's face is not for me, but for the beauty next to Mr. Wang."

"That's right. I'll see you later."

"it is good."

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